June 28 – International Solidarity Day with imprisoned anarchist comrade Eric King (USA)

June 28th of this year will mark one year since Eric King was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and one year since he stood up in court in Kansas City, Missouri. EK read the statement he had prepared declaring why he took action on that fateful night and that he still has no regrets. Eric has seen and experienced a lot in the nearly three years of his incarceration, and every step of the way he is unwavering in who he is and with the principles he upholds. From long stints in the S.H.U (Secure Housing Unit), to getting moved from one institution to another, to anxiety filled situations where he doesn’t know where he might be going next, he always maintains a kind of spirit that keeps him afloat no matter what they throw at him.

He also understands that while he may be locked up, he is far from forgotten about, as evidenced through the collective efforts of those actively supporting him directly or on the periphery. EK is emboldened by anyone who responds to that fire inside, fights against oppression as a part of the anarchist struggle undeterred, and who remains unrelenting no matter what that state throws at you.

So, with that we’d like to announce the first annual International Day of Solidarity with Eric King on June 28th 2017! Please mark your calendars and keep EK on your mind. You can help build and maintain a base of support with us that will last for the next six years of his 10-year sentence. Let’s show the state that when one of our friends and comrades is in captivity for taking action we can mobilize internationally. We can give our friends the support they deserve and show all the others out there that we will not leave you behind when you face repression or imprisonment when engaged in the anarchist struggle. Whether you decide to put on a letter writing night, a punk show, a dinner, any other type of fundraiser, or choose to raise awareness by printing off the support flyer and distribute them somewhere in your city, please join us in solidarity with Eric King on June 28th. We’d love to hear what you decide to do in your city, so please get in touch and let us know.

Eric is always asking about the other anarchist prisoners and all political prisoners. He gets the NYC ABC updates and announcements in the mail every two weeks, but if you write to or directly support any of the other PPs he’d love to hear about how they’re doing. The struggle of the political prisoner is a unified struggle, so let’s work hard to maintain that in the face of a relentless state trying to break it down.

Help us to sustain a level support that can help Eric push forward and push through, year after year.

For Eric King! And for Anarchism!

-The EK Support Crew

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This entry was posted on Saturday, May 13th, 2017 at 12:29 pm and is filed under Prison Struggle.