

David Wenham throws off the shackles in directorial debut Ellipsis

David Wenham has just finished jury duty and he loved it. The Australian actor is chairing the judging panel for the Sydney Film Festival's short film fellowship, a program that allows young filmmakers to submit a script, mission statement and prior work with the four best awarded $50,000 each to make their short and screen at it next year's festival.

"It's fascinating to sit there and just talk about cinema," Wenham says. "With the four that we chose, I really want to see those films when they're made."

Every year as winter looms Wenham has the same thought: the Sydney Film Festival is coming. And every year the same thing happens: he's required on location somewhere else. Wenham, whose recent credits include Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, the Oscar-nominated Lion, and the Netflix superhero series Iron Fist, has missed the past eight festivals due to shooting commitments.

This year, however, Wenham is not only contributing to the festival via the short film fellowship and happily choosing sessions to attend as an audience member, he also has the premiere of his debut as a director. An unadorned slice-of-life tale that unfolds across the heart of Sydney, Ellipsis reveals Wenham as a filmmaker with an experimental bent whose heart belongs to small, telling moments of human connection.

Without ever planning to be unorthodox, the 51-year-old has gone against all the good-intentioned advice doled out to first-time directors, such as planning as much as possible in advance, undertaking extensive pre-production, and storyboarding every set-up before you step on to the set. Wenham, along with his willing collaborators, conceived, prepped and shot Ellipsis in just 10 days.

"It is a complete experiment," Wenham says. "I was in the process of making a feature film that I'd worked on for a number of years, and it fell over at the last minute just before shooting began because two pieces of funding fell away. Them's the breaks. We said goodbye to it, but as a result the cast were here and had put the time aside and we had a little bit of money on the side. I'd always wanted to do an improvisational project, so I decided to experiment with process."


The outline, conceived over three days of workshops, has Viv (played by Emily Barclay) and Jasper (Benedict Samuel) literally bumping into each other at a pedestrian crossing outside the city's Queen Victoria Building while distracted by their phones. With Viv's phone busted, Jasper insists she use his phone to make any calls, and from that tenuous link they fall into each other's company during the day and night before she flies out for her home in New Zealand.

"Film is one of the few art forms where you're never given permission to experiment," Wenham says. "A visual artist can go away and sketch, and that's what I was doing on a bigger canvas.

"I didn't think it was a risk because I knew what I was doing and I was also very fortunate that I had two actors that were very adept at being able to perform in those circumstances, and some magic moments came out of it."

During the seven days and nights of shooting, the actor and Wenham's four-strong crew would often walk from one location to the next, deciding on the spot what to shoot. They used real locations, had a single lamp to augment the natural light, and would interact with the people they met. Some of the most expressive performances, such as the two operators of a Kings Cross adult shop the tipsy leads wander into, come from non-actors recruited on the night. Wenham is delighted when viewers can't tell the difference.

"I just wanted to throw the shackles off. Being an actor on a number of projects I felt restricted," Wenham says. "I wanted to empower my actors in a creative process in the same way I would love to be empowered, and I think Benedict and Emily appreciated that liberation and being able to cut loose and completely inhabit a character so they could be put in any situation where they believably and spontaneously act and react."

Wenham was reacting against the homogenisation that can take hold of screen project as more people become involved, preferring to start shooting as soon as there was a spark of an idea. The outline is simple – Ellipsis won't be the last film compared to Richard Linklater's Before Sunrise – but Wenham found the process, complete with shooting virtually every scene in a single take, to be exhilarating.

"It sound terrifying, but it's probably the most relaxed I've ever been on set," he says. "I did walk or even run between locations, and I was constantly yelling, 'right Simon, turn over', however it just opened something up inside me. There was a clarity in what I was doing."

The characters move from the city, down to Bondi, and back through Kings Cross and Rose Bay, carried along by their growing rapport and moments of happenstance. The movie captures Sydney as a nocturnal creature, full of intersecting lives but home to contemplative moments, which reflects Wenham's history with the city: he was born in Marrickville, schooled in Lewisham, and has lived in Kings Cross for the last 25 years.

"I was able to get favours from my neighbours," he jokes, and now Ellipsis gets to be part of another aspect of Sydney life in the form of the Film Festival, much to the delight of its proud maker. "It's a very modest little film with a humanist heart, and we're very proud of it."

Sydney Film Festival is on from June 7 to 18, sff.org.au. Ellipsis screens on June 8 and 14 at Event Cinemas, George Street, Sydney, as part of the festival. David Wenham is in conversation with David Stratton for the 2017 Ian McPherson Memorial Lecture on June 12, free, at the Art Gallery of NSW.