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Every Brilliant Eye: Australian Art of the 1990s a trippy exercise in nostalgia

"Just as museums of Europe must now be littered with Neo-Expressionist 'monstrosities', so too might there be in ten years' time a little patch of Grunge, fouling up the air in the back lots of public collections across Australia," Jeff Gibson wrote in his 1993 essay Avant-Grunge.

Twenty-four years later, those "little patches" are growing into major collections, with the DIY-style projects that seemed ephemeral then on their way to becoming blue-chip art.

In Every Brilliant Eye: Australian Art of the 1990s at NGV Australia, which opened on Friday, the gallery has brought its collection of grunge-era works out of storage. 

The exhibition, curated by Jane Devery​ and Pip Wallis, includes early works by artists who are now among some of Australia's best-known.

Patricia Piccinini​'s 1996 Psychotourism​ series of digital prints feature Sophie Lee, then a children's TV presenter, actor and household name, holding a small creature (a far cry from the artist's monolithic hot air balloon Skywhale that drew national attention in 2013). 

Ricky Swallow's turntable series, a highlight of 1999's Signs of Life, the first and sadly only Melbourne Biennial, gets another spin in this showcase.  


Swallow, whose Darth Vader-esque sculpture also features in Every Brilliant Eye (the title comes from a Died Pretty album title), was one of many Melbourne artists who joined the city's creative collectives represented throughout the exhibition.

Kathy Temin​, who creates sculptures from synthetic fur, recalls communicating with other artists by fax before email was accessible. She was part of collectives including SWIM (Support Women Image Makers).

DAMP Collective's raucous Punchline 1999 features a video in which an exhibition descends into an all-in brawl. 

"It's been fun for us curating the show with these iconic works like Ricky's and Kathy Temin​'s," says Devery. "Also finding things in the collection that we haven't seen for a long time, bringing things out that the public aren't aware of ..."

"Sometimes a project might [have been] a party or an exhibition. It's interesting, it's ... real DIY. Email probably just came in then but people were getting together and creating things in a very physical, low-tech kind of way. There's lots of redundant technology ...

"​I think what is interesting is that all the kind of peripheral activity is now being endorsed by institutions, that's something that wouldn't have happened at the time. That's something that is definitely the case in relation to some of the grunge artists."

Many of the works reflect the fashion and materials of the time. Melbourne-born, Sydney-based artist A.D.S. Donaldson's Cottons, 1993 – tubes of fabric suspended from the ceiling – resemble surfboard covers of the time or the striped thermal T-shirts and leggings that were then so ubiquitous. 

"He's a conceptual artists and painting's his main medium," Devery says of Donaldson. "These are ready-made material but they're actually painter's drop cloths that he got from the hardware store, so there's this kind of clever connection to painting.

"But they're also architectural as well and a bit playful."

Every Brilliant Eye is at NGV Australia, Federation Square, until October 1.