The Napoleonic Guide

The Napoleonic Guide is the best reference source for everything you need to know about the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. It has more than 4000 pages of information covering all aspects of the greatest era in world history.

Latest Articles on the Napoleonic Era

Napoleon at Arcola



Memorable Quotes
Better not to have been born than to live without glory.
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte's quotes

We always have been, we are, and I hope that we always shall be detested in France.
- Duke of Wellington
More of Wellington's quotes

Hundreds of questions to test the knowledge of Napoleonic history buffs.
Napoleonic quizzes

Napoleon Bonaparte biography

We are starting a major revamp of The Napoleonic Guide, so please bear with us. It will take time as it is a massive undertaking.


Our editor Richard Moore has finished his novel set in the Peninsular War! It follows the exploits of a young officer in the 29th Foot. We are looking for someone to produce a front cover for the novel which is a real pager turner.
Details soon.

Waterloo re-enactment pictures.

SHORNCLIFFE LECTURES: Series of lectures that restart a military tradition begun by the 95th Rifles.

WATERLOO BATTLEFIELD GUIDE: Review of David Buttery's must-have guide to the most famous field of battle in history.

NEW SITE: Our favourite marine artist - Paul Deacon - has just launched his own website. Click to check out his great paintings.
And check out his Facebook page.

INCOMPARABLE: Review of Terry Crowdy's excellent book on the French 9th Light Infantry Regiment.

IMPRESSIVE: Marshal Ney's embarkation training at Etaples in 1805.

AUCTION: Bonaparte letter fetches 150,000 euros

Borodino: 200th anniversary
re-enactment. With photos.


Waterloo Battlefield Guide
Wellington Against Junot
1809 Thunder on the Danube
The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutusov
Books: A Desperate Business
Rowlandson cartoons
Campaign in Egypt
Duke of Wellington
Napoleonic Glossary
Goya's Disasters of War
Battlefield Tours
The Battle: A New History of Waterloo
Miniatures Wargaming
Books: Assaye 1803
Books: Napoleon's Mamelukes
Audio: Cuthbert Collingwood
Diaries of Rifleman Harris 5
1805 Russian Hussar Facings
1809 Russian Hussar Facings
New Napoleonic CD
Dismasted & Defiant

Royal Horse Artillery
The Waterloo Archive: German Sources

Help save Hougoumont

Rare Love Letter Auction
General de Brigade Rules
Trafalgar wargame

Miniature Figures Reviews

There is no better way to learn about Napoleon Bonaparte's life and career than by reading The Napoleonic Guide's biography.
Napoleon's biography
Napoleon's campaigns
Was Napoleon Murdered?
Napoleon Bonaparte's lovers
Napoleon's marshals
Napoleon Bonaparte's family
New Audio Biography


Napoleonic Anniversaries
Check out March's key events through our timelines and chronologies.

Monthly Napoleonic events
Full Napoleonic Timelines

Waterloo Orders or Battle
The orders of battle for the British, French and Prussian armies at Waterloo.
Waterloo battle orders

Naval Art of Geoff Hunt
More images from the days of fighting sail from artists Paul Deacon and Geoff Hunt.
Naval art of Paul Deacon
Naval art of Geoff Hunt

The Nore Mutiny
We take another look at the Nore Mutiny and include a big biography on Richard Parker the guy who led it.
The Nore Mutiny

Code Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte's Civil Code is the foundation of Europe's modern legal system.
Read about the Civil Code, or the Code Napoleon


Book of the Month
Terry Crowdy's in-depth look at the history and men of Napoleon Bonaparte's 9th Light Infantry regiment is a magnificent achievement. His storytelling skills bring to life a fascinating tale of men under arms.

Reviews of Napoleonic reference books



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