
Christmas is Amazon’s busiest time of year – it’s also our best chance to disrupt their business.

They don’t pay their workers a Living Wage. They dodge their tax. They take money away from our local shops. So this year, let’s take our money away from them.

So: are you up for a challenge? Can you avoid shopping at Amazon this Christmas? We know going cold turkey is hard – but we’ll provide you with support to help you shop somewhere better. :)

Whether you are an Amazon addict or have been Amazon-Free for a while, add your name to thousands of us pledging to avoid shopping Amazon this December:

By signing up you are pledging to do your best to avoid Amazon this Christmas. kindle usage is included at your discretion. You may use Amazon’s marketplace to find independent sellers – but go straight to them and avoid Amazon. We are here to help, but you can also opt out of motivational emails at any time. Your personal information will be kept private and held securely.

Last Christmas we gave them our cash, this year let’s save it for something special.
