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How Expr3ss! built a $6 million business from a six-minute survey

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Carolyne Burns had a job to fill and a stack of applications.   

"I didn't have the time to read CVs but I needed to find people to fit the projects and culture," she says.

That was 1999 and led to Burns starting predictive hiring technology business Expr3ss!.

The business is based on an online survey that takes job applicants on average six minutes to fill out.

"It's software that solves staff selection," Burns says. "It eliminates the need to read hundreds of CVs and cuts staff turnover".

Close to the brink

What started out as two people, Burns and her business partner psychotherapist Glyn Brokensha, is now a company that has 12 staff with revenue of just under $6 million a year.


Expr3ss! counts Beacon Lighting, Krispy Kreme and Nando's as its clients.

But Burns says the business came very close to the brink after she had to sell her house and her car to finance it.

"I got down to my last $10,000," she says. "I'd backed myself, I'd sold everything. I was in my mid-40s, I wasn't a young person."

Recruiters weren't interested in Expr3ss! But Burns maintained her belief that what she had created was useful.

"I put an application in for a job and I never heard from the recruiter," she says. "That same week we got an inquiry over the internet from a customer. Spend-Less Shoes popped up on the website, I picked up the phone, within a couple of days I signed it off and we haven't looked back since."

Personality testing problems

Personality testing for recruitment has attracted criticism with Robert Spillane of the Macquarie Graduate School of Management who argues in The Conversation that workplaces must resist the "cult" of personality testing.

You have to adopt to technology otherwise you will not be able to grow and ramp up fast.

Carolyne Burns

He cites a survey of  8000 people which found 44 per cent regarded personality tests as personally invasive.

"Faking on self-report personality tests cannot be avoided, although the important issue is the low validities of personality tests for predicting job performance," Spillane says.

But Burns says the Expr3ss! checklist is more of an empirical assessment of temperament, rather then personality.

"The result of applying it to staff selection over more than 10 years and in companies of all sizes and complexities speak for themselves in improved productivity, staff retention and teamwork," she says.  

Ramping up with technology

Burns was one of the keynote speakers at the Salesforce World Tour event in Sydney on Tuesday and credits the sales platform with powering Expr3ss!'s expansion.

"We've had phenomenal growth and you don't get phenomenal growth without planning," Burns says.

As the business co-founder Burns says a lot of the essential information about customers and processes was in her head, which was a problem when she tried to expand Expr3ss!.

"I found myself over and over again sharing that information with my team and I needed a way of capturing that information and sharing it," she says. "That's when Salesforce came into play.  It's been really helpful for visibility and for getting insights."

Burns says technology is essential to enable her small business to service big business clients.

"I think it's scary for an SME," she says. "It's scary to invest in technology, there's a fear that it will cost a lot of money. But you have to adapt to technology otherwise you will not be able to grow and ramp up fast."

Technology has also thrown new competitors at Expr3ss!, with the growing importance of LinkedIn in recruitment. 

"LinkedIn uses a different technology that is still very much skilled-based," Burns says. "What we have done instead is we have the skills but also the attitudes. It's a saying that you hire on skills but fire on attitudes. We say 'Let's get a look at the skills and attitudes up front'." 

Defying the stereotype

Burns doesn't fit the stereotype of a successful tech entrepreneur and she's well aware of that. 

"I'm an older woman in an IT environment and that's pretty foreign," she says. "When you're in your late 50s it's a little different."

Burns says the majority of people in tech are young and male.

"When you're down and out nobody wants to know you," she says. "It's not until you become successful that people want to know you. There's a fashion that you have to be young to be an entrepreneur. The beauty of life experience of older people is they can bring that to bear in technology." 

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