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could provide kitchen sets for two refugee families 


could provide ten plastic buckets 


could provide food for two refugees

Around UNHCR

UNHCR, IOM pledge increased support for Libya

Agencies plan to enhance support for migrants, refugees, asylum seekers and Libyans affected by the conflict.

News and StoriesPress Releases

New Neighbours: Young refugees from across Europe guest edit

The result is a collection of 16 articles published simultaneously in 12 languages in collaboration with UNHCR.

Release of UNHCR's Resettlement Data Finder

A new analysis and visualization tool that contains data on UNHCR's resettlement activities since 2003.

Security and refugee protection are complementary, says UNHCR

Volker Türk tells UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee that refugee protection and state security are compatible aims.

News and StoriesNews

Kidnapped, sleep-deprived & stressed — how aid workers train for the worst

When 40 aid workers gathered in Senegal, they were on a mission — learn how to stay calm and work together in a crisis.