Bunnings makeover ‘70s disaster turned stunner earns big bucks

‘70s disaster turned stunner earns big bucks

A WHEELERS Hill house that Bunnings renovated has fetched $1.408 million at auction, as an Ashburton couple collected a $1.325 million windfall from the sale of their renovated home.

Suburb spotlight Half-built Sandringham townhouses fetch $2.3m

Half-built Sandringham townhouses fetch $2.3m

TWO polar opposite properties just blocks apart in Sandringham — an immaculate townhouse and a half-finished townhouse site — have sold strongly at auction.

Benchmark belted Fitzroy price record shattered by $900k

Fitzroy price record shattered by $900k

FITZROY’S house price record has been obliterated with the $4.9 million sale of Madman Entertainment co-founder Paul Wiegard’s historic home.

Brown and sold Ty Vickery hawks Elwood apartment

Ty Vickery hawks Elwood apartment

HAWTHORN recruit Ty Vickery bagged a buyer for his Elwood investment property after the siren sounded on its auction.

2/170 Cecil Street Williamstown, for Herald Sun realestate

Total transparency Agents reveal reserves to fight underquoting

AS the crackdown on underquoting in Victoria continues, Melbourne agents are taking transparency to the next level by revealing reserve prices at the start of auction campaigns.

Melbourne’s in-demand housing markets

Melbourne’s in-demand housing markets

VICTORIAN homes were even hotter property last month, according to new data. And a surprising outer eastern suburb has been named the state’s most in-demand market.