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The (Really) Lucky Country: winning the fairness debate

History will be made next week when Australia matches the Netherlands as the country with the longest run of uninterrupted economic growth, but it won't be cause for celebration at most of the nation's dinner tables.

Social researcher Hugh Mackay predicts the news will either infuriate or bewilder those in the bottom half of the economic heap. Their take-out will be that, if they're struggling, the chief beneficiaries of the Lucky Country must be those at the very top.

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The unknown recession

Australia may have enjoyed more than 25 years without a recession, but as Peter Martin explains, it's been a close run thing.

"Politicians and some others can brag about it because it is better than the alternative, but it simply raises the question of what are we doing socially to match the economic growth," says Mackay.

"All the talk about unprecedented prosperity coexists with a wider gap than ever in our history between wealthy households and poor households and a sense that the middle class, which was always the symbol of egalitarian Australia, is shrinking – with people moving up and down."

This might explain why Bill Shorten seemed to be losing the fairness debate in the national Parliament, one month on from Malcolm Turnbull's budget reset, but winning it in the electorate – especially among those who feel they have missed out.

For the last fortnight, the fairness debate has been raging and, within the House of Representatives at least, Turnbull has had the better of his opponent. 


For Labor, the main attack line was that Turnbull is offering tax cuts to those at the top by failing to stick with the deficit levy on high income earners, while imposing a higher Medicare levy on everyone to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme. "The Liberals can badge it whatever they like: a tax is a tax is a tax," says Shorten.

"How is it fair that, in this budget, a nurse earning $60,000 a year gets a $300 tax increase while a millionaire gets a $1,400 tax cut?" went one of many variations of the question.

Answering it required a detailed, multi-layered argument, and Turnbull has been up to the challenge. On several occasions, he sounded like a Labor prime minister as he stressed the importance of funding the NDIS, Medicare and education.

His most cogent point went to the Coalition's commitment to fully fund the disability insurance scheme, introduced by the Gillard government with Coalition support, through a 0.5 per cent increase in the Medicare levy.

This is a scheme to benefit the entire nation, just like Medicare, and, the logic goes, it is best guaranteed by a universal funding mechanism that requires that those on high incomes pay more than the less well off.

The principle is easily understood and instantly recognised as a Labor one, not least because it was articulated so well by the likes of Gillard and Jenny Macklin and Wayne Swan when Labor increased the levy to partially fund the scheme when it began.

"We will be able to look into the eyes of parents and children with disabilities with compassion and love but also with the commitment that comes from knowing the money will be there, now and forever, to fund the services they need," is how Turnbull put the government's position.

The Shorten response is that Labor can raise more money and better protect low and middle-income earners by restricting the levy increase to the top two tax brackets and restoring the deficit levy on the well off.

He has produced modelling from the Australian National University's Centre for Social Research and Methods to show that twice as many households would be worse off under the government's funding plan than under the Labor alternative.

He has also argued that these are much tougher times to increase the levy because wages growth is at a historic low, underemployment at a record high and living standards have stagnated for those in the middle.

Even so, Turnbull has a clear and cogent argument to press on the NDIS and the other areas of vulnerability that were addressed in the "better days ahead" budget – and the format of question time afforded an ideal platform to prosecute it.

School funding was the other example. Rather than welcome that fact that the Coalition has finally embraced the Gonski needs-based funding model, and commit to spend more if it wins power, Labor is arguing that the $18.6 billion increase in funding over 10 years in the budget is a $22.3 billion cut to what it was promising to spend.

All of this has exposed Shorten to the charge of being every bit as negative as Tony Abbott, and the danger that this perception will be a burden should he prevail at the next election.

If there is unease among Labor MPs at what commentators see as the ascendancy of tactics over strategy, the polls don't support it, with the most recent Newspoll showing Labor maintaining its two-party lead of 53-47.

This invites two conclusions. The first is that the electorate has stopped listening; the second that Shorten's argument on fairness is resonating more than Turnbull's, especially among those feeling the pinch and that, once again, Shorten has confounded those who underestimate him.

This brings us back to next week's milestone, when the national accounts are revealed and the Netherlands' record of 103 consecutive quarters without a recession is matched.

Most of the commentary will focus on whether Australia can continue its golden run, where the focus of reform should be and who will drive it, but the Australia Institute's Richard Denniss is among those who say it's time for a new conversation about economic progress, equality and society.

"Yes, economic growth has been strong over the last couple of decades and, yes, we have avoided a technical recession," he says. "But it is not true that people's wellbeing, as measured by GDP, has improved continuously over that period. It's gone backwards a number of times.

"Our obsession with the size of the GDP has actually concealed what I think is a more important democratic conversation: what shape do we want the economy to have?"

It is the logical extension of the post-budget fairness debate and the conversation we have to have.

Michael Gordon is The Age's political editor.


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