Frequently Asked Questions

Regarding the AdBrite Acquisition

I have some outstanding issues with AdBrite. Who do I contact?

AdBrite shut down in February 2013 and SiteScout has only purchased certain intellectual property assets that formerly belonged to the company. If you have any outstanding issues with AdBrite, you will need to reach out to your previous contact there.


Is AdBrite's old traffic going to be avaiable from SiteScout now?

No. The former AdBrite ad exchange was shut down, which means that the inventory that was previously available on SiteScout through AdBrite is no longer available.


Is AdBrite's old traffic going to be avaiable from SiteScout now?

No. The former AdBrite ad exchange was shut down, which means that the inventory that was previously available on SiteScout through AdBrite is no longer available.


Does this mean SiteScout is now working with publishers?

No. At this time, SiteScout is not working with publishers directly. We only sell display inventory made available through one of our existing supplier integrations. If you are a publisher looking to monetize your inventory, we recommend that you contact one of our many RTB-enabled inventory partners.