Militants of TKP/ML: The Necessity of the Armed Struggle Has Once Again Been Brought to Light

Militants of TKP/ML: The Necessity of the Armed Struggle Has Once Again Been Brought to Light

ENGLISH 18.11.2016 - 07:14

Reportedly, militants of TKP/ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist) carried out an attack with blast bombs and rifles towards a police station in Kıraç of Istanbul, Esenyurt. According to the news we have received on the late night of the 14th of November militants targeted the Kıraç police station. It isDevam »

Cemre’s Action Will Crush The Tyrants

Cemre’s Action Will Crush The Tyrants

ENGLISH 10.09.2016 - 17:46

“In the burning skies, we are the birds of fire. We are everywhere and nowhere.“ On 27th of June, Cemre Heval (Eylem Ataş) comrade was immortalized in Manbij. Today is 9th of September. For 74 days the body of our comrade has been waiting to take its immortal action byDevam »

Aziz Güler Freedom Force Militia Destroyed Store For Sacking Unionized Workers

Aziz Güler Freedom Force Militia Destroyed Store For Sacking Unionized Workers

Diğer, ENGLISH 03.09.2016 - 11:13

Gaziosmanpaşa branch of TEDİ A.Ş who discharged its unionized workers by taking advantage of anti-worker policies of the AKP-ISIS fascism have been destroyed by our forces on 30.08.2016. The fascist party, while performing a political line in parallel with the interests of the capital groups day by day increases itsDevam »

Kurds’ Hunger Strike Aims to Open Path to Negotiations: Kurdish Party Co-Chair Tuncel

Kurds’ Hunger Strike Aims to Open Path to Negotiations: Kurdish Party Co-Chair Tuncel

Diğer, ENGLISH 02.09.2016 - 00:40

Pro-autonomy Democratic Regions Party (DBP) co-chair Sebahat Tuncel has called the declaration to start an “indefinite hunger-strike” on 5 September a “historic day”. Below are highlights from Tuncel’s interview with DIHA. “Today is a historic day. The Kurdish political movement and democratic forces have come to a decision to endDevam »

Women Prisoners Set Ablaze Wards Against Increasing Oppression

ENGLISH 01.08.2016 - 21:04

As the autocracy of government increases by the OHAL (state of emergency), AKP raises the pressure on political prisoners while reconstructing the bourgeois state institutions. Following the coup attempt, political prisoners who are subjected to increasing oppression, violence and forced displacements, resist against OHAL repressions everyday. In the previous days,Devam »

Women Freedom Forces: Cemre Has Fallen, Spring Is Close

ENGLISH 05.07.2016 - 20:35

29.06.2016 United Freedom Forces fighter Cemre Heval (Eylem Ataş) has been immortalized in combat in the frontmost trenches during the Manbij assault against the gangs. Eylem Ataş who has fought hand to hand in Siluk Front Internationalist Freedom Battalion, in Tishrin assault and many other military operations, who has becomeDevam »

A Private Employment Office Was Destroyed in Istanbul: We Will Not Allow Inhuman Laws to Be Implemented

A Private Employment Office Was Destroyed in Istanbul: We Will Not Allow Inhuman Laws to Be Implemented

ENGLISH 30.04.2016 - 20:23

Aziz Güler Freedom Forces Militia Organization claimed responsibility for the destruction of a private employment office in Avcılar of Istanbul. Responsibility claim is as below: “An establishment performing as a worker trade center under the name of “Private Employment Office” in Cihangir neighbourhood of Avcılar, Istanbul was destroyed by ourDevam »

Vegan Prisoner Osman Evcan Is on Hunger Strike Once Again

Vegan Prisoner Osman Evcan Is on Hunger Strike Once Again

ENGLISH 02.03.2016 - 18:00

Vegan prisoner Osman Evcan is on hunger strike for the 4th time due to not being served vegan food, being subjected to naked search and restricted access to books and communication tools.  Vegan anarchist prisoner Osman Evcan who was forcibly exiled to Silivri No 6 L Type Prison from KocaeliDevam »

Gültan Kisanak: Urgent Call for Solidarity and Action

Gültan Kisanak: Urgent Call for Solidarity and Action

ENGLISH 23.12.2015 - 13:00

T.C. Union of Southeastern Anatolia Region Municipalities In the course of armed conflict that restarted in the Kurdish region of Turkey after general elections in June 2015, 186 civilians most of which are women or children have died so far, hundreds of them were injured and thousands of people were arrested.Devam »

YDG-K (Patriotic Democratic Women’s Youth):  Child saved from forced marriage

YDG-K (Patriotic Democratic Women’s Youth): Child saved from forced marriage

ENGLISH 13.11.2015 - 06:00

17 year-old Zeynep K. was rescued in Cizre on her wedding night as she was about to be forcefully wed, this was following her imprisonment in her home for six months after she had initially refused, at which time she was subjected to physical violence from her brother. The circumstancesDevam »