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Queensland police 'probably can't' stop cars being used as weapons

The head of Queensland police's counter terrorism command has admitted the organisation can not always stop London-inspired terrorists using vehicles as weapons, but assured the Commonwealth Games would be safe.

Assistant Commissioner Tracy Linford said the Queensland Police Service was instead working with councils and event organisers to protect large gatherings such as next year's Gold Coast Games, while helping to develop national strategies.

Speaking to ABC Radio Brisbane on Monday morning in the wake of a terror attack in London that killed seven people, she said a national working group was close to finalising a strategy for managing crowded places.

Asked how public places could be protected from people using vehicles as weapons, as happened on London Bridge on Saturday night, the Assistant Commissioner of the Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Major Events Command was frank.

"Well look, the reality is we probably can't," she said.

"Certainly what we do work to do is identify those sort of locations where we see large crowds gathering and where we've identified those we're actually working with councils and working with event organisers to put mitigation strategies in place so that we can protect those as we identify them.


"But the reality is we can't protect every single footpath around the country."

Security has been a major concern ahead of the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast next year, with every terror attack overseas prompting questions about the organising committee's readiness.

Ms Linford said a dedicated police command had been preparing for the games for two years, with significant resources dedicated.

"I can certainly say that I would feel very safe going to the Commonwealth Games," she said.

"We will have a significant police contingent there. As I've just mentioned to you we have specifically trained individuals, police members that will be there to keep the community safe.

"So every effort is going into making sure they are a very safe games."