Thursday, 1 June 2017

Zombies And Their Meaning

Over the past two decades Zombies have become a common villain in popular culture and it leads to the question, why? I'd like to put forward some ideas, but first I need to look at the history.

The word Zombie first entered the English language in 1819, in a book about Brazil, but as a word to describe the undead that comes from Haiti. Haiti is the western part of the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, a former Spanish, then French colony. It is the worlds first Black Republic and the only country in the world that can trace it's independence back to a successful slave revolt. Unfortunately Haiti's history since independence has been just as sad as it's history as a colony. One thing that it can lay claim to is it's own religion, Voodoo. Between 1915-1934 Haiti was occupied by the US Marines and it is during this period that Zombies became known outside of Haiti.

A Zombie was a person who had died who was brought back to life to serve as a slave. Some say that the person was not dead but was drugged to make them appear dead and then their "corpse" is stolen from their grave and revived, again the purpose was so that they could serve as a slave. The idea that you could work hard all your life and then be denied eternal rest was greatly feared.

In the 1930's movies began to be made by Hollywood about Zombies, they were the living dead. If they were dead it was as if they still lived and if they were in fact alive it was a fate just as bad as death. In short it was a totally unnatural state. These Zombies are slaves without emotion or much independent thought, they exist to serve.

In 1968 the movie Night of the Living Dead was released and it changed how Zombies were seen, even through the word Zombie is never said. In the movie the dead, referred to as Ghouls, come back to life and begin attacking and eating or infecting the living. Made for $114,000 it went on to make $30,000,000 and it was the fans who began referring to the Ghouls as Zombies. Nearly all Zombies since have taken on the characteristics of the Ghouls in the Night of the Living Dead.

The next change didn't come until the 1990's with computer games and the rise of First Personal Shooters. Yes they started in the 1980's but they became very successful in the 1990's and this success had it's own problems. Some people complained about the violence in computer games, so some developers decided they needed something they could "kill" that no one could really complain about. First they tried Nazi's and then Zombies and it seemed to work, much of the criticism stopped. How could you complain about "killing" something that was already dead?

But here's the problem, Zombies are undead, that means that they were once alive, they were once living people, they are our ancestors. When Zombies attack they are attacking their own people. So when you "kill" a Zombie you are fighting against your own people, maybe even your own loved ones. And if you do not fight them they will eat you or if you survive they will infect you and make you a Zombie. Because of the fear of infection no one can trust anyone else, the only thing to fear is life and death, the undead and the living, no one and nothing can be trusted. Even in victory there is only defeat. Talk about alienation!

But doesn't alienation describe our society perfectly?

Liberalism seeks to cut us of from our ancestors and from our family, to alienate us from our base. It seeks to isolate us from our fellows, there is no such thing as Class solidarity anymore, there once was. The only thing we have to fear is life and death. Zombies and Liberalism have much in common.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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The Financial Economy

Monday, 29 May 2017

Melbourne Traditionalists in June, 2017

On Monday the 5th June the Melbourne Traditionalists will be meeting once again. We are in a very nice venue, with good food, drink and company. So if you are interested in getting together with us to solve the problems of the world or just to discuss said problems please get in contact with me.

uponhopeblog (at)

Guiding Principles of the Melbourne Traditionalists

1. Loyalty to the Crown of Australia

2. Loyalty to our British and Western heritage

3. Loyalty to the family, Husband and Wife, Mother and Father Father and their children

4. Opposition to Liberalism, Right Liberalism, Left Liberalism and Feminism

5. Opposition to the destruction of White Australia's, opposed to Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration and Diversity

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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The Stages Of Liberal Reform

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Some Link Love VI

It has been nearly a year since I gave out any Link Love!

Whats amazing is I have a list of links to great articles going back years, but instead of sharing them I keep writing my own. But this week I am sick so it's time to spread some of that love.

I thought there were some great insights here for men in long term relationships.

This article is entitled "Financialization", The Z Man talks about the three different currencies used throughout history, precious metals, banknotes and our current currency, credit. And why this is why older ideas about economics aren't working in quite the same way.

Anti-Dem writes long articles but they normally have a number of good ideas, here he has at least three.

Here is a short view into how the Market really works and how it does the real economy.

Another one from The Z Man, "The Blinkered Class"

"This Explains A Lot", yes it does.


Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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The Principle Of Prudence

Friday, 19 May 2017

Why Is Western Art So Bad?

A few months ago I saw an article on the CIA and it's involvement in Classical Music. During the Cold War the CIA was heavily involved in trying to counter Communist influence within the Arts. The Author of this particular case made the argument that the CIA had destroyed Classical Music. I wrote a comment saying that Classical Music was already a spent force by the 1940's, that Bolero by Maurice Ravel was the last piece of Classical Music to be regarded as a Classic and that nothing since has come even close. The death of Western Art was well under way even a century ago.

People like to put the blame upon the CIA or the Frankfort School or some other such entity, but the rot set in long ago, long before these things existed. As did our political and social rot, in fact things like the Frankfort School are symptoms of the disease not the disease itself.

In regards to the Arts I believe there are two reasons for the decline.

1. Cameras, &

2. Originality

This is more to do with the Visual Arts, but the loss of confidence in this area, often regarded as the pinnacle of Western Art was to have a decisive effect. A Camera is a means of creating an exact image from the real world. At once you can see that that is quite revolutionary. But we often don't think about the next step, we see the advantages of being able to create an exact image of the real world, but that also came at a cost. Before the invention of camera's the primary way to create an image of the real world was through drawing or painting. Both required years of training as well as natural talent. But there were real reasons to invest in such training and to nurture such talent. For example a King wants to know if a Princess is attractive, a wealthy Noble or Merchant wants to show off their possessions, or a Mother wants a momento of her children. Only talented and skilled Artists could satisfy that desire. Painting and drawings were also important in a society were most people could not read, the Arts served a real world purpose.

The camera took many of those real world benefits away from Art. Why sit for hours or days for a portrait when I can get a photograph in 15 minutes? Why look at a painting of the Alps when I can see a photograph of the actual Alps? You can see this affecting the Art's from as early as the 1860's with Impressionism, when you look at the paintings you can see two things happening at once. Firstly you can see the classical training and talent on display, but secondly you see the paintings become less and less distinct. You begin to see as time goes on less skill and more enthusiasm. In 1850 Western Art was as good as it ever was, by 1900 that is no longer true, Art was still prestigious but it was no longer a real world skill. The only advantage it had over a photograph was that it could recreate the imagination, so that is what began to happen.

Art traditions in the Eastern and Western worlds are vastly different and it is this difference that I wish to highlight and to demonstrate how it lead to the greatness of Western Art and to it's downfall.

In Western Art originality is extremely important, let's imagine for a moment that I could paint as well as Rembrandt, and by "as well" I mean I could paint an exact copy of any of Rembrandt's works. I sign them with my own name and I announce that these are exact copies of his art, so there is no fraud or deception involved. Now an original Rembrandt is way beyond all but the very rich or Art Institutions, so why not provide people with a cheaper version?

But people would tell me that I obviously have talent why don't I create my own art instead of simply copying? Why be unoriginal and copy the work of a better man?

But if I can paint as well as Rembrandt aren't we equals?

Most people would say no.

That is the exact oppose of the opinion that is held in the East, or at least was held in the East. Traditionally Art in the East was about obtaining mastery of a subject, once mastery has been obtained then the task is complete. Mastery is perfection, how can you improve upon perfection?

Well of course you can't, so once it has been decided that mastery has been obtained, the best that any future student can hope for is to be as good as a past Master. Copying is not seen as cheating as it is in the West, that attitude is ridiculous. To reproduce the work of a Master shows you are a good and loyal student and it shows that you are a Master. Mastery is as much about character as it is about training or natural talent.

In the East originality was welcome in a new field of Art, but once Mastery had been obtained then originality showed a lack of character. This attitude meant that Eastern Art reached a certain level and stopped.

In the West where originality is prized it lead to some of the greatest Art seen in the history of the world. And that lasted for centuries, but how long can it really exist for?

When each year you have to outdo what you did last year and every other Artist is trying to achieve the exact same thing. But here's the trap, it's much easier to be original than it is to produce good Art, let alone great Art. and if originality is prized above all else and it is, then why not give them what they want? They don't want good Art, they want original Art. In the past century we have seen the effects of such thinking. Less and less good Art and more and more original Art.

This attitude can be seen in nearly every category of Art you wish. Not just in the visual Arts, but in Classical Music, Literature, Poetry, you get this same problem of originality. It's easier to be original than it is to be good. Because of this attitude Art has become a Ghetto, where it was once regarded as one of the most prestigious fields in Western Civilization. Artist's know this and they resent it, they resent being rejected for providing the very thing they have been told to create, originality. So in their resentment they have gone deeper into the pit, if you want original, I'll give you original!

If Western Art is to return to it's pinnacle it needs something new to aim for. We the viewers of Art need to encourage the Art we would really like to see, instead of the Art that is being created.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Ideology Before Reality

Thursday, 18 May 2017

The Scarlet Pimpernel - A Book Review

Like most people I had heard of this book but I had never read it. It was published in 1905 and it was written by a Hungarian, Baroness Emmuska Orczy.

What I found unexpected was that nearly the entire story is told from a women's point of view, now of course the Scarlet Pimpernel is not a women. It would be like writing a book about Batman but not showing it from his perspective, but strangely it works. The Baroness wanted to tell a particular story but she still wrote it to her strengths. She was a women so she wrote from a women's perspective.

The story in brief and without revealing too much of the plot, is set during the French Revolution. The Scarlet Pimpernel is rescuing the condemned from the clutches of the revolution and certain death upon the guillotine. An agent of the French Government has been sent to England to find out who he is and trap him.

Why should Conservatives read it?

It is a story of good versus evil, a fantasy of fighting back against the terror of the French Revolution and it is strongly Monarchical in outlook. More a thriller than a swashbuckler but entertaining non the less. The most disappointing part of the book is that it is fiction!

We seek him here, we seek him there,

Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.

Is he in heaven? - Is he in hell?

That demmed, elusive Pimpernel?

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Islam And The West

Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Problem With Conservatives

Being a Conservative can be quite frustrating, seeing how bad things have become, trying to hold off the tide of Liberalism. And by Conservative, I don't mean Liberals who call themselves Conservatives, I mean real Conservatives. People who believe in TraditionOrderFamily not people who believe in Free Trade and that Liberal rubbish.

But another thing that is frustrating is Conservatives themselves, so often we have standards that we keep even though to keep them is both stupid and wrong. I mean that we can see they do not work but keep them anyway. We can see that they disadvantage us but we seem to be too stubborn to change. Maybe our biggest problem is that we do not take into account our enemies, we expect them to behave as we do. However we do have other problems:

Giving people the benefit of the doubt
Why do we do this? Why do we assume that others will be as fair minded as we are? Why do we so often fail to spot the others sides deviousness? We seem to always give our enemies the benefit of the doubt, "sure I oppose this but they only want something small". They never want something small, they always want everything, but today they will accept something small. We need to stop being reasonable, our enemies are not!

Believe in meritocracy
Here is an idea we picked up from Liberalism, the best man for the job, now the best person for the job. The Left does not play this game, they pick the person who agrees with them the most, why don't we play it that way as well? "Ohhh that would make us just as bad" mean winning? I would love to be winning, how about we can be a meritocracy AFTER we win? Before that it's a luxury we cannot afford.

Uses Leftist language
It can be hard to not use Leftist language, but it is not impossible. I do not say "gay" I say homosexual, it's not gay marriage because that is their language, it is homosexual marriage. Plants and Romance languages have genders, people have a sex, they are either of the male sex or of the female sex. Stop using Leftist language!

Here is something that on first glance you would not expect. Liberalism is basically saying to the entire world "you're not my Dad you can't tell me what to do!". It is all very immature and you would expect that would make them impatient, but you would be wrong. The patience of Liberalism is truly one of the wonders of our age. Instead it is Conservatives who are impatient. I understand, I want it all fixed instantly if not sooner just as much as you do. We need to learn patience, we will not turn things around this year or in five years, we will be fighting this battle our entire lives....yes really. And we need to learn patience.

We are so freaking honest, Liberals lie through their teeth, but we are just so honest. They are always saying one thing and doing another, why? Because it works. Should we be less honest? I'm too bloody honest to say yes!......I am as infuriating as every other Conservative!

But if we keep being honest, it must be part of our armour and not another one of our problems. We give honest council and they do not. But if we do intend to travel that road we need to be as straight as an arrow and to give hard advice, but just comforting advice.

Living within the rules
We want Order, we want things to make sense and we want to believe in fair play, however our enemies do not believe in any of these things. Thats one of the basic reasons that they are our enemies. Can we live inside the rules and win? I don't think we can, we need to start doing what they do and start breaking rules. If they win everyone will lose, we cannot allow that to happen, we must win!

Easily intimidated
We are so easy to intimidate, "your not honest!", "you broke the rules!", "you didn't use our language!". I can hear the apologies already. We need to get tougher, we need to stop being intimidated. How long has the word "racist" held us back? It's pathetic and you can be certain that that never held our enemies back.

We need to win because Liberalism will destroy everything, including itself, if it wins. This is not a game, it is not an intellectual exercise, it's real life and we are losing. I am not saying you are all bad and I'm good, I am guilty of a number of these myself. We all need to get better at this, the stakes are high and they aren't getting any smaller.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Customs, Conventions and Permanence

Thursday, 11 May 2017

The Fiftieth Month

Fifty months!

That's how long I have been writing this blog and this will be my 397th post, wow!

April was my fifth best month ever, it slowly down near the end of the month as I wasn't writing as much. However this month is on track to becoming my best ever. In April I had 4265 visitors, so far in May I have had 3585. I'm not sure how much notice I should take of these statistics sometimes, my American visitors are up but for about a week I received visitors every few hours and then nothing, regular as clockwork. Are these real visitors? I really don't know, then I get more Russians turning up, just like the times before, they arrive in great numbers and in a week they probably will have all left, why? Why do they turn up? Why do they leave?

And why is it that when the "big" countries grow, the "smaller" countries get smaller?

My best day in the last month was yesterday, the 10th May when I had 547 visitors, which is outstanding, my worst day was the 15th April when I had 54 visitors.


United States
United Kingdom
South Korea


United States
United Kingdom
The United States which is already the country I receive the most visitors from has tripled!

Russia has nearly doubled, Ireland and Australia are the only other countries to go up.

The United Kingdom is way down, Germany, Brazil, Canada and France are all down.

The Ukraine has left the top 10 and South Korea has reentered it.

I have also received visitors from the following countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, the Ukraine, Latvia, Armenia, Israel, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa, New Zealand, Mexico, Antigua & Barbuda, Columbia

I hope to see you all again soon.
Mark Moncrieff

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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