These are dangerous and unpredictable times. Ten years after the global financial meltdown the world economy still isn’t fixed. After decades of promoting globalisation, which has produced only...

More than two months of protests continue in Venezuela

The principle of enantiadromia says that culminating processes revert into their opposite like a yin-yang. This is a force that's certainly at work in Venezuela today as the Bolivarian Revolution...

This article looks at the recent wave of community protests in South Africa with a focus on the case of Freedom Park in Soweto

Oliver Steel strike demonstration, Pittsburgh, 1911-12

A timeline of strikes led supported by the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States 1905-1920.


Einstein the socialist

Extract from an article written by legendary physicist and socialist Albert Einstein in 1949 explaining the capitalist system and its inherently flawed nature.


Kanno Sugako

A short prison diary kept by Japanese anarchist feminist Kanno Sugako, prior to her execution on 25 January 1911 for her part in a plot to assassinate the Emperor. She was the only woman to ever...