Genius crossword No 168

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Deadline for entries is 23:59 GMT on Saturday 1st July. You need to register once and then sign in to to enter our online competition for a £100 monthly prize. Click here to register.

Genius 168
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Genius crossword No 168

In order to enter the competition, entries must be submitted in the form below (including a valid email address).

Deadline for entries is 23:59 GMT on Saturday 1st July. You need to register once and then sign in to to enter our online competition for a £100 monthly prize. Click here to register.

Nine solutions (one group of four and another of five) are directly related, except in respect of time. Their clues are normal, but their definitions have been swapped around. In another nine clues, the definitions are not indicated in the clues, but are to be found in the first nine solutions. In a further nine solutions the letters of one of the original nine are either missing from or wrongly included in their wordplay. With the remaining seven solutions, at nine points the difference between the original groups of four and five, respectively, is also either missing from or wrongly include in their wordplay.