Jack the Giant Killer Official Trailer #1 - Don Beddoe Movie (1962) HD
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Jack the Giant Killer Trailer - Directed by Nathan Juran and starring Kerwin Mathews, Torin Thatcher, Walter Burke, Don Beddoe, Barry Kelley. The terrible and trecherous Pendragon plans to gain the throne of Cornwall by getting the king to abdicate and to marry his lovely daughter. To help him he has his dreadful witches in his castle and his almost unstoppable sorcery. A giant under his control abducts the princess, but on the way home with her the giant meets farming lad Jack who slays him. This is only the beginning.
MGM - 1962
published: 05 Oct 2012
Don Beddoe with the 3 Stooges (1939) and Bewitched as Santa (1967)
Don Beddoe appeared with the 3 Stooges in two films made in 1939. In 1967 he played Santa in a TV episode of Bewitched.
published: 25 Dec 2017
published: 04 Oct 2016
Don Beddoe - Stage
published: 23 Jan 2017
Don Beddoe 1940’s films pt. 2
published: 19 Jan 2020
Don Beddoe films and TV shows pt. 3
published: 22 Jan 2020
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
Список Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe. Подпишитесь на канал: https://goo.gl/JT1G6i
В списке Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe мы имеем:
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
15. Jack the Giant Killer
14. Река не течет вспять
Мэтт Коядер, отсидев за убийство, находит своего шестилетнего сына Марка в лагере переселенцев, где его приютила певица кабаре Кей. Мэтт забирает сына в свой новый дом и решает начать новую жизнь среди бескрайних просторов Северной Америки. В это время Гарри, дружок Кей, выигрывает в карты золотоносный участок и предлагает девушке бросить все и умчаться с ним на плоту по реке, чтобы как можно быстрее застолбить золотую жилу, которую он получил обманом. Бурная река вынуждает парочку сделать остановку рядом с хижиной Мэтта. Гарри, узнав от фермера, что река небезопасна своими порогами и водопада...
published: 27 Aug 2020
Don Beddoe 1930’s films pt. 1
published: 18 Jan 2020
Don Beddoe films and TV shows pt. 4
published: 23 Jan 2020
Jack the Giant Killer Official Trailer #1 - Don Beddoe Movie (1962) HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn
Subscribe to CLASSIC TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
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Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn
Subscribe to CLASSIC TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73
Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Jack the Giant Killer Trailer - Directed by Nathan Juran and starring Kerwin Mathews, Torin Thatcher, Walter Burke, Don Beddoe, Barry Kelley. The terrible and trecherous Pendragon plans to gain the throne of Cornwall by getting the king to abdicate and to marry his lovely daughter. To help him he has his dreadful witches in his castle and his almost unstoppable sorcery. A giant under his control abducts the princess, but on the way home with her the giant meets farming lad Jack who slays him. This is only the beginning.
MGM - 1962
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn
Subscribe to CLASSIC TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u43jDe
Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73
Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt
Jack the Giant Killer Trailer - Directed by Nathan Juran and starring Kerwin Mathews, Torin Thatcher, Walter Burke, Don Beddoe, Barry Kelley. The terrible and trecherous Pendragon plans to gain the throne of Cornwall by getting the king to abdicate and to marry his lovely daughter. To help him he has his dreadful witches in his castle and his almost unstoppable sorcery. A giant under his control abducts the princess, but on the way home with her the giant meets farming lad Jack who slays him. This is only the beginning.
MGM - 1962
- published: 05 Oct 2012
- views: 209838
Don Beddoe with the 3 Stooges (1939) and Bewitched as Santa (1967)
Don Beddoe appeared with the 3 Stooges in two films made in 1939. In 1967 he played Santa in a TV episode of Bewitched.
Don Beddoe appeared with the 3 Stooges in two films made in 1939. In 1967 he played Santa in a TV episode of Bewitched.
Don Beddoe appeared with the 3 Stooges in two films made in 1939. In 1967 he played Santa in a TV episode of Bewitched.
- published: 25 Dec 2017
- views: 5395
Don Beddoe - Stage
- published: 23 Jan 2017
- views: 16
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
Список Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe. Подпишитесь на канал: https://goo.gl/JT1G6i
В списке Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe мы имеем:
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
15. Jack the...
Список Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe. Подпишитесь на канал: https://goo.gl/JT1G6i
В списке Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe мы имеем:
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
15. Jack the Giant Killer
14. Река не течет вспять
Мэтт Коядер, отсидев за убийство, находит своего шестилетнего сына Марка в лагере переселенцев, где его приютила певица кабаре Кей. Мэтт забирает сына в свой новый дом и решает начать новую жизнь среди бескрайних просторов Северной Америки. В это время Гарри, дружок Кей, выигрывает в карты золотоносный участок и предлагает девушке бросить все и умчаться с ним на плоту по реке, чтобы как можно быстрее застолбить золотую жилу, которую он получил обманом. Бурная река вынуждает парочку сделать остановку рядом с хижиной Мэтта. Гарри, узнав от фермера, что река небезопасна своими порогами и водопадами, решает украсть лошадь и ружье у Мэтта. Кей принимает решение остаться с фермером и ждать когда вернётся Гарри. Не прошло и дня, как на оставшихся в доме нападаютиндейцы и сжигают их дом. Мэтт с сыном и Кей успевают уплыть на плоту. Им предстоит не лёгкий путь вниз по реке, через пороги и непроходимые леса, кишащие дикими животными, а на их след уже вышли кровожадные индейцы...
13. Юнион Пасифик
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
12. Don't Bother to Knock
11. Шериф
Дикий запад. Небольшой городок Варлок постоянно терроризирует банда налетчиков. Им принадлежит власть над всеми... Закон здесь безвластен. Ни один шериф не смог продержаться на должности и недели, одни были убиты, другие бежали. Чтобы защитить себя владелец местного салуна Морган нанимает профессионального убийцу Курта Блайсдела, который должен навести порядок в его заведении.Хладнокровный опытный стрелок, одетый как истинный джентльмен, Блайсдел, сразу понравился горожанам. Его быстрый кольт проучил много негодяев и вычистил от преступников не один городок на Диком западе. Но Блайсдел охраняет только заведение Моргана, и тогда горожане постановили, в городе должен быть официальный представитель власти - шериф.
10. Caged
9. Театральный фургон
Жизнь артиста кино полосата как зебра — головокружительный успех чередуется с поражением. Для Тони Хантера, выброшенного из Голливуда, наступил период забвения. Но, слава богу, что у парня есть верные друзья: Лестер и Лили. Они уговаривают Тони испытать удачу на сцене в постановке Бродвейского мюзикла. После ряда неудач, он принимает участие в Нью-Йорском шоу, но и тут все против него: и прима балерина, и ревнивый хореограф, который его просто ненавидит. А продюсер и режиссер его вообще на дух не переносит. Но шоу продолжается, и упрямый Тони все-таки ухитряется превратить его в самое 'горячее' на Бродвее.
8. Телефон пополам
Обладатели спаренного телефонного номера дизайнер Джен Морроу и композитор Брэд Аллен никогда друг друга не видели, но люто друг друга ненавидят. Брэд каждый вечер играет своим многочисленным поклонницам одну и ту же мелодию, а Джен подслушивает, возмущается и жалуется в телефонную компанию. За Джен ухаживает миллионер Джонатан Форбс, который по стечению обстоятельств является другом и спонсором Брэда. Однажды он рассказывает Брэду о своей возлюбленной и о ненормальном типе, с которым ей приходится делить телефонный номер. Бред догадывается, что речь идет о нем. Описание внешности неприветливой дамы на другом конце провода интригует его, а когда он случайно встречается с Джен в ресторане, узнав ее голос, он решает, что игра стоит свеч…
7. Холостяк и девчонка
Подросток Сьюзан Тернер влюбляется в художника-плейбоя Ричарда Ньюджента. Как-то она пробирается в его квартиру, чтобы позировать для него. Там она сталкивается со своей сестрой — судьей Маргарет Тернер. Находясь под угрозой тюремного заключения, Ньюджент соглашается встречаться со Сьюзан до тех пор, пока чувства девушки не утихнут.
6. Насаждающий закон
Герою Хамфри Богарта противостоит неуловимый синдикат убийц, поставивший преступления на конвейер. Все они были убиты по приказу Альберта Мендозы, создавшего совершенно новый вид бизнеса — убийство по заказу.
5. Весь город говорит
Когда огонь уничтожает деревообрабатывающую фабрику и в пламени погибает диспетчер Клайд Бракен, пострадавший владелец предприятия Эндрю Холмс обвиняет своего служащего Леопольда Дилга в поджоге и убийстве. Арестованный Леопольд сбегает из тюрьмы и прячется в доме своей приятельницы, школьной учительницы Норы Шелли. Девушка отнюдь не рада такому гостю, потому что дом сдан на летний сезон Майклу Лайткэпу, уважаемому профессору юриспруденции,...
Backsound by Ben-sound
Список Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe. Подпишитесь на канал: https://goo.gl/JT1G6i
В списке Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe мы имеем:
Лучшие фильмы Don Beddoe
15. Jack the Giant Killer
14. Река не течет вспять
Мэтт Коядер, отсидев за убийство, находит своего шестилетнего сына Марка в лагере переселенцев, где его приютила певица кабаре Кей. Мэтт забирает сына в свой новый дом и решает начать новую жизнь среди бескрайних просторов Северной Америки. В это время Гарри, дружок Кей, выигрывает в карты золотоносный участок и предлагает девушке бросить все и умчаться с ним на плоту по реке, чтобы как можно быстрее застолбить золотую жилу, которую он получил обманом. Бурная река вынуждает парочку сделать остановку рядом с хижиной Мэтта. Гарри, узнав от фермера, что река небезопасна своими порогами и водопадами, решает украсть лошадь и ружье у Мэтта. Кей принимает решение остаться с фермером и ждать когда вернётся Гарри. Не прошло и дня, как на оставшихся в доме нападаютиндейцы и сжигают их дом. Мэтт с сыном и Кей успевают уплыть на плоту. Им предстоит не лёгкий путь вниз по реке, через пороги и непроходимые леса, кишащие дикими животными, а на их след уже вышли кровожадные индейцы...
13. Юнион Пасифик
Один из последних законопроектов, который подписал президент Линкольн, был законопроект о прокладке трансконтинентальной железной дороги через пустыню в Калифорнию, чтобы соединить между собой два океана, Север и Юг. Однако нечестный делец и политик Аса Бэрроуз надеется извлечь прибыль именно от задержки строительства.
12. Don't Bother to Knock
11. Шериф
Дикий запад. Небольшой городок Варлок постоянно терроризирует банда налетчиков. Им принадлежит власть над всеми... Закон здесь безвластен. Ни один шериф не смог продержаться на должности и недели, одни были убиты, другие бежали. Чтобы защитить себя владелец местного салуна Морган нанимает профессионального убийцу Курта Блайсдела, который должен навести порядок в его заведении.Хладнокровный опытный стрелок, одетый как истинный джентльмен, Блайсдел, сразу понравился горожанам. Его быстрый кольт проучил много негодяев и вычистил от преступников не один городок на Диком западе. Но Блайсдел охраняет только заведение Моргана, и тогда горожане постановили, в городе должен быть официальный представитель власти - шериф.
10. Caged
9. Театральный фургон
Жизнь артиста кино полосата как зебра — головокружительный успех чередуется с поражением. Для Тони Хантера, выброшенного из Голливуда, наступил период забвения. Но, слава богу, что у парня есть верные друзья: Лестер и Лили. Они уговаривают Тони испытать удачу на сцене в постановке Бродвейского мюзикла. После ряда неудач, он принимает участие в Нью-Йорском шоу, но и тут все против него: и прима балерина, и ревнивый хореограф, который его просто ненавидит. А продюсер и режиссер его вообще на дух не переносит. Но шоу продолжается, и упрямый Тони все-таки ухитряется превратить его в самое 'горячее' на Бродвее.
8. Телефон пополам
Обладатели спаренного телефонного номера дизайнер Джен Морроу и композитор Брэд Аллен никогда друг друга не видели, но люто друг друга ненавидят. Брэд каждый вечер играет своим многочисленным поклонницам одну и ту же мелодию, а Джен подслушивает, возмущается и жалуется в телефонную компанию. За Джен ухаживает миллионер Джонатан Форбс, который по стечению обстоятельств является другом и спонсором Брэда. Однажды он рассказывает Брэду о своей возлюбленной и о ненормальном типе, с которым ей приходится делить телефонный номер. Бред догадывается, что речь идет о нем. Описание внешности неприветливой дамы на другом конце провода интригует его, а когда он случайно встречается с Джен в ресторане, узнав ее голос, он решает, что игра стоит свеч…
7. Холостяк и девчонка
Подросток Сьюзан Тернер влюбляется в художника-плейбоя Ричарда Ньюджента. Как-то она пробирается в его квартиру, чтобы позировать для него. Там она сталкивается со своей сестрой — судьей Маргарет Тернер. Находясь под угрозой тюремного заключения, Ньюджент соглашается встречаться со Сьюзан до тех пор, пока чувства девушки не утихнут.
6. Насаждающий закон
Герою Хамфри Богарта противостоит неуловимый синдикат убийц, поставивший преступления на конвейер. Все они были убиты по приказу Альберта Мендозы, создавшего совершенно новый вид бизнеса — убийство по заказу.
5. Весь город говорит
Когда огонь уничтожает деревообрабатывающую фабрику и в пламени погибает диспетчер Клайд Бракен, пострадавший владелец предприятия Эндрю Холмс обвиняет своего служащего Леопольда Дилга в поджоге и убийстве. Арестованный Леопольд сбегает из тюрьмы и прячется в доме своей приятельницы, школьной учительницы Норы Шелли. Девушка отнюдь не рада такому гостю, потому что дом сдан на летний сезон Майклу Лайткэпу, уважаемому профессору юриспруденции,...
Backsound by Ben-sound
- published: 27 Aug 2020
- views: 3
Battle of Baghdad: A Turning Point in Operation Iraqi Freedom | Documentary
Every war has its battles for the cities and in 2003 as US forces, aided predominantly by the United Kingdom, invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, planners in Washington knew that at some point their troops would have to go into the Iraqi capital of Baghdad if they were to ever oust the middle eastern dictator and his government as was the mission objective of Operation Iraqi Freedom. No one was under any illusions that Baghdad would be a tough nut to crack and despite the technological advantage enjoyed by US forces, years of operational experience from Vietnam to Somalia told US commanders that in the end it would largely be down to the skill andfighting spirit of the infantry.
This is the story of the Fall of Baghdad. Welcome to Wars of the World
00:00 Introduction
01:53 Operation Iraqi Fr...
published: 24 Jan 2025
Hi friends, it would mean the world if you supported our ability to keep making videos like this one and our fundraising efforts here through Seek Discomfort's new drop live now:
🌎 For US & Worldwide (minus Europe): https://www.seekdiscomfort.com/
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Thanks to our fantastic guide and friend Aya Salih @aya__0_0/@safraty__ for making that trip so memorable. Don't hesitate to reach out to her if you ever want to travel to Baghdad.
Then just a note from Thomas here, I am super grateful and humbled to have the ability to create and share stories like this one. I know this isn’t the most algorithm-optimized, easy to consume, but I do feel that we need more stories like this more than the mindless YouTube challenge content. So I do hope it resonates wi...
published: 16 Jun 2024
What the media doesn't show you about BAGHDAD, IRAQ | S8, EP29
In this episode, I ride from Jassan, at the border of Iraq and Iran, to Iraq's capital city Baghdad. Here I meet up with Aya, who I already met in Kurdistan, and she shows me around Baghdad. If you are planning to visit Baghdad yourself (or other parts of Iraq), she can organize everything for you! Find here on instagram:
My book is now available for pre-order in English!
Get your copy here:
USA: https://bit.ly/4dWBngt
UK/Commonwealth: https://geni.us/FreeRide
Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out: www.itchyboots.com/academy
Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!
Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM
Instagram: https://www.instagr...
published: 19 Jan 2025
"The Sheriff of Baghdad" on Seeing Evil in Iraq and Shows Joe Saddam Hussein's Hat
JRE #2238 w/John McPhee
YouTube: https://youtu.be/8E1hrK77GLI
JRE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
published: 04 Dec 2024
This is Baghdad! An Exploration of the Legendary & Notorious Capital of Iraq (Cultural Travel Guide)
Baghdad, a city that has risen and fallen countless times over the centuries, is enjoying a period of relative peace. I took the opportunity to walk the streets of a city that I had long wanted to explore.
The capital of Iraq has spent much of the last 20 years in turmoil, but there are few more resilient cities in the world. It has rebuilt itself many times over.
There has been a settlement here on the Tigris for nearly 4000 years. The famous fortified round city from the 8th century developed into the richest city in the world. An epicentre of trade and learning. Then came the sieges of the Persians and the Mongols, and the destruction of Tamerlane, not to mention catastrophic floods and plagues. Ottoman rule from the 15th century then gave way to British rule, followed by the regime o...
published: 14 Apr 2024
The History Of Baghdad: The Medieval World's Greatest City
Ew, ads! Want to see this without ads, earlier, along with exclusive content? Go to https://nebula.tv/videos/cogito-the-history-of-baghdad-the-metropolis-of-the-medieval-world
Baghdad is home to 7 million people. This sprawling urban jungle is the second largest city in the Arab world after Cairo. But between the skyscrapers and honking cars you can see remains of this city's magnificent mediaeval past. This once Round City’s walls crumbled long ago. But a thousand years ago brilliant scientists, architects, writers, and merchants of different races and religions made massive contributions to the knowledge of humanity. Back when Paris and London were home to 20,000 people over 1 Million Baghdadi's lived here among canals, libraries, and palm trees.
So what is the history of Baghdad, wha...
published: 16 Jun 2022
Iraq War: Shock and Awe Assault on Baghdad Begins (2003)
On 21 March 2003, ITN's John Irvine reported from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad as the "shock and awe" phase of the US-led air campaign got underway. While the US bombardment of Baghdad had begun on 19 March, this had in fact consisted of relatively limited strikes targetting Saddam Hussein, senior regime officials, and other specific targets. At 17:00 UTC on 21 March, the air campaign moved into the next phase. In one night, 504 cruise missiles were launched at Baghdad's government district. The pictures captured by ITN's cameras that night are to this day considered defining images of the 2003 invasion and the Iraq War as a whole.
#Iraq #IraqWar #ShockAndAwe #Baghdad #WarOnTerror #Conflict
To license the footage featured in this clip, follow the link below:
published: 21 Mar 2023
Baghdad - The Planned Round City
Baghdad was born from a precise plan: apparently, the city was designed as round, and was located in an advantageous position, intersecting an important trade route.
To learn more, watch the full Get.factual documentary "The Fathers of Mathematics - The Ancient History of Arabia": https://youtu.be/tUsxX5RwJ1s
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos.
New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week!
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published: 03 Mar 2023
بث مباشر من قِبل Baghdad baptist
published: 24 Jan 2025
American Solo in Baghdad, Iraq (Safe in 2024?)
Visit Iraq with me! https://www.dougbarnardtravel.com/trips
In this vlog, I'm flying back to Baghdad, Iraq! I'm exploring Baghdad alone, so you can see what it's like to walk around Baghdad solo as an American tourist, and whether it's safe or not.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doug_barnard
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@doug_barnard
X: https://www.x.com/doug_barnard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dougbarnardtravel
Epidemic Sound. Get a 30 day free trial here!
#baghdad #iraq #travelvlog #iraqi #visitiraq #iraqvlog #streetfood #barber #middleeast #solotravel #backpacking
published: 25 Jan 2024
Battle of Baghdad: A Turning Point in Operation Iraqi Freedom | Documentary
Every war has its battles for the cities and in 2003 as US forces, aided predominantly by the United Kingdom, invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, planners in Washing...
Every war has its battles for the cities and in 2003 as US forces, aided predominantly by the United Kingdom, invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, planners in Washington knew that at some point their troops would have to go into the Iraqi capital of Baghdad if they were to ever oust the middle eastern dictator and his government as was the mission objective of Operation Iraqi Freedom. No one was under any illusions that Baghdad would be a tough nut to crack and despite the technological advantage enjoyed by US forces, years of operational experience from Vietnam to Somalia told US commanders that in the end it would largely be down to the skill andfighting spirit of the infantry.
This is the story of the Fall of Baghdad. Welcome to Wars of the World
00:00 Introduction
01:53 Operation Iraqi Freedom
05:21 To Capture a City
10:42 The Road to Baghdad
15:05 The Thunder Run
19:32 Mission Accomplished?
Prefer to listen on the go? Check out the WotW Podcast:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4i0FnOKqttgHtbOhgOmLpr
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/wars-of-the-world/id1548691968
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS85ODg5NjAucnNz
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/988960.rss
Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: Jamit Productions
History Should Never Be Forgotten...
Every war has its battles for the cities and in 2003 as US forces, aided predominantly by the United Kingdom, invaded Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, planners in Washington knew that at some point their troops would have to go into the Iraqi capital of Baghdad if they were to ever oust the middle eastern dictator and his government as was the mission objective of Operation Iraqi Freedom. No one was under any illusions that Baghdad would be a tough nut to crack and despite the technological advantage enjoyed by US forces, years of operational experience from Vietnam to Somalia told US commanders that in the end it would largely be down to the skill andfighting spirit of the infantry.
This is the story of the Fall of Baghdad. Welcome to Wars of the World
00:00 Introduction
01:53 Operation Iraqi Freedom
05:21 To Capture a City
10:42 The Road to Baghdad
15:05 The Thunder Run
19:32 Mission Accomplished?
Prefer to listen on the go? Check out the WotW Podcast:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4i0FnOKqttgHtbOhgOmLpr
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/wars-of-the-world/id1548691968
Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5idXp6c3Byb3V0LmNvbS85ODg5NjAucnNz
RSS Feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/988960.rss
Written & Researched by: Tony Wilkins
Edited by: Jamit Productions
History Should Never Be Forgotten...
- published: 24 Jan 2025
- views: 13519
Hi friends, it would mean the world if you supported our ability to keep making videos like this one and our fundraising efforts here through Seek Discomfort's ...
Hi friends, it would mean the world if you supported our ability to keep making videos like this one and our fundraising efforts here through Seek Discomfort's new drop live now:
🌎 For US & Worldwide (minus Europe): https://www.seekdiscomfort.com/
🌍 For Europe: https://eu.seekdiscomfort.com/
Thanks to our fantastic guide and friend Aya Salih @aya__0_0/@safraty__ for making that trip so memorable. Don't hesitate to reach out to her if you ever want to travel to Baghdad.
Then just a note from Thomas here, I am super grateful and humbled to have the ability to create and share stories like this one. I know this isn’t the most algorithm-optimized, easy to consume, but I do feel that we need more stories like this more than the mindless YouTube challenge content. So I do hope it resonates with you and that it can, as I say in the video, build a bridge or plant a seed for empathy within us. I appreciate any and all of your support whatever it looks like from liking, commenting or buying some Seek, all of it goes a lot further than you can imagine. Much love to you all, see you on the next one.
Thank you to Aya for taking us, follow and contact her here:
🙏🏼 Thank you for making these videos possible through your support of Seek Discomfort
⚡️ SEEK DISCOMFORT: http://seek-discomfort.com/yes-theory
Hosts: Thomas Brag, Staffan Taylor
Filmmaker: Tarek Turkey
Editors: Thomas Dajer, Cam Peddle, Driaan Louw, Aidan Chua,
Producer: Melida Berton
Production's Assistant: Beatrice Longo
Hi friends, it would mean the world if you supported our ability to keep making videos like this one and our fundraising efforts here through Seek Discomfort's new drop live now:
🌎 For US & Worldwide (minus Europe): https://www.seekdiscomfort.com/
🌍 For Europe: https://eu.seekdiscomfort.com/
Thanks to our fantastic guide and friend Aya Salih @aya__0_0/@safraty__ for making that trip so memorable. Don't hesitate to reach out to her if you ever want to travel to Baghdad.
Then just a note from Thomas here, I am super grateful and humbled to have the ability to create and share stories like this one. I know this isn’t the most algorithm-optimized, easy to consume, but I do feel that we need more stories like this more than the mindless YouTube challenge content. So I do hope it resonates with you and that it can, as I say in the video, build a bridge or plant a seed for empathy within us. I appreciate any and all of your support whatever it looks like from liking, commenting or buying some Seek, all of it goes a lot further than you can imagine. Much love to you all, see you on the next one.
Thank you to Aya for taking us, follow and contact her here:
🙏🏼 Thank you for making these videos possible through your support of Seek Discomfort
⚡️ SEEK DISCOMFORT: http://seek-discomfort.com/yes-theory
Hosts: Thomas Brag, Staffan Taylor
Filmmaker: Tarek Turkey
Editors: Thomas Dajer, Cam Peddle, Driaan Louw, Aidan Chua,
Producer: Melida Berton
Production's Assistant: Beatrice Longo
- published: 16 Jun 2024
- views: 3490934
What the media doesn't show you about BAGHDAD, IRAQ | S8, EP29
In this episode, I ride from Jassan, at the border of Iraq and Iran, to Iraq's capital city Baghdad. Here I meet up with Aya, who I already met in Kurdistan, an...
In this episode, I ride from Jassan, at the border of Iraq and Iran, to Iraq's capital city Baghdad. Here I meet up with Aya, who I already met in Kurdistan, and she shows me around Baghdad. If you are planning to visit Baghdad yourself (or other parts of Iraq), she can organize everything for you! Find here on instagram:
My book is now available for pre-order in English!
Get your copy here:
USA: https://bit.ly/4dWBngt
UK/Commonwealth: https://geni.us/FreeRide
Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out: www.itchyboots.com/academy
Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!
Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itchybootstravel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itchyboots
#itchyboots #adventure #yamahatenere
In this episode, I ride from Jassan, at the border of Iraq and Iran, to Iraq's capital city Baghdad. Here I meet up with Aya, who I already met in Kurdistan, and she shows me around Baghdad. If you are planning to visit Baghdad yourself (or other parts of Iraq), she can organize everything for you! Find here on instagram:
My book is now available for pre-order in English!
Get your copy here:
USA: https://bit.ly/4dWBngt
UK/Commonwealth: https://geni.us/FreeRide
Want to learn how to use drones, GoPros and 360 cameras to film your solo motorcycle adventure? Check out: www.itchyboots.com/academy
Here I teach all my filming techniques including getting drone shots while riding!
Follow my journey on: WWW.ITCHYBOOTS.COM
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itchybootstravel
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itchyboots
#itchyboots #adventure #yamahatenere
- published: 19 Jan 2025
- views: 830429
"The Sheriff of Baghdad" on Seeing Evil in Iraq and Shows Joe Saddam Hussein's Hat
JRE #2238 w/John McPhee
YouTube: https://youtu.be/8E1hrK77GLI
JRE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
JRE #2238 w/John McPhee
YouTube: https://youtu.be/8E1hrK77GLI
JRE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
JRE #2238 w/John McPhee
YouTube: https://youtu.be/8E1hrK77GLI
JRE on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4rOoJ6Egrf8K2IrywzwOMk
- published: 04 Dec 2024
- views: 1502571
This is Baghdad! An Exploration of the Legendary & Notorious Capital of Iraq (Cultural Travel Guide)
Baghdad, a city that has risen and fallen countless times over the centuries, is enjoying a period of relative peace. I took the opportunity to walk the streets...
Baghdad, a city that has risen and fallen countless times over the centuries, is enjoying a period of relative peace. I took the opportunity to walk the streets of a city that I had long wanted to explore.
The capital of Iraq has spent much of the last 20 years in turmoil, but there are few more resilient cities in the world. It has rebuilt itself many times over.
There has been a settlement here on the Tigris for nearly 4000 years. The famous fortified round city from the 8th century developed into the richest city in the world. An epicentre of trade and learning. Then came the sieges of the Persians and the Mongols, and the destruction of Tamerlane, not to mention catastrophic floods and plagues. Ottoman rule from the 15th century then gave way to British rule, followed by the regime of Saddam Hussein, followed by the American invasion which led to sectarian civil war. Thankfully Islamic State were held back, but only just. If ever a city deserved a period of peace its Baghdad. But you won’t find much peace on the roads. Don’t think of renting a car here. Red lights have no meaning and there appear to be no rules.
No target was off-limits during the worst years of the civil unrest. The Mutanabi street book market, long a symbol of intellectual freedom, was blown apart by a car bomb in 2007. 30 people were killed. The wreckage of the car is now an exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London.
There were no winners in the tragic Iran - Iraq War but Saddam nonetheless erected a victory arch with replicas of his own hands holding two swords. It stands in the Green zone, a heavy guarded city within a city which houses government buildings, embassies and residences of the Baghdad elite. An enduring symbol of the fragile peace in this city.
A monument that I was keen to see was the Martys Monument. Two Giant tear drops commemorating both those killed in the war with Iran and now also the Kurdish and Shia victims of Saddam Hussein. Access is restricted but you can’t help but be moved by the significance of this vast sculpture.
It’s estimated that 15,000 items were stolen. Many have been lost forever, but the work that has been done to reassemble Iraq’s heritage is remarkable. The museum houses so many treasures from sites such as Babylon, Hatta, Nineveh, and Nimrod that the casual observer would never be able to image what had happened here. It may lack a shop, a cafe and the other facilities of its cousins in Paris, London and New York, but make no mistake, this is a world class museum.
Apart from the museum there is little other evidence of the richness of Baghdad’s past. The city is choked with traffic, and sprawls in all directions with little evidence of investment and development when compared say to Erbil in Kurdistan. The international hotel chains are still absent. But some new developments are being marketed so perhaps the cityscape may be very different in ten years time, if the peace can be maintained,but whatever is coming next Baghdad will endure, as it always has.
Big thanks to Qutaiba Ahmed (qtoursiraq.com).
Tour arranged through Rocky Road
Filmed October 2024
Jonathan Wheeler
Music licensed through Artlist
#baghdad #iraqtravel
Baghdad, a city that has risen and fallen countless times over the centuries, is enjoying a period of relative peace. I took the opportunity to walk the streets of a city that I had long wanted to explore.
The capital of Iraq has spent much of the last 20 years in turmoil, but there are few more resilient cities in the world. It has rebuilt itself many times over.
There has been a settlement here on the Tigris for nearly 4000 years. The famous fortified round city from the 8th century developed into the richest city in the world. An epicentre of trade and learning. Then came the sieges of the Persians and the Mongols, and the destruction of Tamerlane, not to mention catastrophic floods and plagues. Ottoman rule from the 15th century then gave way to British rule, followed by the regime of Saddam Hussein, followed by the American invasion which led to sectarian civil war. Thankfully Islamic State were held back, but only just. If ever a city deserved a period of peace its Baghdad. But you won’t find much peace on the roads. Don’t think of renting a car here. Red lights have no meaning and there appear to be no rules.
No target was off-limits during the worst years of the civil unrest. The Mutanabi street book market, long a symbol of intellectual freedom, was blown apart by a car bomb in 2007. 30 people were killed. The wreckage of the car is now an exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London.
There were no winners in the tragic Iran - Iraq War but Saddam nonetheless erected a victory arch with replicas of his own hands holding two swords. It stands in the Green zone, a heavy guarded city within a city which houses government buildings, embassies and residences of the Baghdad elite. An enduring symbol of the fragile peace in this city.
A monument that I was keen to see was the Martys Monument. Two Giant tear drops commemorating both those killed in the war with Iran and now also the Kurdish and Shia victims of Saddam Hussein. Access is restricted but you can’t help but be moved by the significance of this vast sculpture.
It’s estimated that 15,000 items were stolen. Many have been lost forever, but the work that has been done to reassemble Iraq’s heritage is remarkable. The museum houses so many treasures from sites such as Babylon, Hatta, Nineveh, and Nimrod that the casual observer would never be able to image what had happened here. It may lack a shop, a cafe and the other facilities of its cousins in Paris, London and New York, but make no mistake, this is a world class museum.
Apart from the museum there is little other evidence of the richness of Baghdad’s past. The city is choked with traffic, and sprawls in all directions with little evidence of investment and development when compared say to Erbil in Kurdistan. The international hotel chains are still absent. But some new developments are being marketed so perhaps the cityscape may be very different in ten years time, if the peace can be maintained,but whatever is coming next Baghdad will endure, as it always has.
Big thanks to Qutaiba Ahmed (qtoursiraq.com).
Tour arranged through Rocky Road
Filmed October 2024
Jonathan Wheeler
Music licensed through Artlist
#baghdad #iraqtravel
- published: 14 Apr 2024
- views: 47534
The History Of Baghdad: The Medieval World's Greatest City
Ew, ads! Want to see this without ads, earlier, along with exclusive content? Go to https://nebula.tv/videos/cogito-the-history-of-baghdad-the-metropolis-of-the...
Ew, ads! Want to see this without ads, earlier, along with exclusive content? Go to https://nebula.tv/videos/cogito-the-history-of-baghdad-the-metropolis-of-the-medieval-world
Baghdad is home to 7 million people. This sprawling urban jungle is the second largest city in the Arab world after Cairo. But between the skyscrapers and honking cars you can see remains of this city's magnificent mediaeval past. This once Round City’s walls crumbled long ago. But a thousand years ago brilliant scientists, architects, writers, and merchants of different races and religions made massive contributions to the knowledge of humanity. Back when Paris and London were home to 20,000 people over 1 Million Baghdadi's lived here among canals, libraries, and palm trees.
So what is the history of Baghdad, what’s a House of Wisdom, and what does it all have to do with Mediaeval Robots trying to get people drunk?
This video was researched and written by Deborah Oliveira.
Go checkout https://nebula.app/cogito
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Or Facebook @CogitoYT
Who Are The Sami People? | https://youtu.be/_6sQPJvGaO0
What Is Islam? | https://youtu.be/XlvEymU-S4o
Who Are The Māori People Of New Zealand? | https://youtu.be/Nw81to_XmXM
What Is Taoism? | https://youtu.be/U6hslRjGaww
What Is A Cult? https://youtu.be/QUHNKCkXYes
History Of Tea | https://youtu.be/6S0hlv5sUbw
What Was The Indus Valley Civilisation? | https://youtu.be/rlONwxT9Nlc
What Is Judaism | https://youtu.be/0VAylWxDQfk
Who Are The San Bushmen? | https://youtu.be/1oQ5Jd7p2aY
What Is Zoroastrianism? | https://youtu.be/hl9QgeHdKYk
What Is Hinduism? https://youtu.be/xlBEEuYIWwY
What Is Sikhism? https://youtu.be/L-1UAORcX4c
Sources and Further Reading:
Crash Course: https://youtu.be/bkVsus8Ehxs
Al Muqaddimah playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwy0OsD76k1P-UPjCVSDhqMISIi0bDu–
Penn Museum: https://youtu.be/nnT-niTh_jE
Al Jazeera: https://youtu.be/mYzPxwnGs34 and https://youtu.be/sAxWF_W6Q9w
from BBC: https://youtu.be/BOZupCYfBxg
Every single episode from the Abbasid History Podcast https://abbasidhistorypodcast.libsyn.com
Also follow them on Twitter https://twitter.com/abbasidhistory
The Caliph's Splendor by Benson Bobrick
Baghdad: An Urban History through the Lens of Literature by Iman Al-Attar
The House of Wisdom by Jim al-Khalili
The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan
When Baghdad Ruled the Muslim World by Hugh Kennedy
1001 Nights: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/34206/34206-h/34206-h.htm
The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices: https://archive.org/details/cover_20200113_2057/mode/2up
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://epidemicsound.com/creator
Video/Images provided by Getty Images and Archive.org
Maps provided by maptiler/Geolayers
#History #Baghdad #Animation #AncientHistory
Ew, ads! Want to see this without ads, earlier, along with exclusive content? Go to https://nebula.tv/videos/cogito-the-history-of-baghdad-the-metropolis-of-the-medieval-world
Baghdad is home to 7 million people. This sprawling urban jungle is the second largest city in the Arab world after Cairo. But between the skyscrapers and honking cars you can see remains of this city's magnificent mediaeval past. This once Round City’s walls crumbled long ago. But a thousand years ago brilliant scientists, architects, writers, and merchants of different races and religions made massive contributions to the knowledge of humanity. Back when Paris and London were home to 20,000 people over 1 Million Baghdadi's lived here among canals, libraries, and palm trees.
So what is the history of Baghdad, what’s a House of Wisdom, and what does it all have to do with Mediaeval Robots trying to get people drunk?
This video was researched and written by Deborah Oliveira.
Go checkout https://nebula.app/cogito
Follow me on twitter
Or Reddit r/cogitoedu
Or Facebook @CogitoYT
Who Are The Sami People? | https://youtu.be/_6sQPJvGaO0
What Is Islam? | https://youtu.be/XlvEymU-S4o
Who Are The Māori People Of New Zealand? | https://youtu.be/Nw81to_XmXM
What Is Taoism? | https://youtu.be/U6hslRjGaww
What Is A Cult? https://youtu.be/QUHNKCkXYes
History Of Tea | https://youtu.be/6S0hlv5sUbw
What Was The Indus Valley Civilisation? | https://youtu.be/rlONwxT9Nlc
What Is Judaism | https://youtu.be/0VAylWxDQfk
Who Are The San Bushmen? | https://youtu.be/1oQ5Jd7p2aY
What Is Zoroastrianism? | https://youtu.be/hl9QgeHdKYk
What Is Hinduism? https://youtu.be/xlBEEuYIWwY
What Is Sikhism? https://youtu.be/L-1UAORcX4c
Sources and Further Reading:
Crash Course: https://youtu.be/bkVsus8Ehxs
Al Muqaddimah playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwy0OsD76k1P-UPjCVSDhqMISIi0bDu–
Penn Museum: https://youtu.be/nnT-niTh_jE
Al Jazeera: https://youtu.be/mYzPxwnGs34 and https://youtu.be/sAxWF_W6Q9w
from BBC: https://youtu.be/BOZupCYfBxg
Every single episode from the Abbasid History Podcast https://abbasidhistorypodcast.libsyn.com
Also follow them on Twitter https://twitter.com/abbasidhistory
The Caliph's Splendor by Benson Bobrick
Baghdad: An Urban History through the Lens of Literature by Iman Al-Attar
The House of Wisdom by Jim al-Khalili
The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan
When Baghdad Ruled the Muslim World by Hugh Kennedy
1001 Nights: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/34206/34206-h/34206-h.htm
The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices: https://archive.org/details/cover_20200113_2057/mode/2up
Music by Epidemic Sound: https://epidemicsound.com/creator
Video/Images provided by Getty Images and Archive.org
Maps provided by maptiler/Geolayers
#History #Baghdad #Animation #AncientHistory
- published: 16 Jun 2022
- views: 882195
Iraq War: Shock and Awe Assault on Baghdad Begins (2003)
On 21 March 2003, ITN's John Irvine reported from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad as the "shock and awe" phase of the US-led air campaign got underway. While the U...
On 21 March 2003, ITN's John Irvine reported from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad as the "shock and awe" phase of the US-led air campaign got underway. While the US bombardment of Baghdad had begun on 19 March, this had in fact consisted of relatively limited strikes targetting Saddam Hussein, senior regime officials, and other specific targets. At 17:00 UTC on 21 March, the air campaign moved into the next phase. In one night, 504 cruise missiles were launched at Baghdad's government district. The pictures captured by ITN's cameras that night are to this day considered defining images of the 2003 invasion and the Iraq War as a whole.
#Iraq #IraqWar #ShockAndAwe #Baghdad #WarOnTerror #Conflict
To license the footage featured in this clip, follow the link below:
To search the ITN Archive collection on Getty Images, follow the link below:
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On 21 March 2003, ITN's John Irvine reported from the Iraqi capital of Baghdad as the "shock and awe" phase of the US-led air campaign got underway. While the US bombardment of Baghdad had begun on 19 March, this had in fact consisted of relatively limited strikes targetting Saddam Hussein, senior regime officials, and other specific targets. At 17:00 UTC on 21 March, the air campaign moved into the next phase. In one night, 504 cruise missiles were launched at Baghdad's government district. The pictures captured by ITN's cameras that night are to this day considered defining images of the 2003 invasion and the Iraq War as a whole.
#Iraq #IraqWar #ShockAndAwe #Baghdad #WarOnTerror #Conflict
To license the footage featured in this clip, follow the link below:
To search the ITN Archive collection on Getty Images, follow the link below:
🎥 Subscribe to our YouTube channel (tap the bell icon and stay up to date with all the latest ITN Archive videos!) - https://www.youtube.com/@ITNArchive
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🎥 Check out our TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@itnarchive1955
- published: 21 Mar 2023
- views: 534880
Baghdad - The Planned Round City
Baghdad was born from a precise plan: apparently, the city was designed as round, and was located in an advantageous position, intersecting an important trade r...
Baghdad was born from a precise plan: apparently, the city was designed as round, and was located in an advantageous position, intersecting an important trade route.
To learn more, watch the full Get.factual documentary "The Fathers of Mathematics - The Ancient History of Arabia": https://youtu.be/tUsxX5RwJ1s
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos.
New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week!
Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/GetfactualSUB
Baghdad was born from a precise plan: apparently, the city was designed as round, and was located in an advantageous position, intersecting an important trade route.
To learn more, watch the full Get.factual documentary "The Fathers of Mathematics - The Ancient History of Arabia": https://youtu.be/tUsxX5RwJ1s
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos.
New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week!
Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/GetfactualSUB
- published: 03 Mar 2023
- views: 79007
American Solo in Baghdad, Iraq (Safe in 2024?)
Visit Iraq with me! https://www.dougbarnardtravel.com/trips
In this vlog, I'm flying back to Baghdad, Iraq! I'm exploring Baghdad alone, so you can see what it...
Visit Iraq with me! https://www.dougbarnardtravel.com/trips
In this vlog, I'm flying back to Baghdad, Iraq! I'm exploring Baghdad alone, so you can see what it's like to walk around Baghdad solo as an American tourist, and whether it's safe or not.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doug_barnard
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@doug_barnard
X: https://www.x.com/doug_barnard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dougbarnardtravel
Epidemic Sound. Get a 30 day free trial here!
#baghdad #iraq #travelvlog #iraqi #visitiraq #iraqvlog #streetfood #barber #middleeast #solotravel #backpacking
Visit Iraq with me! https://www.dougbarnardtravel.com/trips
In this vlog, I'm flying back to Baghdad, Iraq! I'm exploring Baghdad alone, so you can see what it's like to walk around Baghdad solo as an American tourist, and whether it's safe or not.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doug_barnard
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@doug_barnard
X: https://www.x.com/doug_barnard
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dougbarnardtravel
Epidemic Sound. Get a 30 day free trial here!
#baghdad #iraq #travelvlog #iraqi #visitiraq #iraqvlog #streetfood #barber #middleeast #solotravel #backpacking
- published: 25 Jan 2024
- views: 499717
© Zygote Music (BMI)
Recorded and mixed at the Sound Chamber, Pasadena, CA (after the disco party 2/91)
Side A
A1 Get It Right 00:00
A2 Hey Joe 03:09
Side B
B1 Baghdad 05:46
B2 The Blurb 09:04
"Get It Right"
I've been told that to get what you want
You just gotta give what you can
But I know for what I want it don't come easy as that
(They say,) "Look out, boy
Tomorrow comes and things will look better by then."
But I'll look out the window
Then look in the mirror at the same old me again
Still can't get it right
And for all I know
I swear I never will
Do you think you'd sell your soul
To just have one thing to turn out right?
For the thousandth time you turn and find
That it just makes no difference to try
Like Holden Caulfield, I tell myself
There's go...
published: 22 May 2021
Thief Of Bagdad - Hindi Tv Serial - Episode Part - Narendra Jha, Kim Lasrado, Vikrant Zee TV
Click Here to Subscribe Channel : https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
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published: 29 May 2019
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Hit the bell and subscribe to stay connected with Har Pal Geo's collection of Pakistani dramas https://bit.ly/30JSSPr
Badzaat Digitally Presented by Vgotel
The story revolves around a big joint family where certain complicated familial ties leave everyone jealous and insecure about their lives due to egos & unsettled conflicts of the past. Wali is a handsome young man who is known for his rude and arrogant behaviour. After learning his lesson early on in his life, Wali values and cares about honour a lot. Rather than seeing things in grey, Wali is accustomed to perceiving things either in black or white. Wali’s cousin and competitor, Daniyal is jealous of Wali’s persona and leaves no opportuni...
published: 02 Mar 2022
Travel Vodcast | EP -01 | ബാഗ്ദാദിലെ ജീലാനി പള്ളിയും ഷെയ്ഖ് ജീലാനി ദർഗയും | IRAQ
ലോകം മുഴുവൻ സഞ്ചരിക്കണം, നിരവധി ജീവിതങ്ങളെ കാണണം , ഒരുപാട് സംസ്കാരങ്ങൾ പഠിക്കണം , എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയ പുതിയ അനുഭവങ്ങളും അറിവുകളും നിങ്ങളോട് പങ്ക് വെക്കണം....!!
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VajidSaqafiVilayur
Email : avajidvt@gmail.com
WhatsApp : +91 9995563686
published: 19 Jun 2023
published: 10 Nov 2015
Series 3 Episode 2 Iraq pt 1
In this weeks episode I Travel through Iraq from Türkey to Jordan join me as I navigate the bureaucracy and the streets avoiding the ever friendly Iraq drivers.
As always please subscribe and share with your friends and family as I try and circumnavigate the world on my Yamaha World Raid motorbike meeting everyone at least once and seeing everything at least twice.
Being an adventure motorbike traveller is not easy especially on your own I understand it’s not for everyone so I hope you get a little bit of joy from watching me stumble around the world. And if I am heading your way, please feel free to e mail and I will come for a drink and I will add you on the people I have meet this week section at the end of the next episode.
Ride safe Bike Guy Dave xx
published: 26 Oct 2024
Thief Of Bagdad - Hindi Tv Serial - Episode Part - Narendra Jha, Kim Lasrado, Vikrant Zee TV
Click Here to Subscribe Channel : https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
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published: 29 May 2019
Awful Archaeology Ep. 6: The Baghdad Battery
Special thanks to Ground News for sponsoring this video! Check em out using the link below. It helps me, it helps you and it helps them!
Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed. Download the free Ground News app at https://ground.news/miniminuteman
In this episode of Awful Archaeology we discuss the mysterious discovery known as The Baghdad Battery. This artifact was unearthed from the ancient city of Al-Madain and has been identified by conspiracy theorists and scientists alike as the remains of an ancient battery. Join me as we unravel the mystery surrounding this ancient piece of history as we uncover what it was, what it wasn't and what it could have been.
If you want to create your own ice cold Baghdad Battery Cocktail, chec...
published: 31 Jul 2022
Whoops Baghdad - Ep 4/6 - A Cargo of Crumpet
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
Ali's sent to the market to purchase a woman for his master to gift to the Caliph. Unfortunately a rival bidder is particularly wealthy, and Ali must pull some tricks out of his sleeve to avoid being roasted alive himself!
published: 12 Aug 2013
Whoops Baghdad - Ep 2/6 - Genie of the Bottle
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
The Wazir hopes to marry his two daughters, Boobiana and Saccharine off, as the latest wives of the Sultan - the richest man in the world. However, he'll need to raise a dowry, and that could involve selling servant Ali to become a galley slave!
published: 12 Aug 2013
published: 08 Aug 2015
© Zygote Music (BMI)
Recorded and mixed at the Sound Chamber, Pasadena, CA (after the disco party 2/91)
Side A
A1 Get It Right 00:00
A2 Hey Joe 03:...
© Zygote Music (BMI)
Recorded and mixed at the Sound Chamber, Pasadena, CA (after the disco party 2/91)
Side A
A1 Get It Right 00:00
A2 Hey Joe 03:09
Side B
B1 Baghdad 05:46
B2 The Blurb 09:04
"Get It Right"
I've been told that to get what you want
You just gotta give what you can
But I know for what I want it don't come easy as that
(They say,) "Look out, boy
Tomorrow comes and things will look better by then."
But I'll look out the window
Then look in the mirror at the same old me again
Still can't get it right
And for all I know
I swear I never will
Do you think you'd sell your soul
To just have one thing to turn out right?
For the thousandth time you turn and find
That it just makes no difference to try
Like Holden Caulfield, I tell myself
There's got to be a better way
Then I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling
Dream of brighter days
No way out
Same old stuff always drags me down
No way out
Never gonna get it
No way out [x8]
"Hey Joe"
Hey Joe,
Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Hey Joe,
Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know I caught her messing around with another man,
Goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know I caught her messing around on me,
Hey Joe,
I heard that you shot your old lady down,
Hey Joe,
I heard that you shot your old lady down,
Yes I did, I shot her her
You know, I caught that girl messing around town
Yes I did, I shot her her
You know, I caught that girl messing around town
I took out my gun,
Then I shot her!
I shot her!
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Where you gonna go?
Ain't no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me,
Ain't no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me. (no one gonna)
Goin' way down south,
Way down to Mexico way
Goin' way down south,
Way down where I can be free
In your plane in the blue sky
You roam again
Words that echo in your mind
Make your heart beat faster
This is no Vietnam
We will win in Iraq
The President said let it ride, ride
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
Warrior, the time bombs
About to go
What will you feel
Will you even wonder
If the man that's in your sights
Ever kissed his girl goodbye
The Captain said kill or die, die
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
Great Satan
Great Satan
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags will burn)
Soon America may find
Its young men in the sand
Where there casualty
Is just a number
In Iraq
The President said let it ride, ride
You will be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
In Baghdad
In Baghdad
© Zygote Music (BMI)
Recorded and mixed at the Sound Chamber, Pasadena, CA (after the disco party 2/91)
Side A
A1 Get It Right 00:00
A2 Hey Joe 03:09
Side B
B1 Baghdad 05:46
B2 The Blurb 09:04
"Get It Right"
I've been told that to get what you want
You just gotta give what you can
But I know for what I want it don't come easy as that
(They say,) "Look out, boy
Tomorrow comes and things will look better by then."
But I'll look out the window
Then look in the mirror at the same old me again
Still can't get it right
And for all I know
I swear I never will
Do you think you'd sell your soul
To just have one thing to turn out right?
For the thousandth time you turn and find
That it just makes no difference to try
Like Holden Caulfield, I tell myself
There's got to be a better way
Then I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling
Dream of brighter days
No way out
Same old stuff always drags me down
No way out
Never gonna get it
No way out [x8]
"Hey Joe"
Hey Joe,
Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Hey Joe,
Where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know I caught her messing around with another man,
Goin' down to shoot my old lady
You know I caught her messing around on me,
Hey Joe,
I heard that you shot your old lady down,
Hey Joe,
I heard that you shot your old lady down,
Yes I did, I shot her her
You know, I caught that girl messing around town
Yes I did, I shot her her
You know, I caught that girl messing around town
I took out my gun,
Then I shot her!
I shot her!
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Hey Joe,
Where you gonna run to now?
Where you gonna go?
Ain't no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me,
Ain't no hangman gonna,
Get a rope around me. (no one gonna)
Goin' way down south,
Way down to Mexico way
Goin' way down south,
Way down where I can be free
In your plane in the blue sky
You roam again
Words that echo in your mind
Make your heart beat faster
This is no Vietnam
We will win in Iraq
The President said let it ride, ride
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
Warrior, the time bombs
About to go
What will you feel
Will you even wonder
If the man that's in your sights
Ever kissed his girl goodbye
The Captain said kill or die, die
Islam be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
Great Satan
Great Satan
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags of burning)
Great Satan (Our flags will burn)
Soon America may find
Its young men in the sand
Where there casualty
Is just a number
In Iraq
The President said let it ride, ride
You will be damned
Make your last stand
In Baghdad
In Baghdad
In Baghdad
- published: 22 May 2021
- views: 6241
Thief Of Bagdad - Hindi Tv Serial - Episode Part - Narendra Jha, Kim Lasrado, Vikrant Zee TV
Click Here to Subscribe Channel : https://bit.ly/SubscribetoZeetv
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An ingenious thief encounte...
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
To Free Download ZEE5 Mobile app click the link below
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- published: 29 May 2019
- views: 615970
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Hit the bell and subscribe to stay connected with Har Pal Geo's c...
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Hit the bell and subscribe to stay connected with Har Pal Geo's collection of Pakistani dramas https://bit.ly/30JSSPr
Badzaat Digitally Presented by Vgotel
The story revolves around a big joint family where certain complicated familial ties leave everyone jealous and insecure about their lives due to egos & unsettled conflicts of the past. Wali is a handsome young man who is known for his rude and arrogant behaviour. After learning his lesson early on in his life, Wali values and cares about honour a lot. Rather than seeing things in grey, Wali is accustomed to perceiving things either in black or white. Wali’s cousin and competitor, Daniyal is jealous of Wali’s persona and leaves no opportunity to defame or ridicule him. On the other hand, Anabia is an obedient and disciplined young girl who along with her mother travels to attend the wedding of one of their distant relatives. One unfortunate incident changes the course of Wali, Daniyal and Anabia’s life forever. Daniyal's approach towards Anabia drastically impacts her life and soon Daniyal’s growing aggression begins to bother Wali who develops a soft corner for Anabia. Will Wali find the courage to stand up for Anabia and her rights or will he continue to live with regrets?
Written By: Misbah Nosheen
Directed By: Siraj ul Haq
Produced By: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi
Production House: 7th Sky Entertainment
Cast :
Imran Ashraf - Wali
Urwa Hocane - Anabiya
Ali Abbas - Danyal
Mehmood Aslam - Akber Hussain
Saba Faisal - Laila Begum
Nida Mumtaz - Narmeen Begum
Zainab Qayyum - Mehrunisa Begum
Sidra Niazi - Qandeel
Zoya Nasir - Ainy
Sajida Syed - Mehwish Begum
Zohreh Amir - Huda
Danial Afzal - Kashif
Ayesha Mirza - Shahida
Badzaat - Episode 01 - [Eng Sub] Digitally Presented by Vgotel - 2nd March 2022 - HAR PAL GEO
Hit the bell and subscribe to stay connected with Har Pal Geo's collection of Pakistani dramas https://bit.ly/30JSSPr
Badzaat Digitally Presented by Vgotel
The story revolves around a big joint family where certain complicated familial ties leave everyone jealous and insecure about their lives due to egos & unsettled conflicts of the past. Wali is a handsome young man who is known for his rude and arrogant behaviour. After learning his lesson early on in his life, Wali values and cares about honour a lot. Rather than seeing things in grey, Wali is accustomed to perceiving things either in black or white. Wali’s cousin and competitor, Daniyal is jealous of Wali’s persona and leaves no opportunity to defame or ridicule him. On the other hand, Anabia is an obedient and disciplined young girl who along with her mother travels to attend the wedding of one of their distant relatives. One unfortunate incident changes the course of Wali, Daniyal and Anabia’s life forever. Daniyal's approach towards Anabia drastically impacts her life and soon Daniyal’s growing aggression begins to bother Wali who develops a soft corner for Anabia. Will Wali find the courage to stand up for Anabia and her rights or will he continue to live with regrets?
Written By: Misbah Nosheen
Directed By: Siraj ul Haq
Produced By: Abdullah Kadwani & Asad Qureshi
Production House: 7th Sky Entertainment
Cast :
Imran Ashraf - Wali
Urwa Hocane - Anabiya
Ali Abbas - Danyal
Mehmood Aslam - Akber Hussain
Saba Faisal - Laila Begum
Nida Mumtaz - Narmeen Begum
Zainab Qayyum - Mehrunisa Begum
Sidra Niazi - Qandeel
Zoya Nasir - Ainy
Sajida Syed - Mehwish Begum
Zohreh Amir - Huda
Danial Afzal - Kashif
Ayesha Mirza - Shahida
- published: 02 Mar 2022
- views: 18349733
Travel Vodcast | EP -01 | ബാഗ്ദാദിലെ ജീലാനി പള്ളിയും ഷെയ്ഖ് ജീലാനി ദർഗയും | IRAQ
ലോകം മുഴുവൻ സഞ്ചരിക്കണം, നിരവധി ജീവിതങ്ങളെ കാണണം , ഒരുപാട് സംസ്കാരങ്ങൾ പഠിക്കണം , എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയ പുതിയ അനുഭവങ്ങളും അറിവുകളും നിങ്ങളോട് പങ്ക് വെക്കണം....!!
ലോകം മുഴുവൻ സഞ്ചരിക്കണം, നിരവധി ജീവിതങ്ങളെ കാണണം , ഒരുപാട് സംസ്കാരങ്ങൾ പഠിക്കണം , എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയ പുതിയ അനുഭവങ്ങളും അറിവുകളും നിങ്ങളോട് പങ്ക് വെക്കണം....!!
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VajidSaqafiVilayur
Email : avajidvt@gmail.com
WhatsApp : +91 9995563686
ലോകം മുഴുവൻ സഞ്ചരിക്കണം, നിരവധി ജീവിതങ്ങളെ കാണണം , ഒരുപാട് സംസ്കാരങ്ങൾ പഠിക്കണം , എനിക്ക് കിട്ടിയ പുതിയ അനുഭവങ്ങളും അറിവുകളും നിങ്ങളോട് പങ്ക് വെക്കണം....!!
***Follow me on***
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VajidSaquafi
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vajidsaquafi_vilayur/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VajidSaqafiVilayur
Email : avajidvt@gmail.com
WhatsApp : +91 9995563686
- published: 19 Jun 2023
- views: 163542
Series 3 Episode 2 Iraq pt 1
In this weeks episode I Travel through Iraq from Türkey to Jordan join me as I navigate the bureaucracy and the streets avoiding the ever friendly Iraq drivers....
In this weeks episode I Travel through Iraq from Türkey to Jordan join me as I navigate the bureaucracy and the streets avoiding the ever friendly Iraq drivers.
As always please subscribe and share with your friends and family as I try and circumnavigate the world on my Yamaha World Raid motorbike meeting everyone at least once and seeing everything at least twice.
Being an adventure motorbike traveller is not easy especially on your own I understand it’s not for everyone so I hope you get a little bit of joy from watching me stumble around the world. And if I am heading your way, please feel free to e mail and I will come for a drink and I will add you on the people I have meet this week section at the end of the next episode.
Ride safe Bike Guy Dave xx
In this weeks episode I Travel through Iraq from Türkey to Jordan join me as I navigate the bureaucracy and the streets avoiding the ever friendly Iraq drivers.
As always please subscribe and share with your friends and family as I try and circumnavigate the world on my Yamaha World Raid motorbike meeting everyone at least once and seeing everything at least twice.
Being an adventure motorbike traveller is not easy especially on your own I understand it’s not for everyone so I hope you get a little bit of joy from watching me stumble around the world. And if I am heading your way, please feel free to e mail and I will come for a drink and I will add you on the people I have meet this week section at the end of the next episode.
Ride safe Bike Guy Dave xx
- published: 26 Oct 2024
- views: 20
Thief Of Bagdad - Hindi Tv Serial - Episode Part - Narendra Jha, Kim Lasrado, Vikrant Zee TV
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An ingenious thief encounte...
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
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An ingenious thief encounters numerous obstacles when he gets smitten with the beautiful daughter of the caliph of Baghdad.
To Free Download ZEE5 Mobile app click the link below
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- published: 29 May 2019
- views: 198692
Awful Archaeology Ep. 6: The Baghdad Battery
Special thanks to Ground News for sponsoring this video! Check em out using the link below. It helps me, it helps you and it helps them!
Compare ne...
Special thanks to Ground News for sponsoring this video! Check em out using the link below. It helps me, it helps you and it helps them!
Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed. Download the free Ground News app at https://ground.news/miniminuteman
In this episode of Awful Archaeology we discuss the mysterious discovery known as The Baghdad Battery. This artifact was unearthed from the ancient city of Al-Madain and has been identified by conspiracy theorists and scientists alike as the remains of an ancient battery. Join me as we unravel the mystery surrounding this ancient piece of history as we uncover what it was, what it wasn't and what it could have been.
If you want to create your own ice cold Baghdad Battery Cocktail, check out this recipe, generously created by @newportrifoodie8384 https://twitter.com/miniminuteman/status/1553822178579292162?s=20&t;=XoVdLYBSGJU_5aEzEKSd3Q
Also subscribe to my second channel:
A HUGE thank you to Teon for his help in making this videos amazing cocktail. Check out all his beautiful creations here! https://www.tiktok.com/@newportrifoodie
Special thanks to my Patrons for making this video possible! Patrons get early, ad-free access to all of my videos as a token of my gratitude.
Thank you to my wonderful editor Gian and to my research assistant AkariKuzu for their hard work in making this video happen.
Special thanks to Ground News for sponsoring this video! Check em out using the link below. It helps me, it helps you and it helps them!
Compare news coverage. Spot media bias. Avoid algorithms. Be well informed. Download the free Ground News app at https://ground.news/miniminuteman
In this episode of Awful Archaeology we discuss the mysterious discovery known as The Baghdad Battery. This artifact was unearthed from the ancient city of Al-Madain and has been identified by conspiracy theorists and scientists alike as the remains of an ancient battery. Join me as we unravel the mystery surrounding this ancient piece of history as we uncover what it was, what it wasn't and what it could have been.
If you want to create your own ice cold Baghdad Battery Cocktail, check out this recipe, generously created by @newportrifoodie8384 https://twitter.com/miniminuteman/status/1553822178579292162?s=20&t;=XoVdLYBSGJU_5aEzEKSd3Q
Also subscribe to my second channel:
A HUGE thank you to Teon for his help in making this videos amazing cocktail. Check out all his beautiful creations here! https://www.tiktok.com/@newportrifoodie
Special thanks to my Patrons for making this video possible! Patrons get early, ad-free access to all of my videos as a token of my gratitude.
Thank you to my wonderful editor Gian and to my research assistant AkariKuzu for their hard work in making this video happen.
- published: 31 Jul 2022
- views: 2303494
Whoops Baghdad - Ep 4/6 - A Cargo of Crumpet
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DV...
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
Ali's sent to the market to purchase a woman for his master to gift to the Caliph. Unfortunately a rival bidder is particularly wealthy, and Ali must pull some tricks out of his sleeve to avoid being roasted alive himself!
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
Ali's sent to the market to purchase a woman for his master to gift to the Caliph. Unfortunately a rival bidder is particularly wealthy, and Ali must pull some tricks out of his sleeve to avoid being roasted alive himself!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 45730
Whoops Baghdad - Ep 2/6 - Genie of the Bottle
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DV...
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
The Wazir hopes to marry his two daughters, Boobiana and Saccharine off, as the latest wives of the Sultan - the richest man in the world. However, he'll need to raise a dowry, and that could involve selling servant Ali to become a galley slave!
Rare TV comedy series from 1973, starring Frankie Howerd as Ali Oopla, servant to the Wazir of ancient Baghdad. This series has never been released on VHS or DVD.
The Wazir hopes to marry his two daughters, Boobiana and Saccharine off, as the latest wives of the Sultan - the richest man in the world. However, he'll need to raise a dowry, and that could involve selling servant Ali to become a galley slave!
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 43729