Bulletin from C.O.S.A. in struggle. Gathering at May 27 in Setúbal, Portugal.
Originally published by Casa Okupada de Setúbal Autogestionada (C.O.S.A.):
Bulletin from C.O.S.A. in struggle!
We apologize to all who wondered about what was happening due to our lack of communication.
Starting from the point we left on our last communiqué, the judicial process which aims to evict C.O.S.A. [Casa Ocupada de Setúbal Autogestionada], and to which we decided to present our defence, had a Court pre-hearing last April the 28th.
Fully surprising all of those present in the room, the judge came with an already made decision, and considered that after previously analysing the case there was a justification for an immediate eviction order. Due to some procedural errors from the judge, our lawyer successfully managed to block this impulse , and reset a new court hearing, bearing in mind also that, for the first time, both owners and squatters declared the possibility of coming to an agreement. For this agreement we are now waiting a first proposal from their part, what obviously raises among us several doubts and debates on several points of view. Among all the possibilities discussed collectively, and which are still open, the only we refuse is that of accepting a compensation for moving out quickly and quietly.
We still feel that C.O.S.A. is ours. And the consequence of that feeling was the last months that have been lived in the squat. Between the 13th and 17th of February we organized some working days in the Social Centre. During 5 days, friends worked and ate restlessly and managed to achieve even more than had been projected , remaining with a great feeling of happiness for those 5 days of familiarity and fun.
March the 30th we inaugurated “O Covil” (“The Lair”), an infospot where you can also find a Squatting Support Office and since then we have been maintaining the Social Centre open every thursday, which allowed new affinities and the renewing of old ones.
We are still open to proposals and full of ideas for the future, which may be uncertain, but has to be magnificent!
Saúde e Anarquia! (Health and Anarchy!)
[Enough is Enough – 22 May 2017.]