Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingIt was Benjamin Franklin who wrote the sardonic proverb. “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Though Benjamin Franklin referred to the permanence of the new Constitution, the same can be said of this year’s presidential primary race ... To be sure, Sen ... Consequently, Republican elites know this and are grudgingly getting behind him before being trampled....
"We’re studying an alien ocean using methods developed to understand the movement of energy and nutrients in Earth’s own systems," SteveVance, a planetary scientist at JPL and lead author of the new study, said in a press release. "The cycling of oxygen and hydrogen in Europa’s ocean will be a major driver for Europa’s ocean chemistry and any life there, just [as] it is on Earth." ... Read the original article on Tech Insider... ....
New geologic mapping in the Himalayan mountains of Kashmir suggests that the region is ripe for a major earthquake that could endanger the lives of as many as a million people, according to an Oregon State University statement ... The 2005 Kashmir earthquake killed about 80,000 people in Pakistan and India ... The fault hasn't slipped for a long time, which means the potential for a large earthquake is strong ... It's a matter of when." ... RELATED....
Noida. A few days after meeting the SSP over the attack on software engineer Akhil Chadda, who was robbed and shot at by some goons, the residents of a few societies along the Noida-Greater Noida expressway met the SP, city, Dinesh Yadav on Tuesday ... He also gave instructions to SHO (Ph 2) ShailendraPratap Singh and circle officer (lll) Sandeep Singh to remove all encroachments and eateries in the area within a week ... ....
(Source. Imlek AD Beograd) 98dcf803-beec-4318-8020-7e91b28b2184.pdf. Godisnji izvestaj za 2015. godinu AD lmlek. FINANSIJSKIIZVESTAJ. Bilans stanja Bilans uspeha. lzvestaj o ostalom rezultatu lzvestaj o tokovima gotovine lzvestaj o promenama na kapitalu Napomene uz finansijski izvesaj. IZVESTAJ O REVIZIJI,U CELINI. SADRZAJ. IZVESTAJ O POSLOVANJU DRUSTVA ... npeAY3eTHMk ... rpyna ... ... 0461,1 8.Xapn1je OA lll)eAHOCTIII l(Oje ce Ap>Ke AB0049 AO AOa'lena....
NOIDA... On Tuesday a team under SP city Dinesh Yadav met the resident body to take stock of the situation and suggested measures for security of the area ... "But no progress has been seen on the matter ... In the interim period these outposts will function," said Yadav who also gave instructions to SHO (Ph 2) ShailendraPratap Singh and circle officer (lll) Sandeep Singh to remove all encroachment and eateries around the area within a week ... ....
At one point on Saturday, in the final flourishes of the title race, LLL wondered how many people were actually at games following the results of other matches through radios or t’internet ...It’s all too much to take in, especially for LLL’s stock of Getafe jokes which are now going to be put into stasis, potentially for the next 800 years, only to awaken and find the planet run by cats....
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--L-3 Communications (NYSE.LLL) announced today that it plans to close its Electron Devices facility in San Carlos, California, in late 2017 and transition its manufacturing operations to the North CentralPennsylvania and Los Angeles areas. The consolidation initiative, which is part of the company’s ongoing strategic effort to increase efficiencies across its operations, will take place throughout 2017 ... ....
16 min ago. @https.// Tim Stannard. Topics. La Liga Loca, Real Madrid, Barcelona. comments ... And so it doth end as La Primera doth began – in a wail of name-calling, conspiracy and controversy ... It may be tissue time in the LLL household. “ ... La Liga is going out in style ... LLL had no idea there were that many ... I speak Spanish – before they came here, they didn’t.” LLL suggests that this is just mere nit-picking from Gus ... ....
(Source. Vinythai pcl) 8ae803f3-89d9-4c3e-840b-7d26594753d7.pdf VINYTHAl PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED. RFGll..THA Ilt)N ND 010/536000!l46 mrnMr,rJ01 158) MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS No. 1/2559. HELD ON 28 APRI L 2016. Time and Place. ... Chatuchak District, Bangkok 10900, Thailand. Prel iminary Proceedings.. Mr ... 8 million worked-hours without any Lost Time lncident ... sSOLVAY Po!!ClfEMICRl ... l.1ll llJ1,lll)' Li mitl'd 'I hailnn ... 1....
Looking at the universe of stocks we cover at Dividend Channel, on 5/13/16, L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. (NYSE. LLL), Federal Signal Corp. (NYSE. FSS), and Chemours Co (NYSE. CC) will all trade ex-dividend for their respective upcoming dividends. L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. will pay its quarterly dividend of $0.70 on 6/15/16, Federal Signal Corp ... ....