Category Archives: Berlin

Berlin, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Arson Attack Against a ThyssenKrupp Vehicle

13.03.18: We are off to join the silent majority in this broken country to scream outrage. For days there have been calls to militantly campaign for the revolution in Kurdistan side by side with fighting groups worldwide, showing solidarity and … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Arson Attack, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, Kurdistan, Rojava, Rojava Revolution

Berlin, Germany: #Fight4Afrin – Commerzbank Branch Attacked

In solidarity with the Kurds fighting in Afrin, last night we broke the windows of the Commerzbank branch at Tierpark in Lichtenburg with rocks. In addition a message was painted on the facade (the bank removed it). The Commerzbank finances, … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Germany, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vandalism, Women's Struggle

Berlin, Germany: Police Patrol Ambushed on Rigaer Straße Against Repression & in Solidarity with the Call to #Fight4Afrin

11.03.18: During the night of Saturday to Sunday, we ambushed a group of police on patrol in their car with stones. The patrol was helmeted and on assignment to occupy and terrorize our neighborhood. Nothing new from the Nordkiez..but it is … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, ACAB, Apoist Youth Initiative, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Germany, Nordkiez, Rigaer Street, Vandalism

Berlin, Germany: Molotov Attack Against a DİTİB Propaganda Center

11.03.18: In Berlin there was an action with Molotov cocktails against a DİTİB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) propaganda center. DİTİB is directly controlled by the fascist Turkish State and receives its instructions from them. When the international attack against … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Germany, Kurdish Struggle, Molotov Attack, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Uncategorized

Berlin, Germany: ‘A Message to our Unknown Comrades in the Urban Jungle of Prison Society’ by Violent Minority Cell FAI

Received on 08.03.18: The burning of security vehicles in Berlin as a useful tool of communication. By quoting from other responsibility claims, we follow the proposal of relating to each other in order to develop a wider mobilisation of the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Arson Attacks, Berlin, Direct Action, Germany, Hambach Forest, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Solidarity, Lisa, Uncategorized, Violent Minority Cell

Berlin, Germany: Cafe Owned by Turkish Fascists Targeted by Young Women’s Revenge Unit Şehid Viyan Soran

07.02.18: On Wednesday night in Berlin, young women angered by the attacks of the occupying Turkish army carried out a radical action against a cafe run by Turkish fascists. In the lead-up to March 8 (International Women’s Day), Young Women’s … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Afrin, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Fuck AKP, Germany, Graffiti, International Solidarity, International Women's Day, Kurdish Struggle, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vandalism, Women's Struggle, Young Women's Revenge Unit Şehid Viyan Soran, YPJ

Berlin, Germany: We Are All Terrorists – Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Russia!

Received on 16.02.18: From Rigaer Street, we send signs of solidarity and rage to anarchist prisoners in Russia, responding to the call from Russia for International Days of Solidarity with Russian Anarchist Political Prisoners. These days we heard from the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Banners, Berlin, Germany, International Solidarity, Penza, Repression, Rigaer 94, Rigaer Street, Russia, St Petersburg