WA News


One day in Sydney for two WA ministers... at a cost of $30,000

An overnight trip to Sydney involving two Western Australian Labor government ministers cost taxpayers more than $30,000.

Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery and Planning Minister Rita Saffioti were on the April 12 trip to look at plans for a high rise school, one month and one day after Labor's election win.

Also present were Department of Education Director General Sharyn O'Neill, another bureaucrat and two ministerial staffers.

Of the $30,880 cost, the return flights to Sydney for six people cost more than $28,000, with nearly $3000 going on accommodation and food.

The trip included no school visits, and according to Ms Ellery involved a "presentation on the planning, design and construction of the new Parramatta primary and secondary school, Arthur Phillip".

Ms Ellery revealed the cost after Liberal Opposition education and training spokeswoman Donna Faragher recently asked her in parliament.


Premier Mark McGowan put MPs and bureaucrats on notice this week with a warning that spending had been out of control under the previous government, but was now being closely monitored.

The WA Labor government wants to relocate its academically selective school Perth Modern to a high-rise city building, but has faced a backlash from the school community.

Liberal Opposition leader Mike Nahan, who has attended recent meetings of parents opposed to relocating the school, said it was "a case of the Labor Party saying do as I say, not as I do".

"They tell the public service to tighten spending on travel a week after it is revealed two ministers along with two staff members and two bureaucrats, travelled to Sydney for a day at a cost of $30,000," he said.

"The government has not even ventured out to consult with the Perth Modern School community, but have spent $30,000 to head east - not to visit a school - but to visit another bureaucracy. That is hardly consultation."

Ms Ellery has been contacted for comment.