Category Archives: Insurrection

Sydney, Australia: Banner Action in Solidarity with Edwin Espinal and other Political Prisoners in Honduras

Received on 15.02.18: Banners in Sydney, Australia in solidarity with Edwin Espinal and other political prisoners in Honduras, the boiling insurrection in Honduras against the JOH (Juan Orlando Hernández) dictatorship, and with struggles for Mother Earth just about everywhere…

Posted in Australia, Banners, Eco-Resistance, Eco-Struggle, Edwin Espinal, Honduras, Insurrection, International Solidarity, Political Prisoners, Sydney

Uprisings in Tunisia and Iran (Podcast)

Recently, uprisings erupted in Iran and Tunisia. People took the streets and burned down police stations and government buildings, while voicing their anger against the state and “reformist” economic policies. On this episode, we talk about some reports and statements … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Radio, Insurrection, Iran, Iran Uprising, Music, Podcasts, Radical Underground, Tunisia

Worldwide: Solidarity with the People of Tunisia!

Received on 16.01.18: Solidarity with the People of Tunisia   Friends from all over the world stand in solidarity with the People of Tunisia. We demand that the Tunisian security services immediately release any remaining political prisoners and drop all … Continue reading

Posted in Austerity, Economic Crisis, Insurrection, International Solidarity, Mohamed Bouazizi, The Dignity Revolution 2010

Iran: The Working Class Raises Its Head

An analysis of the situation in Iran from an anarchist communist perspective. After the “moderate” cleric Hassan Rouhani was re-elected in the Iranian presidential elections of 2017 his regime which had been pushing neo-liberal ideas continued on the same course.  The … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Insurrection, Iran, Iran Uprising, Riots, Street Clashes

Buenos Aires, Argentina: Poster & Text Calling for the Freedom of the Anarchist Comrades Detained on December 14th

Text of poster: DIEGO, PILAR AND PABLO TO THE STREET! Arrested on 14/12 at the demonstration against the pre-judicial reform, transferred to the penitentiaries of Marcos Paz, Ezieza and Devoto. The State seeks to pacify the struggles with vigilance, raids, … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Argentina, Buenos Aires, Comodoro Py, Diego, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, Fuck The Police, Insurrection, Pablo, Pilar, Posters, Social Revolt

Argentina: Everything Motivates Us, Nothing Satisfies Us – About the Revolts of Dec. 14 & 18 in Buenos Aires

Received on 25.12.17: And the rage overflowed. And it should be clarified that many of those that found themeselves involved in the revolts of Thursday the 14th and Monday the 18th of December were not there to stop the pension … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Argentina, Black December, Buenos Aires, Insurrection, Rafael Braga Vieira, Riots, Santiago Maldonado

Greece: ‘Insurrection Cannot Be Negotiated’ by Imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire FAI-IRF Member Panagiotis Argyrou

Insurrection Cannot Be Negotiated Time is the illness of reality. In prison, time seems to poison the atmosphere. The air thickens as though it is flooded with lead filings and each and every day our lungs are infested with this … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Anarchist Prisoners, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI-IRF, Greece, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), Insurrection, International Revolutionary Front (IRF), Panagiotis Argyrou, Urban Guerrillas