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The Affordable Care Act is a vast improvement over what came before, but it’s just a step towards single-payer and ending the parasitic health insurance racket.

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I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for all of this Russia intrigue, right? Right? This thing keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. The Washington Post reported that Jared Kushner tried to set up a back-channel line of communication with the Russians, going as far as suggesting using Russian communication equipment at their embassy in order to avoid U.S. intelligence snooping. (We know this, apparently, because our snoops intercepted Russian communications with Moscow.)

Let’s hope this was all an innocent attempt to end the Syrian war by making nice-nice with the Russians without even our intelligence agencies knowing because well it would be so much better to just go directly to the Russian embassy—nope, sorry, even I can’t figure out a plausible innocent explanation for this one. Jared also somehow “forgot” to mention his very recent contacts with the Russian ambassador and the head of a Russian state-owned bank while he filled out his national security clearance form.

Remember that Kushner, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince (of Blackwater infamy) and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi reportedly met to discuss arranging a secret meeting in the Seychelles to establish a back-channel line of communication with the Russians. Sheesh. These guys REALLY wanted to chat secretly with the Russians—this, while one of the top news stories was Russian meddling in our election! Enjoy the cartoon and be sure to visit me on Patreon.

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There seems to be a whole editorial subgenre now of so-called liberals trolling their own for not being nice enough to working-class Americans (as though progressives themselves are not largely made up of the working class). What drives me nuts about this holier-than-thou finger-wagging is that it largely renders invisible the decades-long campaign in right-wing media to demonize and dehumanize “liberals” as a category of person. It’s an enormous industry without any institutional equivalent on the left. Yes, people of all political stripes call those they disagree with stupid, and insults fly on social media. But the double-standard when it comes to professional, big-money media outlets is mind-blowing. How often do you see tut-tutting essays in mainstream publications about the incivility of rich, elite conservative pundits, and how they will alienate hard-working Obama/Clinton voters with their over-the-top insults? Not bloody often! (Commenter GrafZeppelin127 makes a good point about this below.)

The reference to plumber butt jokes came from a recent NYT op-ed using this as an example of liberals treating Trump voters with “elite condescension.” Way to use the very frame about “liberal elites” that Republicans been hammering home for eons to divert anger away from themselves, and from the real causes of ordinary people’s economic struggles. It is simply astonishing that this agenda of turning “the libs” into monsters — which has led us to the very door of fascism — could be invisible to so many people. And even that is letting the finger-waggers off too lightly: they are now themselves part of the demonization machine, urging liberals to condemn themselves just in case they haven’t had enough from Fox.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

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Mind the door, it’ll get you every time!

The persecutors of the Salem Witch Trials used more science that this administration.

Who knew the CBO score for the House Republican healthcare plan would be so exciting and dangerous? I’ve said before the House Republican plan will kill people, I never knew a House Republican candidate would try to strangle a reporter for asking questions about the CBO score! (Must be a little touchy about that bill.) Now that Trump has been on his first overseas trip, met Pope Francis and did not strangle a single reporter, surely now he is truly presidential.  

Before the president left the Kingdom of America First, he made sure his budget plan would be announced when he was thousands of miles away. Turns out it has a double-counting error in the neighborhood of two TRILLION dollars. The Trump wish list also does cute things like slash billions in health care, food stamps and disability benefits.  

While on his overseas jaunt, Trump helped poke a stick in the simmering Sunni/Shiite sectarian hive by aligning firmly with the Saudis and demonizing all things Iran. But don’t worry, he’s throwing additional billions at the Pentagon so they can get those “loser” terrorists. Enjoy the cartoon and stop by my Patreon page sometime!

FOLLOW @RubenBolling on the Twitters and a Face Book.

JOIN Tom the Dancing Bug's subscription club, the Proud & Mighty INNER HIVE, for exclusive early access to comics, extra comics, and much more.

GET Ruben Bolling’s new hit book series for kids, The EMU Club Adventures. (”Filled with wild twists and funny dialogue” -Publishers Weekly)  Book One here.  Book Two here.


Ex-FBI Director James Comey said he was trying to blend into the blue drapes the day he attended an event with the subject of his investigation, Donald “Kremlin Employee of the Month” Trump. Didn’t work, tall boy.