The Bay Area Book Festival has attracted writers from all over the world to the region, but the Bay Area itself has a rich literary history.

From legendary writers like Jack London and Robert Frost (who was born in San Francisco) to contemporary authors like Dave Eggers and Kim Addonizio, there is a vast amount of literature written by authors who either grew up in the Bay Area, or created their important work here.

With that in mind, and with the help of Chronicle Book Editor John McMurtrie, we came up with a list of some of the most famous Bay Area authors. We included a "must-read book" for each author for anyone who wants to sample the writer's best work and also a "lesser-known gem" for those wanting to go a little deeper.

Our criteria for selection was broad. Some of the authors in the collection, like Mark Twain, have produced work more closely associated with other regions of the U.S. Others, like Amy Tan, are Bay Area natives and long-time residents. But they all have one thing (at least) one thing in common: they lived, and wrote, in the Bay Area.

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Some of these featured books feature the Bay Area more prominently than others. 

Dashiell Hammett's "The Maltese Falcon," Amy Tan's "The Joy Luck Club," and Robin Sloan's "Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore" are all based in San Francisco.

Gertrude Stein famously wrote about Oakland, referring to it with the line "there is no there over there."

Much more recently, Michael Chabon wrote an entire book – "Telegraph Avenue" – as a sort of quirky love letter to Oakland. Without a doubt, the Bay Area has served a backdrop to and an inspiration for some of most well-known American literature.

For more on the Bay Area book scene, check out the San Francisco Chronicle's book section and in-depth literary map of San Francisco.