About Twisty

Twisty Faster, a spinster aunt whose obstreperal lobe is about to blow, has been bloviating about feminist issues since the last century. She became an Internet Feminist in 2004. The offices and laboratories of Spinster Aunt HQ are located at Dreadful Acres, a small wildlife preserve in picturesque Cottonmouth County, Texas.

Twisty looks after two dogs, three horses, a feral cat, five semi-wild deer, and one mother. Her interests include melancholy photography, looking at wild animals through binoculars or magnifying glasses, Number 1 Science Information, and crispy foods.

Twisty was overeducated in the dudeliocentric humanities in Dallas and St. Louis. She has worked as an office temp, a clean-up woman in a mobile home factory, a bartender, a scenester, a restaurant critic, a rock star, and a breast cancer patient. She has a sibling named Tidy, nieces named Rotel and Finn, a sidekick named Stingray, and an assistant named Dusty. (Phil and Chuck, secretary and ranch hand respectively, have left Savage Death Island, citing creative differences. In case you were wondering.) The chef position is still open.

Twisty is roughly half a century old.

3 pings

  1. Preventing Rape, The Twisty Way « Dinosaur Mom Chronicles

    […] Tomorrow is apparently the beginning of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Week. In honor of this occasion, I would like to share some Sexual Assault Prevention tips that are guaranteed to work, courtesy of my favorite Internet Feminist. […]

  2. beauty, folly, and the patriarchy « Gingerrrama

    […] Twisty Faster, a spinster aunt whose obstreperal lobe is about to blow, has been bloviating about feminist issues since the last century. She became an Internet Feminist in 2004. […]  […]

  3. Why Semi-Pornulated Halloween Costumes are Still a Problem | XY Feminist

    […] Major Hat Tip to Twisty on this one! Her original post said it better than I ever […]

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