- published: 09 Dec 2010
- views: 123077
"Draumur um Nínu" (English translation: "The dream about Nina", sometimes known as "Nína") was the Icelandic entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1991, performed in Icelandic by Eyjólfur Kristjánsson and Stefán Hilmarsson under the name "Stefán & Eyfi". Although the song did not fare too well in the contest it has remained one of Iceland's most popular songs of all time, still receiving regular airplay. An indication of the song's enduring popularity is that when it is played in Reykjavik bars and nightclubs the patrons usually join in.
The song, with its catchy piano intro, is a ballad, with the singers expressing their love for the titular Nina. It appears that she can never be with them, however the reason for this is never explained. In 2002, Eyjólfur and Stefán performed the song at a concert in the Reykjavík City Theatre. The concert was recorded and the recordings were released on a CD.
At the contest, it was performed second on the night (following Yugoslavia's Bebi Dol with Brazil and preceding Malta's Georgina and Paul Giordimana with Could It Be). At the close of voting, it had received 26 points, placing 15th in a field of 22.
Sálin hans Jóns míns sometimes abbreviated to just Sálin is an Icelandic rock band established in Reykjavík by Guðmundur Jónsson, Jón Ólafsson and Stefán Hilmarsson. Soon Rafn Jónsson and Harald Þorsteinsson joined for their inaugural year. The band held its first concert in March 1988 considered the year of establishment. In 1989, Rafn Jónsson and Harald Þorsteinsson were replaced by Friðrik Sturluson and Jens Hansson as permanent members.
The name is based on Icelandic popular legend of the same name Sálin hans Jóns míns written by Icelandic poet Davíð Stefánsson.
Núna ertu hjá mér, Nína Strýkur mér um vangann, Nína Ó... haltu í höndina á mér, Nína Því þú veist að ég mun aldrei aftur Aldrei aftur eiga stund með þér Það er sárt að sakna, einhvers Lífið heldur áfram, til hvers? Ég vil ekki vakna, frá þér Því ég veit að þú munt aldrei aftur Þú munt aldrei, aldrei aftur Aldrei aftur strjúka vanga minn Þegar þú í draumum mínum birtist allt er ljúft og gott Og ég vildi ég gæti sofið heila öld Því að nóttin veitir aðeins skamma stund með þér Er ég vakna, Nína -- þú ert ekki lengur hér Opna augun -- engin strýkur blítt um vanga mér
Nína sem var framlag Íslands í Eurovision 1991 og lenti 15. sæti er nú orðið afar vinsælt og er líka frábært lag og hefði átt að fá meiri athygli. Þar syngja saman höfundurinn Eyjólfur Kristjánsson og Stefán Hilmarsson, bakraddir voru Eva Ásrún Albertsdóttir, Erna Þórarinsdóttir, Richard Scoibie og Eyþór Arnalds á bassa. Söngvakeppni Evrópsku sjónvarpstöðvana sem haldi var í Róm. Eurovision Song Contest 1991 - Iceland -- Islandia - Iceland Stefán & Eyfi - Draumur um nínu Music / Lag: Eyjólfur Kristjánsson Lyrics / Texti: Eyjólfur Kristjánsson Conductor / útsetning: Jón Ólafsson Placing / sæti: 15th (26 points) http://www.diggiloo.net/?1991is
Draumur um Nínu (Eyjólfur Kristjánsson) – í flutningi Eyþórs Inga og Dags Sigurðssonar. http://www.ruv.is/oskalog
The Icelandic entry to the 1991 Eurovision Song Contest in Rome, Italy. Stefán & Eyfi - Nína Sort of an Icelandic "Oh My Darling Clementine", this is one of our most loved entries. We were very disappointed that this was taken so lukewarmly by the juries (we only got points from 4 countries in total, but most of these were generous votes), especially after the success of "Eitt lag enn". Still, similar to Greece's "Anixi", it's a song that may not have done well in the contest but is nonetheless a truly loved classic in the homeland to this day, to composer Eyjólfur Kristjánsson's surprise (the guy in the turquoise jacket). Everybody in Iceland knows this song, and it can still occasionally be heard on our radio in its original recording. All of which goes to prove that you just can't kee...
Allir tónlistarmenn þurfa að gera svona einu sinni á ferlinum sínum.
Spurning um hvort sé komin nýr skilningur á orðinu baktal?
Song 9 in the 1991 Icelandic Eurovision Final (Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins). Sung by Eyjólfur Kristjánsson & Stefán Hilmarsson. Scored 97 points, coming 1st out of 10 songs. © RUV, Iceland
haha,, þetta var eitthvern tímann á *FFF* og við vorum í eitthverju rugli ! ;) enjoy ;)
Sungum Draum um Nínu fyrir starfsmenn bæjarskrifstofu Hornarfjarðar