- published: 10 Dec 2016
- views: 282
In show business, a guest appearance is the participation of an outsider performer (such as a musician or actor) in an event such as a music record or concert, show, etc., when the performer does not belong to the regular cast, band or other performing group. In music, such an outside performer is often referred to as a guest artist. In performance art, the terms guest role or guest star are also common, the latter term specifically indicating the guest appearance of a celebrity. The latter is often also credited as "special guest star" or "special musical guest star" by some production companies. A guest character is a character being portrayed within a fictional entertainment setting who is only involved as part of the plot once or a few times at most. A guest character has fewer appearances than main characters, supporting characters, and recurring characters.
In pop music, guest appearances are often described with the words featuring, with, or and. It is abbreviated in credit lists as feat., ft., f/, f.. In a television series, a guest star is an actor who appears in one or a few episodes. In radio and television shows, a guest star is a guest of the show who is a celebrity.
"History Maker" is the eleventh track on English Christian rock band Delirious?'s album King of Fools. It has become one of the band's best-known songs, and represents King of Fools in almost every one of their live setlists, along with the single "Deeper". "History Maker" was originally recorded as a guitar-driven six-minute rock epic, filled out by strings and synthesisers and featuring two 16-bar guitar solos. The lyrics of the song are on the power of prayer and becoming a "history maker"; i.e., someone who changes the course of history. "History Maker" became the theme song for Teen Mania's 97-98 Acquire the Fire tour, as well as Extreme Dream's YC 2000 in Alberta, Canada.
The song is greatly extended live, generally featuring the "Holy is the Lord" bridge of "God's Romance" and an extemporaneous speech by Martin Smith. The guitar solo is also occasionally extended (up to 40 bars), and the chorus of the song "Obsession" is often included after the "God's Romance" section. Martin Smith often announces this song with the sentence "This song is for all the history makers" at live concerts.
A music video or song video is a short film integrating a song and imagery, produced for promotional or artistic purposes. Modern music videos are primarily made and used as a marketing device intended to promote the sale of music recordings. There are also cases where songs are used in tie in marketing campaigns that allow them to become more than just a song. Tie ins and merchandising could be used in toys are marketing campaigns for food and other products. Although the origins of music videos date back to musical short films that first appeared in the 1920s, they came into prominence in the 1980s when MTV based their format around the medium. Prior to the 1980s, these works were described by various terms including "illustrated song", "filmed insert", "promotional (promo) film", "promotional clip", "promotional video", "song video", "song clip" or "film clip". Since the creation and increased popularity of YouTube, mainstream artists now promote new music videos by releasing trailers of short promos on the site for their upcoming song and music video. Consequentially, YouTube has been converted into a social media platform for celebrities and artists to market themselves to their fans and audiences.
Some of my favourite Anime Eurobeat music, terribly mixed by me, and with various pictures of cute 2D girls wearing headphones. This is a work in progress, I'll probably upload a better mixed version of this sooner or later. If you like this I have another 1h long mix with more cutesy and addictive songs. I don't own the songs or the pictures. Uploaded for fun, not for commercial purposes, no copyright infringement intended. Next time I'll upload 1h of beautiful lesser-known Trance again. Tracklist: 1. SHIHORI / secret base ~君がくれたもの~ (Anohana) 2. RIAN / PSI-Missing (Toaru Majutsu no Index ) 3. SHIHORI / Shangri-La (Soukyuu no Fafner) 4. Ryu* feat. YURiE / オレンジ (Bleach) 5. Dizzi Mystica feat. CAMRY / Still I love you (School Days) 6. Starving Trancer feat. R. Cena / Hello (To Heart 2) ...
EXIT TRANCE PRESENTS SPEED アニメトランス BEST 5 Track#11 [Extended] http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=F6B7C59011E0ACB2 Normal Tracks: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=A922F184943C2DA3 (Gurren Laggan movie) Bit Rate: 192kbps QWCE-00067
FUKI 1st Full Album「LOVE DIARY」https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1146708779?app=itunes&ls;=1 ★2015.12.09 Release★ 2nd Digital Single「キミがスキ -Winter Ver.-」 いま、一番逢いたい人。一番大切な人へ。ストレートなキモチを綴った告白ラブ・ソング。 この冬ぴったりな、クリスマスアレンジでお届け。 FUKI公式WEBサイト http://fukimusic.jp/ 公式Twitter https://twitter.com/FUKI_music_ 公式Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fuki_official/ ---------------------------------------- 2016年9月21日(水) FUKI 1st Full Album「LOVE DIARY」 VIZL-1047 初回限定盤(CD+DVD) / 3,500円(税込) VICL-64587 通常盤(CD) / 2,800円(税込) Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01IQLJDUW 「シンプルに泣けて。ナチュラルに恋して。胸をしめつける365日のラブソング」をテーマに12曲収録。シェネルや平井大などを手がけるEIGOプロデュースのもと、西野カナなどを手がける佐伯ユウスケをはじめ、豪華作家陣やミュージシャンが多数参加。 LINE MUSICリアルタイムランキング1位・AWAデイリーニューリリースランキング1位を獲得し、フジテレビ系「魁!ミュージック」9月度エンディングテーマに起用された、アルバム先行Single「ホンモノの恋、はじめませんか?」他、iTun...
雪国に舞い降りた、ゆるふわグルーヴィー天使! ポエムコア・アイドルowtn.(おわたん)のMV第二弾は、中国の桃娘伝説をモチーフにした、妖艶な雰囲気が印象的な「チャイナ・マーブル」。 2015年12月にリリースされた『桃源郷EP』に収録。 lyric and reading:owtn. track:SLATE Film shooting:minaco.(footic)/Digital Vegital owtn.Twitter:https://twitter.com/groovy_owtn owtn.soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/dj_owtn owtn.official:http://owtic-net.webnode.jp FreeDL:http://poemcoretokyo.bandcamp.com/album/ep-2
いつもよりちょっと元気に「おはよう」 いつもよりちょっと穏やかな「おやすみ」 わくわくする一日になりますように。 2014.6.23 YANAGAWA TAKASHI LIVE 柳川タカシ http://yanahan.main.jp 大阪での大学時代に、ある女性シンガーの歌を聴き、音楽はコミュニケーションであり人の心を助ける道具であることを教わる。 自らも人の心に響く音楽を生み出せるようになることを課して作曲、演奏をはじめる。 服部良一記念大阪音楽祭ミュージシャングランプリ'07審査員特別賞受賞。 Gatzby Music Remix Contest'07グランプリ受賞。 2008年から東京に拠点を移し、ジャズバーやライブハウスでライブを重ねる。ブラスバンドや演劇、ゴスペルクワイヤー等にゲスト出演のほか、テレビCM向けの作曲、コーラスや劇場映画向けの楽曲アレンジ等をこなしつつ活動中。 現在、東急カードCMに楽曲提供のほか、東急電鉄トライアングルチケットCM挿入曲として『You're Sure』が放映中。 堀嵜ヒロキ 2003年ドラマー、パーカッショニストとして活動を開始。 「渋さ知らズ」「東京中低域」等で活動中の"鬼頭 哲"が主宰する「鬼頭 哲 ブラスバンド」にドラマーとして正式参加。 日本でも稀有な存在であるアルゼンチンタンゴシンガー"Sergio Villarroel"が主催する「BLACK TANGO PROJECT」にパーカッショニストとしてサポート参加。 国内外から作品をリリースする"macrophage lab."のレコーディングやライブ等をサポート。 国際的な活動を行うnu-jazz band 「native」にパーカッショニストとしてサポート参加。 (後にドラマーとして正式参加、現在は脱退) 2008年4月に行われたNew Yorkの老舗レ...
"Sonezaki Shinjuu" TRACK # 2 of 16 EXIT TUNES PRESENTS THE VERY BEST OF Dead Ball P loves Miku Hatsune [QWCE - 10017]
◆PV・MVはコチラから↓ 「History Maker」 DEAN FUJIOKA<TVアニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」オープニングテーマ> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og0KAkYb0cU ◆pr 紹介の連鎖が永遠に続く ㊙人脈活用術 http://directlink.jp/tracking/af/1325297/1i55UnJk/ 短期間で英語をマスターする人の共通点 http://directlink.jp/tracking/af/1325297/t5feIvEq/ 「鳳凰」次世代型YouTube動画作成アップツールhttp://www.infotop.jp/click.php?aid=146421&iid;=65442 ◆相互チャンネル登録しましょう! ・チャンネル登録し、コメント欄に一言コメント頂けると登録のお--返しが出来ます! ************* 10月5日(水)深夜よりテレビ朝日系で放送される アニメ「ユーリ!!! on ICE」のオープニングテーマ を、DEAN FUJIOKAが担当することが明らかに なった。 「ユーリ!!! on ICE」は、「モテキ」「アゲイン!!」で 知られるマンガ家の久保ミツロウと、アニメ 「LUPIN the Third -峰不二子という女-」「ミチ コとハッチン」などを手がけてきたアニメ監督の山 本沙代が原案を手がけるフィギュアスケートアニ メ。久保はネーム、キャラクター原案を担当し、山 本は監督およびシリーズ構成を務める。 DEAN FUJIOKAは久保ミツロウの熱烈なオ ファーを受けて、オープニングテーマを担当する ことが決定。彼は「原案の久保ミツロウさん、監督 の山本沙代さん、そしてこのプロジェクトに関わっ た全員が、それぞれの限界に挑戦するアニメ制 作過程の...
On the second presentation of July 22, 1940, Forecast offered a mystery/horror show titled Suspense. With the co-operation of his producer, Walter Wanger, Alfred Hitchcock received the honor of directing his first radio show for the American public. The condition agreed upon for Hitchcock's appearance was that CBS make a pitch to the listening audience about his and Wanger's latest film, Foreign Correspondent. To add flavor to the deal, Wanger threw in Edmund Gwenn and Herbert Marshall as part of the package. All three men (including Hitch) would be seen in the upcoming film, which was due for a theatrical release the next month. Both Marshall and Hitchcock decided on the same story to bring to the airwaves, which happened to be a favorite of both of them: Marie Belloc Lowndes' "The Lodger...
Some of my favourite Anime Eurobeat music, terribly mixed by me, and with various pictures of cute 2D girls wearing headphones. This is a work in progress, I'll probably upload a better mixed version of this sooner or later. If you like this I have another 1h long mix with more cutesy and addictive songs. I don't own the songs or the pictures. Uploaded for fun, not for commercial purposes, no copyright infringement intended. Next time I'll upload 1h of beautiful lesser-known Trance again. Tracklist: 1. SHIHORI / secret base ~君がくれたもの~ (Anohana) 2. RIAN / PSI-Missing (Toaru Majutsu no Index ) 3. SHIHORI / Shangri-La (Soukyuu no Fafner) 4. Ryu* feat. YURiE / オレンジ (Bleach) 5. Dizzi Mystica feat. CAMRY / Still I love you (School Days) 6. Starving Trancer feat. R. Cena / Hello (To Heart 2) ...
Обичам да ме вали дъжда,
когато съм до теб и се усмихваш. (x2)
Обичам да заспивам до теб
и да чувствам как ти заспиваш до мен.
Обичам да целувам теб,
да усещам устните ти близо до моите.
Обичам да се будя до теб
и да виждам как ти се будиш до мен.
Обичам да целувам теб,
да прегръщам теб,да обичам теб.
Обичам да ме вали дъжда,
когато съм до теб и се усмихваш. (x4)
Обичам да се любя с теб
и да чувствам как ти се любиш с мен.
Обичам да докосвам теб
така както не съм докосвал никога.
Обичам да сънувам теб
да усещам как ти сънуваш мен.
Обичам да се смея с теб,
да прегръщам теб,да обичам теб.
Обичам да ме вали дъжда,
когато съм до теб и се усмихваш.(да обичам теб...) (x4)
Обичам да ме вали дъжда,
когато съм до теб и се усмихваш. (x4)