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London attacks live: Seven people killed in London terrorist attack

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  • Seven innocent people are dead and 48 have been hospitalised in two terrorism attacks in London
  • Three terrorist attackers have been shot dead by police 
  • A van hit a number of pedestrians on London Bridge in the city centre just after 10pm local time
  • The attackers then fled on foot to Borough Market where they began stabbing people
  • Police believe there were only three terrorists
  • Two Australians are "directly affected", including Candice Hedge who was stabbed in the neck
  • Counter terrorism police have made 12 arrests in relation to the incident

London attacks: witnesses saw attackers

Neal Tate witnessed what seemed to be the arrest of at least two men in Borough High Street after attacks in multiple locations in Central London, while Alex Martinez told Fairfax Media he was working behind the bar when a man holding a knife entered the restaurant and started screaming. Reuters

That concludes Sunday's coverage of the London attacks.

Please follow Monday's live blog here for all the action as it continues to unfold.

Facebook responds to May's calls to regulate extremism online

Facebook has responded to Theresa May's call to regulate big internet companies offering a "safe space" for extremism.

Though she did not name any particular companies, Mrs May's comments were widely interpreted as an attack on social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter.

A Facebook spokesman told Sky News "we want to provide a service where people feel safe".

Facebook does not "allow" groups or people that engage in terrorist activity, or posts that express support for terrorism, said Director of Policy Simon Milner.

"We want Facebook to be a hostile environment for terrorists."

Facebook used technology and human review to "aggressively remove terrorist content from our platform as soon as we became aware of it", and notified law enforcement if they became aware of an emergency involving imminent harm.

"We have long collaborated with policymakers, civil society and others in the tech industry and we are committed to continuing this important work together," Mr Milner said in a statement provided to Sky.

In May, Britain's Security Minister Ben Wallace accused social media giants of being "completely duplicitous" in regards to assisting the government tackle terror online.

Mr Wallace told The Telegraph it was concerning that such companies would share users' personal information, but refuse to assist the government with investigations.

Trump tweets 'undermine calls for calm'

London mayor Sadiq Khan's office has hit back at criticism from Donald Trump.

The US president on Sunday tweeted "At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'"

A spokesperson for Mr Khan said he was busy working with the police, emergency services and the government to co-ordinate the response to the London Bridge attack.

"He has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks urging Londoners not to be alarmed when they saw more police - including armed officers - on the streets."

Mr Trump also caused a stir linking the attack to the gun control debate in the US, saying, "Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That's because they used knives and a truck!"


London mayor Sadiq Khan.
London mayor Sadiq Khan. Photo: AP

Resilient Londoners remain determined to overcome fear: Archbishop of Canterbury

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said he had been filled with "grief and horror" when he heard of the attack, and "just that appalling sense that it's happening again, that people are suffering so greatly".

However the archbishop said he had been at a "ram-packed" morning service where there was a profound sense of resilience, faith and hope.

"That is what I pray for this country, for resilience, for faith and for hope, determination to overcome the terrorist, to maintain justice and peace and preservation for all."

Suspect 'usually a nice friendly guy'

Barking resident Ken Chigbo told Sky News one of the men believed to be behind the attack had asked about hiring a van from him the day before the incident.

"I'm moving house at the moment, so I had a big van outside," Mr Chigbo said.

"He's usually a very nice friendly guy. But this time it was on a different level of nice.

"[He asked] all these specific questions about the van, which obviously now makes sense in my head. At the time, I didn't think anything of it."



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Australian cricket team 'shocked' by incident: Smith

Australian cricket captain Steve Smith said that while the team was shaken by the incident, he was comfortable with the level of security being provided to the squad while they were in Britain for the Champions Trophy.

"We're shocked and saddened by what happened last night," Smith said.

"We have been briefed by our security team this morning and they are comfortable with where security is at and for us it is just about being diligent with everything that we do and continuing the tournament as usual."

Cricket Australia said they would continue to monitor the security situation in London.

Read more here.

Counter terrorism police arrest 12 in connection to attack

Officers from the Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command have arrested 12 people in Barking in relation to Saturday night's attack.

The arrests followed a police raid on a block of flats in the east London town on Sunday morning, where five initial arrests were made.

The flats are believed to have been the residence of one men responsible for the incident.

Candice Hedge undergoes surgery, unable to speak after stabbing, mother says

Brisbane woman Candice Hedge is one of two Australians affected by the London attack.
Brisbane woman Candice Hedge is one of two Australians affected by the London attack. Photo: Facebook

The mother of Australian woman Candice Hedge, who was stabbed during the London terror attack, has spoken to The Age journalist Steve Lillebuen.

"She can't talk. She's been stabbed around her neck, her throat. She's all bandaged up," Ms Hedge's mother, Kim Del Toro, said.

"I'm really, really upset. I didn't know what to do when I found out. I tried to ring the hospital, but they couldn't take any calls right away."

Read more here.  

British police officers injured in attack

Chairman of the Metropolitan Police Federation, Ken Marsh, says a number of police officers are among those injured. 

"I can confirm that sadly some of our colleagues were among the injured in the attack last night," Mr Marsh said.

It was previously reported that a member of the British Transport Command was injured by one of the terrorists.

'Enough is enough': Theresa May announces push to deny extremists 'safe spaces'

Fairfax Media's Europe correspondent Nick Miller has written about the British government's response following UK Prime Minister Theresa May's statement to the press earlier. 

Mrs May has proposed increasing jail sentences for terror offences and a review of counter-terror strategy.

"There is, to be frank, far too much tolerance of extremism in our country," she said.

Recent attacks in Westminster, Manchester and London Bridge are not connected in terms of planning and execution, Mrs May declared.

Read Nick's piece here.

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How to talk to children about terror

As you tuck your children into bed tonight, you might be wondering how best to talk to them about today's events. 

Children are curious, but also highly impressionable and can be impacted by seeing images and TV coverage about terrorism. 

We've dug up a great article from the archives by Fairfax Media columnist Julia Baird on how she talked to her children about the Paris attacks in 2015.

"How do we discuss terror with our children without puncturing their sense of wonder, without staining their childhoods with fear and anxiety, and yet also without pretending the world is not harsh sometimes, or telling them untruths?"

Read more here

'Bit of pain but I will survive': Australian stab victim Candice Hedge speaks out

One of the two Australians caught up in the London attack is Brisbane woman Candice Hedge.

Her grandfather, Brian Hedge, told Fairfax Media she called her family in Queensland on Sunday night and told them she was going to be OK.

"She was in the market area and apparently she was hiding when one of them saw her and stabbed her in the neck," he said.

"She's still in hospital, but she's going to be OK."

Ms Hedge has been living in London on a working holiday for the past 12 months, he said.

"She's a really nice girl. It's unbelievable."

According to the Courier Mail, Ms Hedge was at a restaurant with her boyfriend when she was stabbed in the neck.

She posted a message on Facebook: "Hey everyone, just so you know im doing ok. Bit of pain but I will survive. Thanks for your thoughts and well wishes. Love to all."

Ms Hedge told a former colleague that the knife missed her windpipe and main arteries, the ABC reported.

Five people arrested in raid in Barking

Five people have been arrested during a raid at a block of flats in Barking, according to the Telegraph.

Tara Milan, 24, said one man attempted to escape armed police and was shot outside her flat.

"I saw them bringing them out of the flat opposite, around 7am," the Telegraph quoted Ms Milan as saying.

"One man tried to flee and they shot him outside my house. They put him in an ambulance and then the others in a police van."

One injured Australian identified as Candice Hedge

One of the two Australians who was injured during the terrorist attack in London has been identified as Candice Hedge.

According to the ABC, a former colleague of Ms Hedge said she had been stabbed in the throat but the injuries were not life-threatening. 

Earlier, Malcolm Turnbull revealed that 2 Australians had been "directly affected" by the attacks. 


Candice Hedge has been identified as one of the Australians injured in the London attacks, according to the ABC.
Candice Hedge has been identified as one of the Australians injured in the London attacks, according to the ABC.  Photo: Facebook

Prime Minister Theresa May's statement to the media

Highlights from Theresa May's statement to the media just now:

  • Many of the 48 injured have life-threatening injuries
  • Campaigning has been suspended, but the general election scheduled for Thursday will go ahead as planned
  • Intelligence services have disrupted 5 credible plots since the Westminster attack. 
  • "Terrorism breeds terrorism" and there is "far too much tolerance of extremism in our country".
  • She paid tribute to the emergency service personnel and members of the public who came to the assistance of the victims.
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Theresa May to address media

After meeting with her cabinet colleagues this morning, British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to address the media shortly for her firs public appearance since the London attacks.

Her comments will be keenly anticipated in a country rocked by another terror attack. 

We'll provide an update when she makes an appearance. 

British PM Theresa May will front the media on Sunday morning local time.
British PM Theresa May will front the media on Sunday morning local time. Photo: Getty Images

Identity of terrorists still unknown

In her press conference, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick said police were still trying to identify the terror suspects.. 

"I can't tell you about the identity of the suspects. A high priority for us is to identify them, work out who they are, where they came from, and what is behind this, and I'm not prepared to comment at all about any information that we currently have. You understand why."

Asked directly whether she knew who the suspects were, Commissioner Dick was clear. 

"I don't, no," she said. 

Update: 7 people have now died, police say

Seven innocent people have died following the London terror attack, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has just announced. 

The death toll had stood at 6. There are still 48 people injured. 

Commissioner Dick praised the "remarkable" bravery of the emergency services personnel and sought to reassure Londoners about their safety. 

"Many, many people risked their own safety to help others and to treat those seriously injured, and, indeed, to confront the suspects involved. It's clear to me that the courage of those people during and following the attack was extraordinary and I pay tribute to all of them who came to the aid of those in need during this dreadful attack," Commissioner Dick said.

"I can tell you we will be doing absolutely everything in our power to try to stop such an horrendous attack as this."

Londoners sticking together during crisis

We mentioned earlier that some Londoners were offering their homes to people affected by the attacks.

Since then, more people have joined in. The hashtag #SofaForLondon has seen many Twitter users offer beds for those in need, proving that love always beats fear.

Ariana Grande concert still going ahead

The tribute concert headlined by Ariana Grande scheduled for Sunday night in Manchester will go ahead despite the terror attack in London on Saturday night. 

Other acts at the One Love Manchester concert include Coldplay, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Pharrell Williams. 

Tickets sold out within minutes of going on sale, while scalpers tried to cash in and profit by selling tickets at inflated prices online. 

The concert is raising funds for those affected by the suicide bombing at Grande's Manchester concert two weeks ago. 

Jenna Clarke reports here.

Ariana Grande visits fans in hospital following the Manchester bombing.
Ariana Grande visits fans in hospital following the Manchester bombing. Photo: Twitter/peter709630
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