Russia: Moscow Anarchists declare Days of Action in Solidarity with Detainees in Belarus

We, the anarchists of Moscow, express our solidarity with the anarchists of Belarus. You set an excellent example for all the followers of leftist ideas in Russia and other countries when you led the protest march on March 5 in Minsk – more than a thousand people marched behind black flags. You have shown that anarchists are a real political force. And what happened is just the beginning. You made Lukashenko tremble: he showed the full magnitude of his fear with the mass detentions and violence against people before and after the events of March 25th. We believe that the police and all the dictator dogs of the system will not be able to break your will and spirit, because they are just weak-willed servants, performing their rotten work. You are moved by the brightest ideas of the liberation of ordinary people from the dictatorship and oppression of the authorities. We wish you to be steadfast and to remain faithful to yourselves and your ideas. We are divided by hundreds of kilometers, but in spirit we remain with you.

With this action, we announce days of united action in support of all those who were detained during protest actions in Belarus. Today, any of us can end up in the dungeons of the regime, and one should not turn a blind eye to this. Paint graffiti, stick stickers, put up flyers, etc. – act on the basis of the situation in your locality, spread the information by all means and methods.

Our strength is in solidarity and in joint struggle!

Posted in Belarus, Direct Action, Fuck Lukashenko, International Solidarity, Moscow, Moscow Anarchists, Repression, Russia

Athens, Greece: Banner in solidarity with anarchists in Belarus


Received on 04.04.17:

On 03/04 we hung a banner inside the Panteion University in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners in Belarus who protested against the ”social parasite” law and got imprisoned, detained or injured.

Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-authoritarian Squat of Panteion, Athens, Banners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, Fuck The Social Parasite Law, Greece, International Solidarity, Repression

From Rojava to Belarus: Solidarity with the Anarchist Prisoners

Aleksandr Lukashenko, for 24 years you have dominated the people of Belarus and using your oppressive state apparatuses inherited from the authoritarian Soviet past, you continued this perpetual nightmare for the people.

Since the 15th of March, you, and your parasites, the bureaucrats, the police and the snitches have unleashed a barbaric campaign of repression against the people of Belarus and especially the anarchists who fight for the liberation of all.

Solidarity is the weapon of the people and as anarchists we are united in our struggle across all borders, fences and walls.

For these reasons, we are setting our sights on you.

On March 15 th , anarchists joined thousands of Belarusians who went to the streets in
multiple cities to protest the decades of harsh economic and social conditions caused by 24 years of Lukashenko’s dictatorship. Anarchists at this protest organized a separate block unfurling banners which read “For the people, the main social parasite are the bureaucrats, politicians and the police.”

The anarchists were tailed by civil cops and after being followed and harassed, dozens were arrested. By the end of the day, over 100 people, including both anarchists and even bystanders were detained by the authorities.

Following those events, opposition groups, some of them liberal, nationalist and far-right,
called for protests on March 25 th throughout Belarus. The government started a nationwide hunt for anarchists and opposition members. In one of the most widespread police crackdowns in decades, the government raided homes and detained dozens of anarchists.

Additionally, the regime mobilized a campaign of terror using the repressive power of the police and the media to curb all anarchist efforts to organize against the regime. Police and military units were dispatched to Minsk in one of the largest operation’s in post-Soviet Belarus.

Anarchists along with opposition groups and ordinary Belarusians marched through the streets to protest the ongoing state repression. The aftermath was the detention of over 100 people, many of them anarchists. In total, some estimate that over 1,000 people have been detained in Belarus in the recent events so far.

The IRPGF stands in solidarity with all the anarchists currently imprisoned, detained and
injured from recent events. As anarchists ourselves, we see solidarity as the weapon of the people and reach out to you at this time of state repression to say that we are with you.

We see the dictatorship of Lukashenko as our enemy, as much as yours and we are ready, with weapons in our hands, to fight any state around the world.





International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces


Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Belarus, Fuck Lukashenko, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, Rojava

Scotland / Japan: No More Hiroshimas! No More Nagasakis! No More Hibakusha!

On Thursday the 30th of March 2017, Faslane Peace Camp (the worlds longest running active protest site and a frontline in the fight against nuclear weapons of mass destruction), was honoured to host a visit by the Hibakusha Reiko Yamada and Midori Yamada together with their translator and fellow anti-nuclear activist Shigeo Kobayashi (a member of Japanese Against Nuclear – JAN) and many visitors from SCND (Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament).

It seems almost unthinkable that any living thing could survive the blast of the atomic bomb, “Little Boy”, that was dropped on Hiroshima at 8:15am, August 6th, 1945. 80,000 – 140,000 people were killed instantly and a further 100,000 seriously injured. In less than a second, “the fireball had expanded to 900 feet. The blast wave shattered windows for a distance of ten miles and was felt as far away as 37 miles. Over two-thirds of Hiroshima’s buildings were demolished. The hundreds of fires, ignited by the thermal pulse, combined to produce a firestorm that had incinerated everything within about 4.4 miles of ground zero.”

Half an hour later, a “black rain“, full of dirt, dust, soot and highly radioactive particles began falling in areas northwest of the city. Hiroshima was in ruins. Familiar landmarks were gone or unrecognizable. Buildings – even strong modern structures – had suffered significant damage, some pushed off their foundations, some gutted by fire, others utterly destroyed.

Incredibly some people did endure the blast. These survivors, (known as Hibakusha) sought relief from their dreadful injuries. But, “90 percent of all medical personnel were killed or disabled, and the remaining medical supplies quickly ran out. Many survivors began to notice the effects of exposure to the bomb’s radiation. Their symptoms ranged from nausea, bleeding and loss of hair, to death. Flash burns, a susceptibility to leukemia, cataracts and malignant tumors were some of the other effects.”

The visit by the Hibakusha to Faslane Peace Camp was part of a busy one week trip to the UK, with many meetings including  a trip to both the English and Scottish parliaments. Their tour coincides with the current Nuclear ban treaty negotiations (boycotted by the English, US, French, Japanese, etc.). Reiko and Midori met with Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Wednesday who stated that she is “totally against nuclear weapons” – a very important consideration to remember when the vote for Scottish Independence takes place between late 2018 and early 2019.

After a few introductory words by Arthur West (Chair of SCND) Reiko and Midori told their story.

Reiko Yamada started by saying that she respects Faslane Peace Camper’s continuous efforts against nuclear weapons and that she “feels so strong having seen that we actively stand against them”.

Reiko says – “I was bombed and irradiated when I was 11 years old at primary school. When the bomb dropped so many people were injured and died that you couldn’t walk through the streets because there were bodies everywhere. There were so many injured, with burnt skin dropping off and trapped beneath buildings – too many people to do anything but look.

For three days the fire raged. The people close to the epicentre were terribly burned and then came the “black rain”. People were desperate to get out, but they couldn’t.

I saw the flash, then came the blast. When I came to I didn’t know what had happened.

My father managed to stand up but he’d been cut to pieces by broken glass. My sister was really badly burned. There was no medication available so my father and sister really suffered. They were really fortunate that they could make it home – many people just disappeared and never made it home. Still, to this day, many people cannot know what happened to their family and friends who disappeared.

Any bodies that could be collected were brought to the school field and cremated – many bodies. These people suffered a lot of burns and were probably conscious for quite some time. Bodies were cremated en masse.

So we say nuclear weapons are inhuman and evil, they kill indiscriminately and make everyone collapse and die.

For the last 60 years we Hibakusha have been telling the world that nuclear weapons are evil and should not exist. But we must admit, over 15,000 nuclear weapons still exist and the nuclear nations like to make more. We keep telling them our message, that these things are terrible but the nation states are not listening, including the UK. However, we must make the effort.

Of course we like to continue to raise our voices, particularly whilst the important nuclear ban treaty discussions take place – we would like to shout out with you “NO MORE NUCLEAR WEAPONS”.

I say again that I respect your efforts – please continue hand in hand with us – please get rid of all nuclear weapons. We will go back to Tokyo and tell others about your efforts here at Faslane Peace Camp.”

Midori Yamada, 2nd generation Hibakusha had this to say:

“I also respect the people staying here at Faslane Peace Camp and keeping an eye on the submarines. My father was Hibakusha and I am the second generation. I was born in a small town on the outskirts of Hiroshima. It was a very quiet, peaceful town. I was born in 1949 but still now, I am affected by the scar of the atom-bomb – it is very deep in people’s minds. I particularly respect Reiko for visiting and spreading the Hibakusha message.

Thankfully a third atom-bomb has not been used yet. The efforts of the Hibakusha is to say never again. However, we must admit that the Hibakusha are getting older and dieing and their numbers are decreasing. So the second generation must continue to make extra effort to bring our message to the world.

Last year on August 6th, I published a book called “Jiro-chan – Story of a Hiroshima Boy” (ISBN 978-4-434-222-52-8). Jiro-chan was 13 years old when the atom-bomb was dropped. He was bright and cheerful, a bit like a clown – he would often do a funny dance when his sisters sang for example.

On August 6th 1945, Jiro-chan and his classmates were working demolishing houses (boys and girls were often involved in such work because of the war – creating fire-breaks and the like) when they saw the detonation of the atom-bomb. After the roll call he and his classmates had just started work – then there was a strong flash of light and the following percussion wave knocked Jiro-chan unconscious.

When he came to, he found himself trapped under rubble. Fire was approaching but the boys and girls trapped under the rubble couldn’t move. They encouraged each other to try to escape and cried for help – “Help us, help us please!” – but their voices weren’t heard.

Desperately struggling he finally got loose and managed to escape. The next moment the flames reared up like a giant monster and killed all his friends.

For 3 days Jiro-chan talked incessantly about the hell he’d witnessed, then he fell into a long and deep sleep.

After 3 months he regained his senses but was no longer happy and cheerful – it was as if he’d changed into someone else.

All his classmates were burned and he felt guilty that he’d survived. He had a deep scar inside.

On March 11th 2011, in the aftermath of an earthquake, was a big accident at Fukushima. Japan suffered damage from nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki but now it was nuclear power that had caused the problem and Jiro-chan felt bad that he hadn’t yet spoken out – “I should have informed many people about the atrocity of the atom-bombs and consoled the memory of my friends who died that day”, he said.

At 80 years old he started to talk about what happened on August 6th 1945 – he talks as if he offers prayers for his deceased friends.

Jiro-chan is my dear big brother.”

Obviously, its been an exceptionally emotional day for us all here at Peace Camp and we owe a great debt of gratitude to Reiko Yamada, Midori Yamada, Shigeo Kobayashi and SCND – to hear these stories first hand revivified our spirits and makes us even more determined to help rid Scotland and the world of the monstrous threat of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Also we would like to thank Midori Yamada for her gift to Faslane Peace Camp – a copy of her book “Jiro-chan – Story of a Hiroshima Boy” – even though we can’t read it without crying.

It seems somewhat ironic that a Vanguard class submarine berthed at HMNB Clyde the previous day as part of the current “Joint Warrior” exercise. The aftermath of the atomic-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is burned deep into the psyche of many Japanese people and the sheer horror of  it lurks just beneath the surface of consciousness in all of us that have, at the very least, heard of this despicable act of indiscriminate mass murder – just like the Vanguard submarines malevolently lurking  beneath the waves in anticipation of delivering their catastrophic payload.

As Reiko Yamada says – “Even 64 years after the bombing, we survivors still vividly remember those who desperately cried for help: their cries and memories are not gone; we are still tormented with remorse that we could not help them. Many of us also are suffering from the after-effects of radiation and from the fear of death.

I sincerely hope that people all over the world understand how a single atomic bomb could destroy a city and kill a large number of people indiscriminately and cruelly.

We Hibakusha call the atomic bombs ‘weapons of the devil’. We cannot allow even a single bomb to exist on this planet.

Nuclear weapons should be abolished to ensure a peaceful future.

The damage of atomic bombings should not be repeated.

The pain of the victims of that day must not be forgotten.

We must not allow nuclear weapons to continue to exist.

We call on you: No More Hiroshimas! No More Nagasakis! No More Hibakusha!.

(via Faslane Peace Camp)

Posted in Anti-Militarism, Anti-Nuclear Struggle, Faslane Peace Camp, International Solidarity, Japan, Scotland

Avalanche – Anarchist Correspondence Issue 10



March 2017

Time seems a self-evident measure of life, to the point of being assigned to the natural order of things. And with algorithms becoming more infused in daily life, its
significance as a factor of being tends to increase. But time imposes itself on us as an uncompromising, external force, demonstrating an indifference to individual paths. The irrefutable fact of passing time belies hideouts or erratic behaviour. Life measured by time needs to be productive, to show results.

As time becomes the guidelines of life, what exists between these lines are only circumstances. And for circumstances you find adequate responses while moving
on to another particular situation. Thus life can consist of only vague intentions mingled with chance. The only logic that binds the different chapters of the biography of such a life together, is the one of time. The plot is the strategies applied for the achievements we have succeeded in.

Still for many such a life seems aimless. So we can produce a meaning that tells us who we are, and who we have been. And who you will be. A grand narrative that moulds an existence that is more limited (since it also tells who you cannot be and who cannot relate to you) but more comprehensible. The question of identity becomes a deus ex machina, the key to all answers.

But what if being productive is not a satisfying aim, and to belong to one or an other seems aleatory. Instead of a logic aimed at results, we propose a method of life. One that entails developing autonomous practices and anti-authoritarian relations. A life that gets it oxygen from these liberating experiences. This is certainly not a stylistic choice, as some might reproach, not one of the lifestyle options inside this society. But a disruptive
ethical position that creates it own conflicts with authoritarian logic.

When our intentions are resolute, the logic is not external but our own, we can instead of responding to circumstances, create the situation we are moving in. Through anarchist projects aimed at opening spaces for encounters while sabotaging the tools of domination, and thus subverting the logic of authority. These projects are occasions, experiments where ideas and actions intertwine becoming expressions of a perspective that goes beyond the particular.

If the monologue is the tool for those who want to produce a hegemonic narrative and the debilitating repetition of cliches of common sense for those who obey to the dominant logic, dialogues are an integral part of the effort to create new paths. An approach that starts from an honest reflection of one’s own trajectory and that doesn’t seek to efface differences. A dialogue is in opposition to the rhetorical tricks used in too much discussions,  that are employed to align others behind one discourse.

We have to create more moments of dialogue. This publication can be one, although with its own limitations. But dialogues between individuals, through experiences, are a necessity.

Moving between the periphery and centre
along the banks of the two rivers
until the coasts of the Atlantic


Posted in Avalanche, PDF, Publications / Zines, Zines

Athens, Greece: Antifascists attack Golden Dawn HQ with sledgehammers & axes

Greece, 31.03.17: At about 9:30 Friday morning on March 30, 2017, approximately 30 anarchists – antifascists armed with sledgehammers, axes and red & black paint attacked the headquarters of the Golden Dawn party in Athens,  despite it’s close proximity to the Greek Pentagon, the headquarters of the riot police, the headquarters of Athens police, the Ministry of Public Order and the police academy, IE in one of the most heavily guarded areas in the city, proving that even the most impossible target is made possible if you have the will.

The CCTV footage was originally publicized by Golden Dawn.

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Athens, Direct Action, Fuck Golden Dawn, Greece

New anarchist guerrilla force, the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces, formed in Rojava

Announcement of the Creation of the IRPGF and Membership in the IFB

Today, the revolution is under attack. Like the Paris Commune and at so many other points in history, the revolutionary forces face the leviathan of capitalist hegemony which has come to devour the new world and enslave us all once again. This is our Stalingrad. The revolution must be defended! Therefore we announce the creation of the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) to defend the revolution in Rojava.

The International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) is a militant armed self-organized and horizontal collective working to defend social revolutions around the world, to directly confront capital and the state, and advance the cause of anarchism.

We are committed anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, anti-imperialists and against all forms of patriarchy and kyriarchy. We announce our membership in the International Freedom Battalion and declare our support and alliance with the YPJ, the YPG, the PKK, the Antifascist International Tabur (AIT) and the International Freedom Battalion’s member organizations. We declare our open struggle with all imperialist, fascist and counterrevolutionary forces.





International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces


via It’s Going Down:

Anarchists Fighting ISIS in Rojava Announce New Formation

Today we announce the formation of the International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces, an explicitly anarchist, militant group in Rojava seeking to defend the Revolution and advance the cause of anarchism.

The Role of the IRPGF

The International Revolutionary People’s Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF) is a militant armed self-organized and horizontal collective working to defend social revolutions around the world, to directly confront capital and the state, and advance the cause of anarchism. We recognize and affirm that principled action necessitates principled politics. We are not a political party or platform but rather an armed collective comprised of comrades with different anarchist positions. The IRPGF’s collective unity manifests itself in the praxis of militant action which we consider a prerequisite for achieving liberation. Our role is twofold; to be an armed force capable of defending liberatory social revolutions around the world while simultaneously being a force capable of insurrection and struggle against all kyriarchal forms of power wherever they exist.

We do not enter conflict zones with intent to command but rather, while retaining our autonomy as a collective, to fight alongside other armed groups in solidarity with those who are oppressed, exploited and facing annihilation. The IRPGF believes collective action, solidarity and unity are necessary for struggle. International solidarity is the most powerful weapon of the oppressed. At the same time we maintain the need for criticism when and where appropriate. (Self)Criticism is not something to be feared. It is to be embraced as the constant source of energy that drives individuals, communities and revolutionary movements towards realizing liberation.

The Need for Armed Struggle

Within movements for liberation an enormous chasm exists between those who deploy peaceful means to confront the enemy and those who defend both their communities and themselves through armed struggle. These dichotomous positions contain within them an inter-sectional network of social positions and identities that reveal their location, context and content. For the IRPGF, peaceful methods are unable to confront and destroy the state, capitalism and all forms of kyriarchal power. In fact, they do the reverse. They protect, embolden and strengthen the enemy, enhancing the forms of oppression against increasingly isolated individuals and divided societies. We believe that our liberation springs forth from the barrel of a gun.

Armed insurrections and rebellions around the world will be carried out to the end. We fight in defense of life and we struggle for total liberation. The nation-state, authority, capital and social hierarchy are the enemies of a liberated world and therefore enemies of us all. While we struggle through self-criticism and collective criticism of our personal and collective internalizations of these oppressive behaviors, attitudes and practices, the external enemies; the bosses, along with their armies and police, must be confronted with bullets, bombs and dynamite. The fires of justice and freedom are cleansing and all consuming. For us, there is no stepping back and no way to achieve liberation except through struggle. Our communities will only be liberated when we destroy those few whose wealth and power depend on the suffering and exploitation of many.

The master does not give the slave freedom simply out of an ethical act of pity, selflessness and love. The slave must achieve their liberation through insurrection, resistance and revolution, using every tool of the master to destroy both the master and their mechanisms and apparatuses of domination and oppression. The yoke of tyranny and its chains of repression cannot withstand the insurrection of the oppressed. We long for the day when swords will be turned into ploughshares, but until that day arrives, if it ever does, we will hold on to our weapons. The IRPGF’s existence is predicated on the necessity of armed struggle. The moment this is no longer necessary, the IRPGF will cease to exist. Our position is against the notion of “standing armies” or ossified revolutionary groups that become insular states unto themselves.

The IRPGF’s International Position

We believe that the third world war has already started and that the conflicts in Syria, Ukraine and in other parts of the world are only the beginning. The capitalist system, nearing its end and having plundered the world and stripped it of its resources, faces its most acute crisis yet. With no surplus labor population to put in its dungeons and assembly lines, the antagonisms and contradictions of the system in crisis are unfolding. With imperialist powers fighting for the last scraps to safeguard their livelihoods and with fascism on the rise, a common struggle is developing against both the domination of capital and the state. The IRPGF will stand with all peoples looking to secure their futures free from ALL forms of oppression, domination and exploitation. We are cognizant and recognize the intersection of unique identities and the particularities that exist within individuals, in communities and between individuals and communities. We support and seek to fully realize the polymorphic nature of human identity and struggle. To this end we join with peoples around the world in their uniqueness, and in ours, to realize our collective liberation.





Posted in Antifascist International Tabur (AIT), International Freedom Battalion, International Revolutionary People's Guerrilla Forces (IRPGF), International Solidarity, PKK, Rojava, Syria, YPG, YPJ