Arab States, Middle East and Northern Africa

The UNDG Arab States/Middle East and Northern Africa Team provides UN country teams with strategic guidance, policy advice, and coherent, coordinated and timely technical support.

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Asia and the Pacific

The UNDG Asia-Pacific provides strategic guidance and technical support to Resident Coordinators and UN country teams in their efforts to provide coherent and effective support to Member States to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

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Europe and Central Asia

The UNDG for Europe and Central Asia works closely with UN country teams in these regions through provision of strategic guidance and policy advice.

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UNDG Latin America and the Caribbean

The United Nations Development Group for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNDG LAC) brings together the regional directors of programs, funds, and specialized agencies of the United Nations in the region.

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Eastern & Southern Africa

The Regional UNDG for East and Southern Africa is committed to mobilizing, rationalizing and leveraging its assets in support of UN country teams’ assistance to governments of the region in their efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

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Western and Central Africa

The UNDG for Western and Central Africa provides technical support to UN country teams in the region advising on common programming and processes, management and oversight, and country-specific troubleshooting specially in difficult contexts including crisis situation.

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