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There are many different arguments against the Minimum Wage. One less prominent criticism of the idea is the fact that it restricts entrepreneurship: especially from those with low incomes. It is worth conceptually exploring how this happens. To begin with, when a Minimum Wage is instituted, there are layoffs.
Jeff Sessions’ War on Personal Freedom
At a recent press conference, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said: “If you want to collect a drug debt you can’t file a lawsuit in court.” This was an attempt to justify his May 12th memo instructing federal prosecutors to pursue the strongest possible sentences for drug offenders, including non-violent ones.
Understanding Richard Spencer’s Holodomor Denial
Freed 28 Years Early, Chelsea Manning Can Finally Go Home
No Prison Could Ever Hold Chelsea Manning
The Abolition Of Rulership Or The Rule Of All Over All
This piece is the lead essay in the June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: “Anarchy and Democracy.” Fighting over the definitions of words can sometimes seem like a futile and irrelevant undertaking. However, it’s important to note that whatever language gets standardized in our communities shapes what we can talk and think about.
June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: Anarchy and Democracy
“Nice Cops”
When Concerns Of Cultural Appropriation Risk Supporting Intellectual Property
Film Review: Bitter Harvest
Bitter Harvest. Directed by George Mendeluk (Devil’s Harvest Production, 2017). Running time: 103 minutes. Bitter Harvest is a recently released wartime romance, set during the state-induced Ukrainian famine of 1932-33: otherwise known as the Holodomor. Directed, written, and funded by members of the Ukrainian diaspora, it was filmed on location in Ukraine during the Euromaidan protests.
Against The Pull Of Simplicity & Disconnect
Review: Journey to Earthland, by Paul Raskin
Lessons from the Practice of Basic Income
Agency and Other Anarchist Themes In Paul Goodman’s Work
Perhaps the most important characteristic Goodman shares with the other “anarchists without adjectives” in this series is his high regard for human agency, and his primary focus on the way actual human beings assert that agency in interacting with their environment. Read Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study on Goodman here!
Deleuze, Guattari and Market Anarchism
Postmodern Philosophy and Market Anarchism: Allies or Enemies?
We Are Not Disposable! Building Alternatives To Prisons