London: New social centre opens this Friday 21st…

Just over a week ago an unused building in East London was occupied by a group of international artists and activists with the aim of opening up a new social space. The building has been secured, tided up and some essential repairs made. The rampart was born…

The Rampart will provide a rampant meeting and workshop space, free internet access, info shop, community cinema, vokue/cafe, extensive free shop, art gallery and theatre space… The building contains a cosy hall in which a stage has been built and the whole place decorated.

The Ramparts is really close to LARC, Freedom Book, the Hacklab and a squatted environmental project, and we’ll be avoiding duplicating the stuff they already provide while adding to the diversity of autonomous projects in the area.

This coming friday (21st), there will be an opening event, consisting of screenings performance, live music, poetry slam/open mic in the ramparts hall. If you would like to get involved on the night, please let us know ASAP. We also hope to do food but currently don’t have cooking tat to cater for large numbers (we need big pots, and loads of plates/bowls/mugs and cuttlery).

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Scotland: Faslane Peace Camp 22nd Birthday 7-13th of June

Located near Helensburgh, Scotland, approximately 30 miles from Glasgow Faslane Peace Camp is to celebrate 22 years of non-violent direct action and resistance against the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland, which is home to much of Britain’s nuclear powered, and nuclear armed submarine fleet. For 22 years the Faslane Peace Camp has been a base for non-violent direct action against the British Nuclear weapons program, as well as an alternative, consensus based, community with close links to the environmental, anti-road, anti-nuclear and may other non-hierachical resistance movements. Beginning with only a couple of tents, the peace camp has crown to include two busses, approximately 12 caravans, tree houses, a geodome, a communal building and meeting room, a composting toilet, and even a fort to fight of evitctions. Although safe at the moment there are rumours that the council may be gearing up for another attempt at eviction. To celebrate its birthday Faslane will be hosting a week of workshops, actions, discussions and celebrations to which all are invited. The night of June 12th there will be a party with a number of local and visiting bands. Hope to see you there!

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