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John Derbyshire: Paris Agreement Just Anti-White Virtue Signalling–Trump Signals America First!

President Trump fulfilled one of his campaign promises by withdrawing our country from last year's Paris agreement on phasing out fossil-fuel energy production.

This is pure America First policy-making. The Paris agreement was a big favorite with globalists, in spite of the fact that it wasn't actually very global.


Pat Buchanan: Is Afghanistan a Lost Cause?

"We are there and we are committed" was the regular retort of Secretary of State Dean Rusk during the war in Vietnam.

Whatever you may think of our decision to go in, Rusk was saying, if we walk away, the United States loses the first war in its history, Read more >>

Europe’s “Hacked” Patriotism—And The UNholy Alliance

“Hacked” is a popular word nowadays, because Hillary Clinton uses it to insinuate that Russia somehow perverted the 2016 election result. (Successfully—an incredible 55% of Democrats now believe that “Russia tampered with vote tallies to get Donald Trump elected president” according to The Economist/ YouGov poll [PDF] although absolutely no-one in politics has actually alleged this). But it is true that European patriotism has been “hacked”—by the continent’s corrupt globalist elite, who are trying to direct it against Russia, rather than against the existential threat of Third World immigration. Americans take note.

According to our Main Stream Media, enforcing America's immigration laws is akin to brutal dictatorship. Similarly, the MSM is now telling us that telling NATO member countries to pay their bills is akin to dissolving the Atlantic Alliance:
When President Donald Trump lectured NATO members on their contributions to the trans-Atlantic alliance, he demonstrated a lack of understanding about how the group works and potentially alienated the US’ closest allies

[ Trump pushes around NATO; lecture seen as unsettling alliance , by Nicole Gaouette and Elise Labott, CNN, May 25, 2017].

The New York Times Editorial Board sneered “the United States is no longer the reliable partner [Germany] and the rest of Europe have long depended on” [ Donald Trump’s Insult to History , May 31, 2017]. Read more >>

Derb’s May Diary: The Increasingly Less Soft Totalitarianism Of The Current Year, Etc. (12 ITEMS!)

Who plays the corresponding role in the soft — but increasingly less soft — totalitarianism of 2017 America? The obvious answer is of course: Donald Trump.

That's not quite right, though. For a really convincing hate figure there needs to be an element of treachery. Emmanuel Goldstein, like Trotsky (on whom of course he was modeled) had once been a comrade-in-arms of the Supreme Leader; but their views had diverged, and Goldstein had gone to the dark side.

You can't really fit Donald Trump into that mold. It's true that in the past he schmoozed with liberal politicians and sometimes expressed liberal sentiments. He wasn't any kind of leader of liberalism, though, and never had any connection at all with the violent antifa fanaticism that is now taking over from late 20th-century milquetoast progressivism.

I submit that a better candidate for the Emmanuel Goldstein role is Richard Spencer.

No, Richard was never a liberal leader either; nor even a liberal. He is, though, articulate, well-educated and well-read. In that sense he is a traitor to his class — the intellectual class. There's the element of treachery.

This comes out very well in the article on Richard in the current issue of The Atlantic. (In which article, by the way, your humble diarist has a walk-on part, paragraph ten.) The article is by Graeme Wood, who was a highschool classmate of Richard's in late-1990s Dallas.

Wood is a conventionally unimaginative liberal who seeds his piece with an appropriate number of virtue signals — gasping in horror, for instance, at the notion that "East Asians are slightly smarter than whites, who are in turn much smarter than blacks," as if this were not a plain fact in the world known to every person not blinded by ideology. Still, he's a pretty good reporter, and gives a fairer picture of Richard than is usual in mainstream-media outlets.

That's a low bar, though. While an antifa thug would probably think Wood's piece insufficiently hostile, Wood makes it clear he is writing about an Enemy of the State.

That's Richard's status now. The antifa bullies are out to make his life as difficult as possible, and there is no significant institution in our society with the guts to stand up to them. At age 39, Richard is utterly unemployable. Given the unavoidable incidence of lunatics in a population of one-third of a billion, he is also at risk of serious harm.

And his Emmanuel Goldstein status is entirely ideological. Richard has broken no laws or windows; nor has he incited others to do those things. He wishes for white gentiles to have a homeland of their own, that's all. You can agree with that or disagree, but it doesn't pick your pocket or break your leg. So far as I'm aware, he doesn't wish harm to anyone.

Richard organizes meetings where bookish people like himself discuss the writings of Julius Evola and Carl Schmitt. What's wrong with that?

An antifa would say: "Open discussion of those ideas might bring about a rebirth of fascism." I suppose it might. Open discussion of Marx's and Lenin's ideas might bring about a rebirth of militant communism, leading to the kinds of horrors that were engulfing Cambodia forty years ago. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow; and mighty oaks can be a mighty nuisance. That is not, however, a case against tolerating acorns.

The Beggars' Democracy. Reflecting on the thing I just wrote about Richard Spencer being unemployable, I wonder if that is the case in the public sector.

When Jared Taylor found he could not host the annual conference of his white-advocacy group American Renaissance in private hotels, he booked instead a facility owned by the State of Tennessee, which apparently is not allowed to practice ideological discrimination. This has worked very well. We'll be meeting there again in July. Both Peter Brimelow and myself will be speakers.

So perhaps if Richard Spencer were to apply for a job with, say, the U.S. Postal Service, they would not be able to reject him on ideological grounds. I'd be interested to hear an opinion on this from someone who knows the relevant law. Read more >>

Ann Coulter: Press Barking (Mad) Up The Wrong Tree

The American media are so obsessed with their own Russian collusion story that they can't see the possibility of actual corruption right in front of their noses. It's gotten to the point that Trump could start shooting reporters on the White House lawn and The New York Times' headline would Read more >>

The Fulford File | The Portland Panic—Elite “Induced Hysteria” Ignores Perp’s Politics, Obama-Inspired Riots,...

"American politics has increasingly become a series of induced hysterias by elite agreement” Editor Peter Brimelow wrote recently. Thus two stabbing deaths last week are being blamed on President Trump’s “rhetoric” [ Did Trump Campaign Rhetoric Empower the White Extremist Who Killed Two Bystanders on Portland Train? By Amy Goodman and Juan González, Truth-out.Org,  May 30, 2017 Their answer: Yes!] and/or on “White Supremacy” a.k.a. white people in general:
Trump has intensified this second-class citizenship through immigration raids and the specter of bans and walls. He continues to view Muslims as valuable only insofar as they fight and condemn terrorism. His recent statement commemorating Ramadan focused predominantly on violence and terrorism, and only of the sort ostensibly committed in the name of Islam.

Attacks like Portland’s will keep happening unless we all fight white supremacy, By Arjun Singh Sethi, Washington Post, May 29, 2017

All nonsense, of course—part of the emerging Ruling Class campaign to suppress white a.k.a. American speech.

Sound incredible? Portland’s Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, having refused to protect the city’s Parade of Roses against Leftist violence, is already trying to cancel two scheduled right-wing rallies [ ‘Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment,’ Portland mayor says. He’s wrong, by Kristine Phillips, Washington Post, May 30, 2017}

Trump and the Republican Party are opposed to murder and want to do something about it, by supporting imprisonment, the death penalty, and the right to self-defence. In contrast, the Left and the Democratic Party oppose all these measures because the criminals affected are mostly minorities.

And this particular alleged perp, Jeremy Christian, is an especially interesting case. I spend most of my reading time checking out what’s on Twitter, Drudge, Instapundit, and Dissident Right sites like American Renaissance, so sometimes I forget how much people who don’t do that, but rely on the genuinely Main Stream Media, actually don’t know.

For example, I know that Christian, who’s been arrested for stabbing two “Good Samaritans” who objected to him yelling racial slurs, is, like many white people (Sanders rally pictured right) a supporter of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

These facts are available not only at Charles Johnson’s (from which I’ve taken the image at the top of the page) but is available on The Daily Caller,, FoxNation, .PowerLine,

Here’s GotNews’s report:

Michelle Malkin: A Conservative Mom Breaks the Pot Taboo

Let's talk about marijuana.

Specifically, let's talk about how and why I came to be one of the countless parents across America (and around the world) who have let their chronically ill children try it.

A groundbreaking new study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Read more >>
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