5 June 2017

Study: The ultra-rich hide 25 percent of their wealth in tax havens

By Gabriel Black, 5 June 2017

A new report by economist Gabriel Zucman argues that global inequality is significantly worse than shown in official estimates because of rampant tax evasion by the financial elite.

UK security services knew of Manchester suicide bomber’s ISIS connections

By Robert Stevens, 5 June 2017

Salman Abedi was in contact with a Libyan Islamic State (IS) battalion whose members were involved in planning the 2015 Bataclan nightclub attack.

Explosion kills, wounds dozens at pop concert in Manchester

After Trump’s withdrawal from Paris accord
Democrats step up campaign on White House-Russia ties

By Barry Grey, 5 June 2017

Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate accord has intensified the foreign policy conflict at the heart of the political warfare over alleged White House “softness” toward Russia.

Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris agreement: The socialist solution to climate change

The Great Unraveling: The crisis of the post-war geopolitical order

Study shows massive growth of political abstention in 2016 US election

More on the Trump presidency »

At least 14 arrested in Portland as police suppress anti-Trump protest

By Evan Blake, 5 June 2017

Both right-wing and anti-Trump protests were held in Portland on Sunday, in the wake of the May 26 stabbing death of two individuals in Portland by Jeremy Joseph Christian.

“This is a new world we’re seeing with Betsy DeVos”
Detroit-area charter school shuts doors, leaves teachers unpaid

By Debra Watson, 5 June 2017

Teachers at the Southfield, Michigan school learned only last week that Renaissance, which calls itself a school turn-around specialist, has run out of money.

Almost 10,000 Detroit households face water shutoff

Indebted New York City Housing Authority plans to lease public housing land to private developers

By Katy Kinner, 5 June 2017

Plans for luxury housing to be built on NYCHA property in Manhattan will leave hundreds of prospective low-income tenants in “affordable” units without sunlight.

Mylan may have overcharged US government by $1.27 billion

By Brad Dixon, 5 June 2017

Between 2006 and 2016, Mylan Pharmaceuticals misclassified its EpiPen Auto-Injector, used to treat anaphylaxis due to allergic reactions, as a generic product instead of a branded product.

Puerto Rican governor proposes austerity budget

By Rafael Azul, 5 June 2017

The budget slashes education, pensions and social services in line with the dictates of Wall Street.

British Columbia NDP secures Greens’ support to form minority government

By Roger Jordan, 5 June 2017

Apart from a few cosmetic changes, a Green-supported NDP government will continue to impose the austerity program of big business.

Socialist Equality Party forum discusses agenda behind Australian Education Union sell-out deal

By our reporter, 5 June 2017

A clear relationship exists between the anti-democratic, bureaucratic tactics employed by the AEU to obtain a majority “yes” vote and the regressive, pro-market content of its 2017 agreement.

“Catastrophic failure” of regulators led to black lung among Australian miners

By Oscar Grenfell, 5 June 2017

Queensland authorities failed to look for, or properly identify, coal miners’ pneumoconiosis for more than 30 years.

New in French

La France et l’Allemagne utilisent la sortie des États-Unis de l’accord sur le climat pour leurs intérêts géopolitiques

Par Peter Schwarz, 5 juin 2017

Merkel et Macron cherchent à faire de l’UE une puissance mondiale capable de rivaliser avec les États-Unis à la recherche de nouveaux marchés, de nouvelles possibilités d’investissement et d’une influence stratégique.

La solution socialiste au changement climatique

Par Bryan Dyne, 5 juin 2017

Une réponse sérieuse aux dangers que pose le réchauffement de la planète est impossible dans le cadre du capitalisme et du système d'États-nations.

La CGT arrête la grève des transporteurs de matières dangereuses

Par Francis Dubois, 5 juin 2017

La CGT met fin sans justification à une grève d'une semaine ayant perturbé l'approvisionnement en carburant, montrant au gouvernement sa volonté de le ménager.

Une réunion publique du PES discute comment aller de l'avant dans la lutte contre Macron

Par Kumaran Ira, 5 juin 2017

Un mois après sa élection, l'action a confirmé la justesse de la ligne politique du PES, qui a appelé à un boycott actif au second tour des présidentielles.

La mairie de Paris menace d’interdire le festival Nyansapo

Par Olivier Laurent, 5 juin 2017

La semaine dernière fut l’occasion d’une nouvelle démonstration de l’alignement sur l’extrême-droite des partis de gouvernement français.

New in Russian

Немецкий профессор Баберовски разъясняет свои крайне правые взгляды

Петер Шварц, 3 июня 2017 г.

В интервью газете Neue Zürcher Zeitung профессор берлинского Университета имени Гумбольдта Йорг Баберовски выражает недовольство «культурной гегемонией левых» и призывает к «отмене табу» на взгляды крайне правых.

New in Turkish

Almanya Asya’ya dönüyor

Johannes Stern, 3 Haziran 2017

Almanya’nın hedefi, bu patlamaya hazır bölgeye müdahale etmek; jeostratejik ve ekonomik çıkarları peşinde koşmaktır.

Raoul Peck’in Genç Karl Marx filmi

Peter Schwarz, 3 Haziran 2017

Film, eksik yönlerine rağmen, gençleri Marksizmi incelemeye teşvik etmesi durumunda, önemli bir görevi yerine getirmiş olacaktır.

New in German

Rolle rückwärts: Die Krise der geopolitischen Nachkriegsordnung

Von Alex Lantier, 3. Juni 2017

Die rasanten diplomatischen Verschiebungen seit Trumps Europa-Besuch spiegeln die Auflösung der Institutionen wider, die Jahrzehnte lang die Weltpolitik geprägt haben.

Klimapolitik und Weltmachtpolitik

Von Peter Schwarz, 3. Juni 2017

Merkel und Macron nutzen Trumps Rückzug aus dem Klimaabkommen, um die EU zu einer Großmacht aufzubauen, die mit den USA um globale Märkte, Investitionsmöglichkeiten und strategischen Einfluss konkurrieren kann.

Trump verkündet Rückzug aus Pariser Klimaschutzabkommen

Von Daniel de Vries, 3. Juni 2017

Die US-Regierung verabschiedet sich selbst von den äußerst moderaten Zielen für die Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen. Hintergrund der Entscheidung sind die wachsenden Konflikte zwischen den Großmächten und die schwere innenpolitische Krise der USA.

Jörg Baberowski verliert in allen Punkten gegen Bremer Studierende

Von Sonja Bach und Christoph Vandreier, 2. Juni 2017

Der Professor der Berliner Humboldt-Universität ist mit seinem Versuch gescheitert, Kritik an seinen rechtsradikalen Standpunkten gerichtlich verbieten zu lassen.

Neues Betriebsrentengesetz: Ein Geschenk an Unternehmer und Gewerkschaftsfunktionäre

Von Marianne Arens, 3. Juni 2017

Am 1. Juni hat der Bundestag Andrea Nahles‘ neues Gesetz zur Betriebsrente verabschiedet. Es stärkt vor allem Versicherungen und börsennotierte Pensionfonds.

Wahl zur französischen Nationalversammlung
Mélenchon sucht Nähe zu Macron

Von Kumaran Ira, 3. Juni 2017

Jean-Luc Mélenchon fällt als Oppositionsführer gegen Präsident Emmanuel Macron aus.

New in Urdu

سری لنکا کے وزیر اعظم نے امریکی اتحادیوں کے ساتھ تعلقات کو مزید تقویت دی ہے

11 May 2017

اسکے باوجو د کہ سری لنکا کو چین کی سرمایہ کاری کی اشد ضرورت ہے لیکن وہ ابھی تک ایشیاء میں امریکی قیادت میں فوجی اقدامات کا اتحادی ہے

Other Languages


Official account of London terror attack unravels

5 June 2017

Within 24 hours of Saturday’s terror attack at London Bridge, the official narrative presented by British Prime Minister Theresa May has begun to fall apart.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party stands candidates in German election: Against militarism and war! For socialism!

By Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party of Germany), 5 June 2017

At the centre of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP) election campaign is a socialist programme directed against war and capitalism and expressing the interests of the working class and youth all over the world.

Floods in Sri Lanka: Government responsible for another social disaster

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 5 June 2017

The deaths and human suffering are results of the callous disregard for the lives of ordinary people by successive governments dedicated to defending the profit system.

Socialist Equality Party (UK) public meetings
The class issues in Britain’s snap election: Austerity, dictatorship and war

19 May 2017


Evergreen College professor harassed, slandered as racist for opposing “exclusion day” on campus

By Genevieve Leigh, 5 June 2017

After speaking out against a campus event in which all white students and faculty were “invited” to leave campus, Bret Weinstein was denounced by a group of students who have called for his resignation.

Shangri La Dialogue: US Defence Secretary, Australian PM threaten North Korea, China

By Peter Symonds, 3 June 2017

Professor Jörg Baberowski loses on all counts in suit against University of Bremen students

By Sonja Bach and Christoph Vandreier, 3 June 2017

More on the fight for historical truth »

The issues of political principle in the UK general election

By the Socialist Equality Party (Britain), 2 June 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 5-11: Horror on the Western Front

5 June 2017

The Great War, which brought forth the Russian Revolution, continues to rage. In one moment on the Western Front, some 10,000 men and boys are killed or buried alive when the British detonate explosives under German trenches at Messines.

From the archives of the Revolution
Speech at a Session of the Petrograd Soviet on reports by the socialist ministers

By Leon Trotsky, 27 May 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


The case of punk duo PWR BTTM: The erosion of democratic rights in pop culture

By Norisa Diaz, 5 June 2017

The New York-based band has been banished from the music industry following social media allegations of sexual assault, undermining the long-standing legal principle that the accused is presumed “innocent until proven guilty.”

Silence in the Courts—a film about judicial corruption in Sri Lanka

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 3 June 2017

Barry Levinson’s The Wizard of Lies on HBO: The tame, New York Times’ version of the Madoff scandal

By David Walsh, 1 June 2017

Netflix’s War Machine: A hard-hitting attack on America’s military madness

By Joanne Laurier, 30 May 2017


Political lessons of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre in China

By James Cogan, 5 June 2017

Each year, the Stalinist regime mobilises its police state apparatus to prevent any commemoration of the massacre, which was aimed at suppressing a potentially revolutionary movement of the Chinese working class.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Statement of Mitch Abrams, International Youth and Students for Social Equality representative on the EMU student government
Defend the Eastern Michigan University part-time lecturers!

5 June 2017

The IYSSE calls on students to fight to mobilize the working class to defend part-time lecturers and the social right to high-quality public education.

International Youth and Students for Social Equality member wins student senate seat at New York University

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »

The Flint Water Crisis

Poisoned Water: “NOVA” science series broadcasts segment on Flint water crisis

By James Brewer, 3 June 2017

Watch: “If they can poison the people of Flint, they can poison anyone!”

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the WSWS on Facebook.

Watch: Anger erupts at Flint City Council meeting

Three years after the lead poisoning of Flint, residents face water shutoffs, home foreclosures

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

What we have said:
The World Socialist Web Site and the Maruti Suzuki workers

By Usman Khan, 3 June 2017

Sri Lanka: SEP holds meeting and picket in Hatton for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 27 May 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 5: Judge Goyal mangles the law to sustain the legal vendetta

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 18 May 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Workers Struggles

Quebec government adopts law to break construction workers’ strike

By Roger Jordan, 31 May 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Ex-Amazon worker in Spain speaks out: “My life has been destroyed by Amazon”

By Eric London, 2 June 2017

Thirty-year-old José Antonio Rueda Bermudez’s horror story shows how Amazon’s temporary workforce is exploited and abandoned by the corporate giant.

Amazon ordered employee to work despite heatstroke risk, sought to cover up incident

Socialist Equality Party launches International Amazon Workers Voice newsletter

By the Socialist Equality Party, 24 May 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Mehring Books

Mehring Books launching June sale

1 June 2017

Limited time opportunity for big savings.


Zbigniew Brzezinski, architect of the catastrophe in Afghanistan, dead at 89

By Bill Van Auken, 29 May 2017

“What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe?” the former national security adviser said of the CIA alliance with Al Qaeda.

The ICFI's International May Day Online Rally

May Day 2017: Lessons of history and the fight for socialism

By David North, 1 May 2017

Watch the video »

A political appraisal of the ICFI’s 2017 International May Day Online Rally