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Jan 24 2017

News · Press Release

#CORRUPTCONGRESS WATCH: Price’s Shady Stock Trades on Full Display in Today’s Hearing

As CNN aptly put it today, Congressman Tom Price’s shaky nomination is yet again riddled with “more red flags” – this time for failing to disclose late taxes and misrepresenting the value of stock holdings as part of a deal that is being scrutinized as potential insider trading. The Washington Post also dug into his […]

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Jan 24 2017

News · Press Release

QUE NO SE TE PASE: “Trump Repeats Lie About Popular Vote”

IN CASE YOU MISSED  IT “It appears that President Donald Trump is so bitter after losing the popular vote that he can’t stop repeating racially-charged lies about undocumented immigrants. These lies and his real intentions must be exposed: Trump is paving the way for House Republicans to continue their efforts to make it harder for […]

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Jan 23 2017

News · Press Release

QUESTION: Will House Republicans Move Forward with Trump’s Border Wall?

During the Trump Administration’s first White House briefing, Press Secretary Sean Spicer reaffirmed that they are moving forward with their harsh, unpopular, and impractical border wall. Spicer told reporters that they are working with Congress on appropriations to begin building the wall. Given the negative impact on our economy and the fact that Trump is […]

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Jan 19 2017

News · Press Release

QUE NO SE TE PASE: For the first time since Ronald Reagan, the president’s Cabinet won’t include a Latino

“Failing to appoint a Latino to the President’s Cabinet is just the latest example of how the Republican Party has never really cared about the pressing issues affecting Latinos,” said Javier Gamboa of the DCCC. “Even before Donald Trump’s swearing-in, House Republicans have begun enacting his anti-Latino agenda, from trying to make American taxpayers bear the […]

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Jan 15 2017

News · Press Release

ICYMI: Rep. Coffman Caught on Video Fleeing Constituents & ACA Questions at Public Event

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT The Denver Post and 9News (NBC) are reporting on the swift backlash that Congressman Mike Coffman faced from his constituents during a public meeting as a result of voting to start repealing the Affordable Care Act on Friday. 9News reporter caught Coffman on video escaping out of the backdoor rather […]

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Jan 15 2017

News · Press Release

SUNDAY SHOW WATCH: Chaffetz Continues Shocking Threats to Federal Ethics Watchdog & Turns Blind Eye to Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

The Oversight Chairman’s behavior is beneath the committee he oversees Today on ABC’s This Week, Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz’ continued his fawning devotion to President-Elect Donald Trump, saying that Trump is completely “exempt” from ethics laws, which Chaffetz believes excuses him from doing his job as Oversight Chairman. Instead, Chaffetz and incoming White House Chief […]

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Jan 13 2017

News · Press Release

Los republicanos toman el primer paso para revocar el seguro de salud de millones

Los Republicanos acaban de tomar el primer paso para quitarle a millones de estadounidenses – incluyendo a cuatro millones de latinos – su seguro de salud, con la posibilidad de tener un impacto devastador a nuestra economía. Por años, el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes, Paul Ryan, y los republicanos en la Cámara de […]

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Jan 13 2017

News · Press Release

Ryan Says He Supports Treating Opioid Addiction, But ACA Repeal Would Eliminate Billions of Dollars For Treatment

If Speaker Paul Ryan is serious about addressing an epidemic that affects 2 million Americans, a first great step would be to preserve the crucial, life-saving financial assistance provided by the ACA to help suffering Americans pay for treatment. As Health Economists from Harvard Medical School and NYU warn, gutting ACA also means taking $5.5 […]

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Jan 13 2017

News · Press Release

RYAN REALITY CHECK: Ryan Still Obsessed with Gutting Medicare

Ryan’s false claim that the ACA is bankrupting Medicare has been ruled “Pants on Fire” Speaker Paul Ryan just can’t stop himself from misleading Americans about Medicare. Tonight’s town-hall featured the same debunked claims that Ryan has been using to scare people so he can live out his dream of gutting Medicare. Ryan’s comments tonight […]

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Jan 13 2017

News · Press Release

RYAN REALITY CHECK: Ryan Remains Committed to Defunding Planned Parenthood

Tonight Speaker Paul Ryan once again confirmed how out-of-touch he is with the vast majority of Americans when he restated that he will gut Planned Parenthood and the life-saving services that they provide. Today, Planned Parenthood relies on federal government for nearly 40% of its funding to provide life-saving health and reproductive services for women […]

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