- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 3854663
Kana Nishino (西野 カナ, Nishino Kana, born March 18, 1989) is a Japanese singer and songwriter signed with SME Records' Newcome Inc. She debuted on February 20, 2008, with the single "I". CNN said that she was the favorite singer of teenage girls in Shibuya, Tokyo, signalling Sony's jump on the bandwagon effect started by Avex.
Nishino studied English from an early age, and went to America twice. She became interested in various genres of music, including hip-hop, R&B and reggae, but she also enjoyed Japanese literature, and started singing Japanese folk songs. Her dream of becoming a singer started in junior high school. When she was 16, her mother secretly sent a demo tape of hers to the Miss Phoenix Audition, and she was rated the top singer entrant out of approximately 40,000 applicants. A year later in 2006, she was signed to SME Records.
In 2007 while preparing to be a singer, she was also studying English literature at college. At the time she met Australian duo Nervo, who offered Nishino a song called "I Don't Wanna Know" for use in her music project. Nishino rewrote the song's lyrics into Japanese herself, and re-titled it "I".
西野カナ ♪会いたくて 会いたくて "Aitakute Aitakute" Kana Nishino【HD】
Kana Nishino - Always
西野カナ『トリセツ』『ヒロイン失格』主題歌 歌詞つき(フルカバー)(Kobasolo & Lefty hand cream) - 西野加奈『使用說明書』 - 翻唱歌曲 니시노 카나 /토리세츠
Dear Bride Kana Nishino
西野加奈 Kana Nishino - 淚色 完整中文字幕版
トリセツ - 西野カナ(フル)
西野カナ ♪Believe - 君って - 涙色 Kana Nishino
新世代少女教主西野加奈2013年末獻禮,沒有收錄在精選輯『愛的收藏~pink~』或『愛的收藏~mint~』當中的全新單曲「再見」!收錄為NHK連續劇10【玻璃之家】(直譯)主題曲。 一個連你的聲音跟電話都忘記了的人, 你還在期待些什麼? 「也不是對你感到厭煩了...」這樣的分手究竟算什麼? 日本新世代少女教主西野加奈唱出被狠狠甩掉的心情「再見」。 描述不是因為喜歡或是討厭這樣的理由而分手,將這樣經驗的心情表達的一覽無遺的新歌。 不論是彼此的價值觀,身分背景或是彼此憧憬的未來等等的理由, 一點一滴,慢慢的將兩人的距離越拉越遠,也曾相信「只有還有喜歡的感覺,一切一定能夠走過所有的考驗..」但如今卻被狠狠甩開。 只是提出分手的說法太過牽強,不論是藉口或是曖昧不明, 總是讓人很難接受,但心底卻還依然相信著兩人的將來。 分手已經是事實,卻無法接受這曖昧的方式終結掉這段感情, 描述著如此動搖不定複雜的心情赤裸的表現在這首歌,再見。 KKBOX搶先聽下載全曲:http://kkbox.fm/8a05lA mymusic搶先聽下載全曲:http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/187534
"Aitakute Aitakute" as 10th single. Kana Nishino Live at the National Yoyogi first gymnasium in Tokyo on Sep 23, 2013.
Music video by Kana Nishino performing Always(short ver.). (C) 2012 SME Records Inc.
今回は 西野カナ の トリセツ をLefty Hand Creamさんとカバーしました。 チャンネル登録してね!▶︎ https://goo.gl/zQPL1e 映画『ヒロイン失格』主題歌 カップリング「A型の歌」 This time, the "Torisetsu" Kana Nishino it was cover. Updated new video every Friday. Please subscribe!! 2/14コバソロワンマンライブ決定!! 詳細▶︎https://youtu.be/TrCWm4qvp1Y 【前回のLefty hand creamさんとの動画】 【English sub】あなたに恋をしてみました/chay(コバソロ & Lefty hand cream cover) https://youtu.be/HKiq4-qeAOc 毎週金曜日夜7時頃動画更新!! よければいいね、コメント、シェア、チャンネル登録してね♪ 【Kobasolo】 YouTube▶︎http://www.youtube.com/user/Hujikoman iTunes▶︎https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/kobasolo/id641436414 Twitter▶https://twitter.com/kobamakolts 【LeftyHandCream】 YouTube▶︎https://www.youtube.com/user/handsea019 Twitter▶︎https://twitter.com/hanfsea ☆2nd Channel『コバん家』 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyDJCNN_nh5FxEM7qpYbnNA Folow me!! ★HP⇒http://...
Freemake Video Converterでアップロードされましたhttp://www.freemake.com/jp/free_video_converter/
♬ 訂閱索尼音樂頻道 ➔ http://bit.ly/2m1aduZ 喜歡西野加奈請按讚並將影片新增至播放清單 將心底對前任男友的愛,全部以這首歌表達出的溫暖情歌。 2013年迎接出道5週年的西野加奈第二張單曲,同時也收錄在精選輯『愛的收藏~pink~』是描述對前任男友放不下的心情,與對過往的回憶的一首失戀溫暖情歌。 撇開失戀的難過情緒,其實戀愛中甜蜜的回憶更加珍貴,將這段以結束收尾的戀愛以一句話形容,就是「你我都還不夠成熟」,如此率真的歌詞正是西野加奈獲得新世代少女支持的原因。 單曲「淚色」的作曲及編曲是曾經創作過西野加奈暢銷單曲「Best Friend」、「好想見你好想見你」、「我們的歌」等等的創作人GIORGIO CANCEMI再度為西野加奈量身訂做的新歌。
M - PRINCESS PRINCESS http://youtu.be/U0OCIr90XA4 好きな人がいること - JY http://youtu.be/rfCLUaW4EdY 前前前世 - RADWIMPS http://youtu.be/IDWraEs5c7Q 他にも音楽の動画をアップしていますので、よかったらチャンネル登録をお願いします! http://www.youtube.com/user/highnote0000 新曲のアップ情報等をtwitterやFacebookでご案内しています。よかったらフォロー&いいね!をお願いします! http://twitter.com/high_note_music http://www.facebook.com/highnote0000 好きだよ。~100回の後悔~ - ソナーポケット http://youtu.be/gSjrv5Lq1C8 ブルーバード - いきものがかり http://youtu.be/3y0HwElt5Lw 浪漫飛行 - 米米CLUB http://youtu.be/F76ocb9wP2s 風になる - つじあやの http://youtu.be/mWx2DHtD0rQ Have a nice day - 西野カナ http://youtu.be/-tFwwxfyrnM 世界に一つだけの花 - SMAP http://youtu.be/qZq-q75KeMw 揺れる想い - ZARD http://youtu.be/dccMd6gfcMw 糸 - 中島みゆき http://youtu.be/jOegTv3a2h4 シュガーソングとビターステップ - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN http://youtu.be/P-LdR0WL5Zo 365日の紙飛行機 - AKB48 http:/...
Freemake Video Converterでアップロードされましたhttp://www.freemake.com/jp/free_video_converter/
Heroine Shikkaku OST sung live by Nishino Kana. I apologise for any error in my romaji, my translation or my grammar
🎌🎐 第49回日本有線大賞
Kana Nishino Suki LIVE Legendado em PT BR
『We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together』(Cover)♪ 【HD】
Setlist opening Have a nice day -MC Session- Moshimo Unmei no Hito ga Iru no Nara (もしも運命の人がいるのなら) No.1 We Don’t Stop This Is How We Do It YEAH! -Interview- (part I) Darling Wish Upon A Star Kimi ga Suki (君が好き) -Interview- (part II) I wanna see you dance Holiday -MC Session- Dear Bride -MC Session- Torisetsu (トリセツ) -Interview- (part III)
Video blocked in USA, Australia, New Zealand & Japan. Part of some music videos is blurred out due to copyright issues. The uncensored version can be found in the links in the video. (Turn on Annotations) No subtitles added yet, will be added soon™. [Track No.] Timestamp - Song Title (Title in Kana) {Title translation in English} <Release date> [1] 0:50 - Have a nice day <2016.07.13> [2] 5:20 - Anata no Sukina tokoro (あなたの好きなところ) {Your Favorite Places} <2016.04.27> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ad Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [3] 10:39 - A-Gata no Uta (A型のうた) {Song of Blood Type-A} <2015.09.09> [4] 14:22 - No.1 <2015.11.18> [5] 18:36 - Torisetsu (トリセツ) {Instruction Manual} <2015.09.09> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ad Break~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [6] 23:44 - Moshimo Unmei no Hitoga Irunonara (もしも運命の人がいるのなら) {If I had a Soulmate} <20...
https://www.youtube.com/user/YASURAGICOM?feature=mhee To work, to study, to everyday life. . YASURAGICOM to deliver peace and excitement to you through music. 仕事に、勉強に、毎日の生活に。。 音楽を通してあなたに感動と安らぎをお届けするYASURAGICOM。 【楽曲リスト】 1.Dear Bride 2.もしも運命の人がいるのなら 3.Darling 4.私たち 5.たとえ どんなに… 6.君って 7Dear・・・
Nishino Kana スーパーフライ 【作業用BGM】 | Nishino Kana スーパーフライ 【良曲ベスト集】 高音質 | Nishino Kana スーパーフライ サビメドレー 20曲 list: 01. トリセツ - Nishino Kana 02. A型のうた - Nishino Kana 03. もしも運命の人がいるのなら - Nishino Kana 04. Lucky - Nishino Kana 05. Shut Up - Nishino Kana 06. 会いたくて 会いたくて - Nishino Kana 07. Best Friend - Nishino Kana 08. Secret - Nishino Kana 09. ONE WAY LOVE - Nishino Kana 10. もっと.. - Nishino Kana 11. Distance - Nishino Kana 12. 涙色 - Nishino Kana 13. My Baby - Nishino Kana 14. candy - Nishino Kana 15. Together - Nishino Kana 16. Story - Nishino Kana 17. Watashi Tachi Originally Performed - Nishino Kana 18. By Your Side Feat - Nishino Kana
Nightcore Mix 1 Hour 【Thanks for 50k Subscribers】 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 50k Subscribers ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ thanks you guys very much, I can't reach that much without you !!! Once again, Thank all of you so much !!! ≥^.^≤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Support us on Patreon ✿◕ ‿ ◕ ✿:https://www.patreon.com/TheSoulofWind ❂Check out my onee-chan channel:❂ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUNZI3Hqsroduip4XSshTfw ❂The Soul of Wind❂ ★❋ Subscribe (◠‿◠✿):► http://goo.gl/mCaSb4 ★❋ Follow our Fanpage:► https://goo.gl/lRMcSs ★❋ Beautiful Anime Mix:► https://goo.gl/u5iYuH ✔1-Hour anime music Mix: https://goo.gl/Ob0lfg ✔2-Hour anime music Mix: https://goo.gl/5wygMh ❋1-Hour Anime Mix - Most Beautiful & Emotional: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaJoDAXkSMw ❋1-Hour Anime Mix - Most Epic & Powerful: htt...
kana nishino all songs カナ西野すべての曲 https://youtu.be/gGMLE7Jhu9E
1) 0:00 Wishing - Kana Nishino 2) 3:58 Crazy Botch - One OK Rock 3) 7:18 Two Of Us - Mini 4) 11:39 To You - Azu 5) 15:47 Sakura Saku - ClariS 6) 19:39 Hi-fi Raver - Miku, Luka, Gumi 7) 22:39 Distance - Kana Nishino 8) 25:48 Always - Kana Nishino 9) 30:12 AI KOTOBA II - DECO*27 10) 33:53 Story - Kana Nishino 11) 37:12 Sayonara Memories - Supercell 12) 42:17 Perfect Day - Supercell 13) 46:20 Yukitoki - Nagi Yanagi 14) 50:02 Endless Tears - Maiko Nakamura ft. Cliff Edge 15) 53:55 Rainbow - Round Table feat. Nino 16) 57:08 Ginirohikousen - Supercell
Learn Japanese with Yuta: http://goo.gl/TMxmsF Support me on Patreon: https://goo.gl/aiWNd5 More videos on Facebook: https://goo.gl/7htsJB Single woman in Tokyo? http://goo.gl/1deeCx Must-read before Dating in Japan: http://amzn.com/B00SDJ61FI You can buy my cute T-shirts here: http://yuta.spreadshirt.com/ Personal questions should go here: http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2lXbsOW6Lsl Topic suggestions should go here: http://www.tricider.com/brainstorming/2aVMMchIOBJ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatYuta Blog: http://www.yutaaoki.com/blog/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YutaAokiOfficial Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatyuta/ Snapchat: ThatYuta What equipment do I use? (Affiliate Links) [Camera] Panasonic GH4: http://goo.gl/tVEmbI [Mic] Shure SM63LB: http://goo.gl/xVhq...
Setlist opening Have a nice day -MC Session- Moshimo Unmei no Hito ga Iru no Nara (もしも運命の人がいるのなら) No.1 We Don’t Stop This Is How We Do It YEAH! -Interview- (part I) Darling Wish Upon A Star Kimi ga Suki (君が好き) -Interview- (part II) I wanna see you dance Holiday -MC Session- Dear Bride -MC Session- Torisetsu (トリセツ) -Interview- (part III)
Morning Musume, Girls Day, Sistar, SNSD, C-ute, 4Minute, T-ara, AKB48 and Wake Up Girls speaking English. Enjoy! Pt. 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V82RULp9tB4&list;=UUUFkf303fDpG9p_F7pQDRkA All credit to the original owners.
Music video by Kana Nishino performing Best Friend(short ver.). (C) 2010 SME Records Inc.
add him on Line if you want to learn japanese for free,and you can teach him english :) outlander.69@i.softbank.jp
私たち (Watashitachi) from episode 573 (aired September 8th, 2013) headlined by Kana Nishino (guest) music by DOMOTO BROS. Band Original song by Kana Nishino Shin Domoto Kyoudai belongs to Fuji TV. Performances and their original works belong to their respective owners. If you enjoyed the performance, support the artists and buy their songs! =)