Stretchiest skin in the world! - Guinness World Records
► Subscribe for more || http://bit.ly/GWR-Subscribe
► Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs
Garry Turner (UK) is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
At Guinness World Records we want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something, and we’re here to measure it! Whether you’ve got the stretchiest skin, know the world’s smallest dog or want to create the largest human dominoes chain we want to hear about it.
Here on the Guinness World Records YouTube channel we want to sho...
published: 12 Jan 2009
Siemens Geschirrspüler E15 - Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen
Diese Reparaturanleitung zeigt Dir, wie Du im Falle des Fehlers E15 bei einer Spülmaschine von BSH die Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen kannst.
*** Problembeschreibung ***
Die Spülmaschine bricht das Programm ab und zeigt den Fehler E15 an. Dieser Fehler signaisiert, dass sich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet.
*** Fehlerursache ***
Dieser Fehler bedeutet, dass ich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet. Undicht können sein: Die Pumpentopfdichtung, der Zulaufschlauch oder der Ablaufschlauch. Natürlich gibt es noch andere verdächtige. In der Regel aber handelt es sich aber beim Fehler E15 um eine undichte Pumpentopfdichtung.
*** Problemlösung ***
*) Gerät abstecken
*) Sockel öffnen
*) Wasser aus der Bodenwanne entfernen
*) Undichte Stelle finden
*) Undichte St...
published: 15 Jul 2019
Signalstörung im Glockenturm - Let´s Play FAR CRY 4 #003 [Full HD / PC]
Let´s Play´s mit Abwechslung
-Die Ungleichen-
Das etwas andere Let´s Play Projekt. 5 Freunde wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, teilen eine Leidenschaft -Gaming- ! Und nun teilen sie es mit euch.
Folgt uns auf:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dieungleichen5
Twitter: @dieungleichen
und Ihr verpasst keine Neuigkeiten / Folgen mehr.
Die Ungleichen mit :
Mister Sic
Zocken miteinander oder auch mal gegeneinander, unterstützen sich oder stellen sich Beine.
Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen, auf: youtube.de/dieungleichen5
Vielen Dank an Necr0w für die tollen Avatare.
Besucht Ihre Facebook Seite unter: https://www.facebook.com/Necr0w
published: 19 Nov 2014
published: 30 Aug 2019
Samsung Waschmaschine: Fehler 4E oder 5E beheben [How-To-Video]
In unserem How-To-Video zeigen wir dir, wie du den Fehler 4E oder 5E bei deiner Samsung Waschmaschine beheben kannst.
Mehr über unsere Produkte: http://www.samsung.at
published: 02 Nov 2015
Far Cry 4 - Unerwartete Störung #025
Die Autotour näher sich dem Ende und erreichen einen weiteren Außenposten. Diesen werden auch Angreifen, wobei überraschende Besuch alles fast zu nichte gemacht hätte.
Das Spiel
Ubisoft setzt mit Far Cry 4 die Serie fort. Auch dieser Teil hat keine direkte Verbindung zu den Vorgänger bis auf das Spielprinzip. Es ist ebenfalls ein Open World Shooter und man kann nun mit US-Amerikaner Ajay Ghale den fiktiven Staat Kyrat erkunden, wo ein Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Rebellen goldener Pfad und den Truppen des Königs Pagan wütet.
Das Spiel ist im November 2014 von Ubisoft erschiehnen und beeindurck mit seiner spielwelt und den viellen Möglichkeiten. Aber auch herschte anfänglich viel Kritik über die Qualität das Spiels. Neu hinzugekommen sind einige El...
published: 16 Sep 2017
BIPOLAR DISORDER: Understanding "Manic Standards"
CONTACT ME HERE: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I’d like to offer a explanation as to why so many of us struggle to find stability with our bipolar disorder...
("When I was first misdiagnosed as having just unipolar depression, they put me on a common antidepressant. I’ve mentioned so many times how antidepressant medications can exacerbate the mania. It did just that… I remember calling my family and telling them how amazing I felt! I finally felt alive, motivated, and enthusiastic about my future for the first time in a while. I kept telling people that I “finally feel like myself again” and assumed that the medications were doing their job. Everyone was so excited for me.
Realistically, I was just experiencing hypomania - and loving every minute of it...
published: 25 Nov 2019
What is Psychotic Depression? | Kati Morton
Defining major depressive disorder and psychosis first is important before we try to understand how they can feel when they are happening at the same time. MDD is when we no longer enjoy the things we used to and we have a marked impairment in our level of functioning for at least 2 weeks. You must have at least 5 symptoms in total, but the first two I mentioned must be present. Here's my full video on MDD: https://youtu.be/cX6tA-qslooPsychosis is not a diagnosis all on its own. We can be diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, but when we talk about psychosis, we are talking about having psychotic symptoms on top of another diagnosis (like MDD or bipolar disorder). There are 5 types of psychosis: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavio...
published: 24 Jul 2017
Essstörung: Wenn gesundes Essen krank macht | Quarks
Essenskult ist für viele zu einem Lebensstil geworden. Manchmal ist der Grad zur Essstörung jedoch schmal. Wenn die Gedanken nur noch ums Essen kreisen, kann das gefährlich werden.
Diäten und Hungerkuren können zu Essstörungen führen, darunter Magersucht oder Bulimie. Quarks trifft eine Frau, die mit ihrer Geschichte aufklären will.
Autorin: Alexandra Hostert
Danke fürs Zuschauen! Hat dir das Video gefallen? Dann abonniere jetzt den einzigen offiziellen Quarks-Kanal auf YouTube:
Quarks auf Facebook:
Besuche auch:
Quarks auf Instagram:
Hier gelangst du zum Clip in der WDR-Mediathek:
published: 26 Jun 2018
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated - Official Documentary
Watch never before seen footage in the Simply Complicated Director's Cut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9T4DQ3sZ_A
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated is a full length documentary that gives a personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
To know Demi best, you have to understand all that she has been through and overcome. This documentary includes never before told stories that inform the person they are today.
Go on the journey with Demi as they creates their most important body of work in music yet, and discovers their most authentic self along the way.
Directed by Hannah Lux Davis
A film by Phillymack Productions
published: 17 Oct 2017
To contact me directly and get answers to your questions, join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
A cure for Bipolar Disorder? That sounds amazing to people like me who have struggled with Bipolar Disorder symptoms their entire life. A cure also sounds especially good to those having a hard time accepting a “Mental Illness” diagnosis.
I've had countless people reach out to Polar Warriors asking if there is a “cure” or “alternative treatment” for Bipolar Disorder. Some have even provided links to medical professionals claiming to cure their illness, so of course I had to research this more myself. The prospect of not having to take medications or deal with a very stigmatized diagnosis would appeal to anyone. If there IS a cure for Bipolar Disorder out there, I want to b...
published: 01 Apr 2019
Stretchiest skin in the world! - Guinness World Records
► Subscribe for more || http://bit.ly/GWR-Subscribe
► Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs
Garry Turner (UK) is able to stretch the skin of his...
► Subscribe for more || http://bit.ly/GWR-Subscribe
► Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs
Garry Turner (UK) is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
At Guinness World Records we want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something, and we’re here to measure it! Whether you’ve got the stretchiest skin, know the world’s smallest dog or want to create the largest human dominoes chain we want to hear about it.
Here on the Guinness World Records YouTube channel we want to showcase incredible talent. If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place.
Website || http://bit.ly/GWR-Website
Facebook || http://bit.ly/GWR-FB
Twitter || http://bit.ly/GWR-TW
Instagram || http://bit.ly/GWR-Insta
Snapchat || http://bit.ly/GWR-SC
TikTok || http://bit.ly/GWR-TT
#GWR #GuinnessWorldRecords #worldrecord
► Subscribe for more || http://bit.ly/GWR-Subscribe
► Watch the GWR’s Favourites || http://bit.ly/GWR-Favs
Garry Turner (UK) is able to stretch the skin of his stomach to a distended length of 15.8 cm (6.25 in) due to a rare medical condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder of the connective tissues affecting the skin, ligaments and internal organs.
At Guinness World Records we want to show that everyone in the world is the best at something, and we’re here to measure it! Whether you’ve got the stretchiest skin, know the world’s smallest dog or want to create the largest human dominoes chain we want to hear about it.
Here on the Guinness World Records YouTube channel we want to showcase incredible talent. If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place.
Website || http://bit.ly/GWR-Website
Facebook || http://bit.ly/GWR-FB
Twitter || http://bit.ly/GWR-TW
Instagram || http://bit.ly/GWR-Insta
Snapchat || http://bit.ly/GWR-SC
TikTok || http://bit.ly/GWR-TT
#GWR #GuinnessWorldRecords #worldrecord
- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 53782941
Siemens Geschirrspüler E15 - Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen
Diese Reparaturanleitung zeigt Dir, wie Du im Falle des Fehlers E15 bei einer Spülmaschine von BSH die Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen kannst.
*** Problembeschrei...
Diese Reparaturanleitung zeigt Dir, wie Du im Falle des Fehlers E15 bei einer Spülmaschine von BSH die Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen kannst.
*** Problembeschreibung ***
Die Spülmaschine bricht das Programm ab und zeigt den Fehler E15 an. Dieser Fehler signaisiert, dass sich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet.
*** Fehlerursache ***
Dieser Fehler bedeutet, dass ich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet. Undicht können sein: Die Pumpentopfdichtung, der Zulaufschlauch oder der Ablaufschlauch. Natürlich gibt es noch andere verdächtige. In der Regel aber handelt es sich aber beim Fehler E15 um eine undichte Pumpentopfdichtung.
*** Problemlösung ***
*) Gerät abstecken
*) Sockel öffnen
*) Wasser aus der Bodenwanne entfernen
*) Undichte Stelle finden
*) Undichte Stelle beseitigen (z.B. Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen)
*) Heizpumpe sicherheitshalber überprüfen
*** Ersatzteile ***
Das benötigte Ersatzteil findest Du auf Schraub-Doc unter https://schraub-doc.de/bsh-12005744-reparatursatz. Diese Dichtung passt nahezu in alle Geräte von BSH. Zur Sicherheit kannst Du den Durchmesser des Pumpentopfes nachmessen, der rund 182mm betragen sollte.
Hinweis: Solltest Du Hilfe bei der Auswahl des richtigen Ersatzteils benötigen, schreib uns bitte ein E-Mail: kundendienst@schraub-doc.de. Denn auch für Dein Gerät können wir die passende Pumpentopfdichtung liefern.
*** Schraub-Doc abonnieren und Geld sparen ***
Hast Du unseren YouTube Kanal abonniert, dann freuen wir uns Dir mit diesem Gutscheincode preislich entgegenzukommen. YT-AP03-17XX
Dein Schraub-Doc Team!
Web-De: https://schraub-doc.de
Web-At: https://schraub-doc.at
Diese Reparaturanleitung zeigt Dir, wie Du im Falle des Fehlers E15 bei einer Spülmaschine von BSH die Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen kannst.
*** Problembeschreibung ***
Die Spülmaschine bricht das Programm ab und zeigt den Fehler E15 an. Dieser Fehler signaisiert, dass sich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet.
*** Fehlerursache ***
Dieser Fehler bedeutet, dass ich Wasser in der Bodenwanne der Spülmaschine befindet. Undicht können sein: Die Pumpentopfdichtung, der Zulaufschlauch oder der Ablaufschlauch. Natürlich gibt es noch andere verdächtige. In der Regel aber handelt es sich aber beim Fehler E15 um eine undichte Pumpentopfdichtung.
*** Problemlösung ***
*) Gerät abstecken
*) Sockel öffnen
*) Wasser aus der Bodenwanne entfernen
*) Undichte Stelle finden
*) Undichte Stelle beseitigen (z.B. Pumpentopfdichtung tauschen)
*) Heizpumpe sicherheitshalber überprüfen
*** Ersatzteile ***
Das benötigte Ersatzteil findest Du auf Schraub-Doc unter https://schraub-doc.de/bsh-12005744-reparatursatz. Diese Dichtung passt nahezu in alle Geräte von BSH. Zur Sicherheit kannst Du den Durchmesser des Pumpentopfes nachmessen, der rund 182mm betragen sollte.
Hinweis: Solltest Du Hilfe bei der Auswahl des richtigen Ersatzteils benötigen, schreib uns bitte ein E-Mail: kundendienst@schraub-doc.de. Denn auch für Dein Gerät können wir die passende Pumpentopfdichtung liefern.
*** Schraub-Doc abonnieren und Geld sparen ***
Hast Du unseren YouTube Kanal abonniert, dann freuen wir uns Dir mit diesem Gutscheincode preislich entgegenzukommen. YT-AP03-17XX
Dein Schraub-Doc Team!
Web-De: https://schraub-doc.de
Web-At: https://schraub-doc.at
- published: 15 Jul 2019
- views: 21379
Signalstörung im Glockenturm - Let´s Play FAR CRY 4 #003 [Full HD / PC]
Let´s Play´s mit Abwechslung
-Die Ungleichen-
Das etwas andere Let´s Play Projekt. 5 Freunde wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, teilen eine Leiden...
Let´s Play´s mit Abwechslung
-Die Ungleichen-
Das etwas andere Let´s Play Projekt. 5 Freunde wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, teilen eine Leidenschaft -Gaming- ! Und nun teilen sie es mit euch.
Folgt uns auf:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dieungleichen5
Twitter: @dieungleichen
und Ihr verpasst keine Neuigkeiten / Folgen mehr.
Die Ungleichen mit :
Mister Sic
Zocken miteinander oder auch mal gegeneinander, unterstützen sich oder stellen sich Beine.
Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen, auf: youtube.de/dieungleichen5
Vielen Dank an Necr0w für die tollen Avatare.
Besucht Ihre Facebook Seite unter: https://www.facebook.com/Necr0w
Let´s Play´s mit Abwechslung
-Die Ungleichen-
Das etwas andere Let´s Play Projekt. 5 Freunde wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, teilen eine Leidenschaft -Gaming- ! Und nun teilen sie es mit euch.
Folgt uns auf:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/dieungleichen5
Twitter: @dieungleichen
und Ihr verpasst keine Neuigkeiten / Folgen mehr.
Die Ungleichen mit :
Mister Sic
Zocken miteinander oder auch mal gegeneinander, unterstützen sich oder stellen sich Beine.
Das Ergebnis kann sich sehen lassen, auf: youtube.de/dieungleichen5
Vielen Dank an Necr0w für die tollen Avatare.
Besucht Ihre Facebook Seite unter: https://www.facebook.com/Necr0w
- published: 19 Nov 2014
- views: 188
- published: 30 Aug 2019
- views: 201
Samsung Waschmaschine: Fehler 4E oder 5E beheben [How-To-Video]
In unserem How-To-Video zeigen wir dir, wie du den Fehler 4E oder 5E bei deiner Samsung Waschmaschine beheben kannst.
Mehr über unsere Produkte: http://www.sa...
In unserem How-To-Video zeigen wir dir, wie du den Fehler 4E oder 5E bei deiner Samsung Waschmaschine beheben kannst.
Mehr über unsere Produkte: http://www.samsung.at
In unserem How-To-Video zeigen wir dir, wie du den Fehler 4E oder 5E bei deiner Samsung Waschmaschine beheben kannst.
Mehr über unsere Produkte: http://www.samsung.at
- published: 02 Nov 2015
- views: 52808
Far Cry 4 - Unerwartete Störung #025
Die Autotour näher sich dem Ende und erreichen einen weiteren Außenposten. Diesen werden auch Angreifen, wobei überraschende Besuch alles fast zu nichte gemacht...
Die Autotour näher sich dem Ende und erreichen einen weiteren Außenposten. Diesen werden auch Angreifen, wobei überraschende Besuch alles fast zu nichte gemacht hätte.
Das Spiel
Ubisoft setzt mit Far Cry 4 die Serie fort. Auch dieser Teil hat keine direkte Verbindung zu den Vorgänger bis auf das Spielprinzip. Es ist ebenfalls ein Open World Shooter und man kann nun mit US-Amerikaner Ajay Ghale den fiktiven Staat Kyrat erkunden, wo ein Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Rebellen goldener Pfad und den Truppen des Königs Pagan wütet.
Das Spiel ist im November 2014 von Ubisoft erschiehnen und beeindurck mit seiner spielwelt und den viellen Möglichkeiten. Aber auch herschte anfänglich viel Kritik über die Qualität das Spiels. Neu hinzugekommen sind einige Elemente aus dem Rollenspielgenre.
Rechtlicher Hinweis
Copyright 2014 Ubisoft
Musik von:
Song: Jensation - Joystick [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/vpvytpRa_tQ
Unterstützung gerne über Patreon:
- Magix Video Deluxe 2017 plus
- PlayClaw 5 plus
- Audacity 2.1.2
- Gimp 2.8.10
- Intel Core i7 CPU K875 @ 2.93GHz
- Geforce GTX950 von ASUS
- t.bone SC450 USB (Mikro)
- beyerdynamic MMX 2 (Headset)
- Nikon D5300 (facecam)
- huion 580 pen tablet
- Microsoft Keyboard+ Mouse
Mehr unter:
Alles zum Kanal und McWuragu auf
Mehr gibt es dann auf Twitter
oder Facebook
Alternative auf Vidme
Bei Fragen an ask.fm
http://ask.fm/McWuragu #FarCry5 #Letsplay
#FarCry4 #LetsPlay
Die Autotour näher sich dem Ende und erreichen einen weiteren Außenposten. Diesen werden auch Angreifen, wobei überraschende Besuch alles fast zu nichte gemacht hätte.
Das Spiel
Ubisoft setzt mit Far Cry 4 die Serie fort. Auch dieser Teil hat keine direkte Verbindung zu den Vorgänger bis auf das Spielprinzip. Es ist ebenfalls ein Open World Shooter und man kann nun mit US-Amerikaner Ajay Ghale den fiktiven Staat Kyrat erkunden, wo ein Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Rebellen goldener Pfad und den Truppen des Königs Pagan wütet.
Das Spiel ist im November 2014 von Ubisoft erschiehnen und beeindurck mit seiner spielwelt und den viellen Möglichkeiten. Aber auch herschte anfänglich viel Kritik über die Qualität das Spiels. Neu hinzugekommen sind einige Elemente aus dem Rollenspielgenre.
Rechtlicher Hinweis
Copyright 2014 Ubisoft
Musik von:
Song: Jensation - Joystick [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/vpvytpRa_tQ
Unterstützung gerne über Patreon:
- Magix Video Deluxe 2017 plus
- PlayClaw 5 plus
- Audacity 2.1.2
- Gimp 2.8.10
- Intel Core i7 CPU K875 @ 2.93GHz
- Geforce GTX950 von ASUS
- t.bone SC450 USB (Mikro)
- beyerdynamic MMX 2 (Headset)
- Nikon D5300 (facecam)
- huion 580 pen tablet
- Microsoft Keyboard+ Mouse
Mehr unter:
Alles zum Kanal und McWuragu auf
Mehr gibt es dann auf Twitter
oder Facebook
Alternative auf Vidme
Bei Fragen an ask.fm
http://ask.fm/McWuragu #FarCry5 #Letsplay
#FarCry4 #LetsPlay
- published: 16 Sep 2017
- views: 8
BIPOLAR DISORDER: Understanding "Manic Standards"
CONTACT ME HERE: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I’d like to offer a explanation as to why so many of us struggle to find stability with our bip...
CONTACT ME HERE: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I’d like to offer a explanation as to why so many of us struggle to find stability with our bipolar disorder...
("When I was first misdiagnosed as having just unipolar depression, they put me on a common antidepressant. I’ve mentioned so many times how antidepressant medications can exacerbate the mania. It did just that… I remember calling my family and telling them how amazing I felt! I finally felt alive, motivated, and enthusiastic about my future for the first time in a while. I kept telling people that I “finally feel like myself again” and assumed that the medications were doing their job. Everyone was so excited for me.
Realistically, I was just experiencing hypomania - and loving every minute of it. What happened next set a dangerous precedent that I like to call “my manic standards."
Take a second and ask yourself “when do you truly feel like yourself?” Most of us are probably going to say “I feel like myself when I’m finally having a really good day and in a good mood.” Of course that’s how we want to see ourselves or experience life. Once we’ve tasted “how good life CAN feel when we are manic for a while,” it creates this subconscious standard of how we should feel ALL THE TIME. This literally becomes an identity for many of us. Without realizing it, we start to believe that the only time we quote “feel like ourselves” is when we feel great. It takes some very deep self-reflection and self-honesty to see this. I've only recently realized this myself.)
My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual tools, tips, and discuss topics that can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors: Bipolar Support
-Check out my Partner, The International Bipolar Foundation for some amazing FREE Bipolar resources: http://www.ibpf.org/
*FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PolarWarriors/
*BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
CONTACT ME HERE: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I’d like to offer a explanation as to why so many of us struggle to find stability with our bipolar disorder...
("When I was first misdiagnosed as having just unipolar depression, they put me on a common antidepressant. I’ve mentioned so many times how antidepressant medications can exacerbate the mania. It did just that… I remember calling my family and telling them how amazing I felt! I finally felt alive, motivated, and enthusiastic about my future for the first time in a while. I kept telling people that I “finally feel like myself again” and assumed that the medications were doing their job. Everyone was so excited for me.
Realistically, I was just experiencing hypomania - and loving every minute of it. What happened next set a dangerous precedent that I like to call “my manic standards."
Take a second and ask yourself “when do you truly feel like yourself?” Most of us are probably going to say “I feel like myself when I’m finally having a really good day and in a good mood.” Of course that’s how we want to see ourselves or experience life. Once we’ve tasted “how good life CAN feel when we are manic for a while,” it creates this subconscious standard of how we should feel ALL THE TIME. This literally becomes an identity for many of us. Without realizing it, we start to believe that the only time we quote “feel like ourselves” is when we feel great. It takes some very deep self-reflection and self-honesty to see this. I've only recently realized this myself.)
My channel is completely dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual tools, tips, and discuss topics that can potentially help “Polar Warriors” grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life.
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors: Bipolar Support
-Check out my Partner, The International Bipolar Foundation for some amazing FREE Bipolar resources: http://www.ibpf.org/
*FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PolarWarriors/
*BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
- published: 25 Nov 2019
- views: 8681
What is Psychotic Depression? | Kati Morton
Defining major depressive disorder and psychosis first is important before we try to understand how they can feel when they are happening at the same time. MDD ...
Defining major depressive disorder and psychosis first is important before we try to understand how they can feel when they are happening at the same time. MDD is when we no longer enjoy the things we used to and we have a marked impairment in our level of functioning for at least 2 weeks. You must have at least 5 symptoms in total, but the first two I mentioned must be present. Here's my full video on MDD: https://youtu.be/cX6tA-qslooPsychosis is not a diagnosis all on its own. We can be diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, but when we talk about psychosis, we are talking about having psychotic symptoms on top of another diagnosis (like MDD or bipolar disorder). There are 5 types of psychosis: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms. Here's my full video on psychosis: https://youtu.be/SD54T12mLTQThe difference between psychotic depression and schizophrenia (which also experiences psychosis) is that the themes of a person with psychotic depression's delusions or hallucinations are focused on depression. They can revolve around feeling worthless, terrible about yourself, and hopeless. In schizophrenia, their delusions or hallucinations tend to be more bizarre or nonsensical in nature (ie. feeling like God is speaking to them through their daily news).
As far as treatment for psychotic depression goes, medication in a hospital setting is best. The reason they want us to be in the hospital is that when we are already feeling down and hopeless, adding psychotic symptoms to that increases our risk of suicide. So they really just want you in the hospital to keep you safe until they get the psychotic symptoms under control. What I want you to hear with this video is that the symptoms can go away with proper treatment. I know psychosis can be scary and make us worry that we are losing our minds. But if we reach out quickly and get the help that we need, those scary things we are experiencing can and will go away. So please speak up and reach out!
I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! https://www.youtube.com/katimorton/join
Ordering my book
Are u ok?
I do not currently offer online therapy, but I have partnered with BetterHelp who can connect you with a licensed, online counselor in your area: https://tryonlinetherapy.com/katimorton
Do you want to help me support the creation of mental health videos? https://www.katimorton.com/kati-morton-patreon/
Help Caption Our Videos
Business email: linnea@toneymedia.com
PO Box #665 1223 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.
Defining major depressive disorder and psychosis first is important before we try to understand how they can feel when they are happening at the same time. MDD is when we no longer enjoy the things we used to and we have a marked impairment in our level of functioning for at least 2 weeks. You must have at least 5 symptoms in total, but the first two I mentioned must be present. Here's my full video on MDD: https://youtu.be/cX6tA-qslooPsychosis is not a diagnosis all on its own. We can be diagnosed with a psychotic disorder, but when we talk about psychosis, we are talking about having psychotic symptoms on top of another diagnosis (like MDD or bipolar disorder). There are 5 types of psychosis: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms. Here's my full video on psychosis: https://youtu.be/SD54T12mLTQThe difference between psychotic depression and schizophrenia (which also experiences psychosis) is that the themes of a person with psychotic depression's delusions or hallucinations are focused on depression. They can revolve around feeling worthless, terrible about yourself, and hopeless. In schizophrenia, their delusions or hallucinations tend to be more bizarre or nonsensical in nature (ie. feeling like God is speaking to them through their daily news).
As far as treatment for psychotic depression goes, medication in a hospital setting is best. The reason they want us to be in the hospital is that when we are already feeling down and hopeless, adding psychotic symptoms to that increases our risk of suicide. So they really just want you in the hospital to keep you safe until they get the psychotic symptoms under control. What I want you to hear with this video is that the symptoms can go away with proper treatment. I know psychosis can be scary and make us worry that we are losing our minds. But if we reach out quickly and get the help that we need, those scary things we are experiencing can and will go away. So please speak up and reach out!
I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! https://www.youtube.com/katimorton/join
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Are u ok?
I do not currently offer online therapy, but I have partnered with BetterHelp who can connect you with a licensed, online counselor in your area: https://tryonlinetherapy.com/katimorton
Do you want to help me support the creation of mental health videos? https://www.katimorton.com/kati-morton-patreon/
Help Caption Our Videos
Business email: linnea@toneymedia.com
PO Box #665 1223 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90403
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.
- published: 24 Jul 2017
- views: 346148
Essstörung: Wenn gesundes Essen krank macht | Quarks
Essenskult ist für viele zu einem Lebensstil geworden. Manchmal ist der Grad zur Essstörung jedoch schmal. Wenn die Gedanken nur noch ums Essen kreisen, kann da...
Essenskult ist für viele zu einem Lebensstil geworden. Manchmal ist der Grad zur Essstörung jedoch schmal. Wenn die Gedanken nur noch ums Essen kreisen, kann das gefährlich werden.
Diäten und Hungerkuren können zu Essstörungen führen, darunter Magersucht oder Bulimie. Quarks trifft eine Frau, die mit ihrer Geschichte aufklären will.
Autorin: Alexandra Hostert
Danke fürs Zuschauen! Hat dir das Video gefallen? Dann abonniere jetzt den einzigen offiziellen Quarks-Kanal auf YouTube:
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Essenskult ist für viele zu einem Lebensstil geworden. Manchmal ist der Grad zur Essstörung jedoch schmal. Wenn die Gedanken nur noch ums Essen kreisen, kann das gefährlich werden.
Diäten und Hungerkuren können zu Essstörungen führen, darunter Magersucht oder Bulimie. Quarks trifft eine Frau, die mit ihrer Geschichte aufklären will.
Autorin: Alexandra Hostert
Danke fürs Zuschauen! Hat dir das Video gefallen? Dann abonniere jetzt den einzigen offiziellen Quarks-Kanal auf YouTube:
Quarks auf Facebook:
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Quarks auf Instagram:
Hier gelangst du zum Clip in der WDR-Mediathek:
- published: 26 Jun 2018
- views: 52920
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated - Official Documentary
Watch never before seen footage in the Simply Complicated Director's Cut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9T4DQ3sZ_A
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated is a full ...
Watch never before seen footage in the Simply Complicated Director's Cut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9T4DQ3sZ_A
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated is a full length documentary that gives a personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
To know Demi best, you have to understand all that she has been through and overcome. This documentary includes never before told stories that inform the person they are today.
Go on the journey with Demi as they creates their most important body of work in music yet, and discovers their most authentic self along the way.
Directed by Hannah Lux Davis
A film by Phillymack Productions
Watch never before seen footage in the Simply Complicated Director's Cut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9T4DQ3sZ_A
Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated is a full length documentary that gives a personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.
To know Demi best, you have to understand all that she has been through and overcome. This documentary includes never before told stories that inform the person they are today.
Go on the journey with Demi as they creates their most important body of work in music yet, and discovers their most authentic self along the way.
Directed by Hannah Lux Davis
A film by Phillymack Productions
- published: 17 Oct 2017
- views: 39512944
To contact me directly and get answers to your questions, join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
A cure for Bipolar Disorder? That sounds a...
To contact me directly and get answers to your questions, join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
A cure for Bipolar Disorder? That sounds amazing to people like me who have struggled with Bipolar Disorder symptoms their entire life. A cure also sounds especially good to those having a hard time accepting a “Mental Illness” diagnosis.
I've had countless people reach out to Polar Warriors asking if there is a “cure” or “alternative treatment” for Bipolar Disorder. Some have even provided links to medical professionals claiming to cure their illness, so of course I had to research this more myself. The prospect of not having to take medications or deal with a very stigmatized diagnosis would appeal to anyone. If there IS a cure for Bipolar Disorder out there, I want to be the first to know so I can share this information with my fellow Polar Warriors!
-Below is a quoted section from the video which highlights the points I'm trying to make. Any comments that aren't part of a constructive conversation WILL BE REMOVED. That doesn't mean you have to agree with me lol... Just be respectful of each other. We all deserve that.
“There is a big difference between a “cure” and a “treatment...” I'm NOT a doctor, I'm not a drug-pusher, and I respect that everyone has to find their own path to wellness. I'm not here to tell you that your “favorite YouTube doctor is bad” or that you need to take medications. I don't sell anything and I don't even talk about specific medications on this channel. I'm simply trying to appeal to people's common sense when assessing a very serious, potentially life-threatening illness... We're all looking for answers and trying to live our lives in the best way possible – for us. I get that. I also get how hard it is to hear a doctor say the words “Mental Illness” because I live with it myself! I've really been there. I know how appealing it is to think that we might have an “out” for the diagnosis, but that's simply not realistic in today's world. We are still far from finding a universal cure for Mental Illness. The brain is a very complicated thing and so are we. I just hope that after watching this video, you'll consider taking a good look at the treatments that are showing the most promise for treating Mental Illness, instead of gravitating towards enticing words like “cure” or “alternative.” Are modern treatments like meds and therapy perfect? Of course not! If we go back to the 1-in-5 number of those who don't survive Bipolar Disorder, I don't want you to place all your bets on something where the odds aren't entirely in your favor. Stick with what's been shown to work for the largest number of people – at least at first! Once you get a handle on your Bipolar symptoms, it's up to you and your team of care professionals to decide the next step. Just be careful out there Warriors and I say everything in this video out of love.”
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors Bipolar Support
-Check out my Partner, The International Bipolar Foundation for some amazing FREE Bipolar resources: http://www.ibpf.org/
*FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PolarWarriors/
*BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
To contact me directly and get answers to your questions, join us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
A cure for Bipolar Disorder? That sounds amazing to people like me who have struggled with Bipolar Disorder symptoms their entire life. A cure also sounds especially good to those having a hard time accepting a “Mental Illness” diagnosis.
I've had countless people reach out to Polar Warriors asking if there is a “cure” or “alternative treatment” for Bipolar Disorder. Some have even provided links to medical professionals claiming to cure their illness, so of course I had to research this more myself. The prospect of not having to take medications or deal with a very stigmatized diagnosis would appeal to anyone. If there IS a cure for Bipolar Disorder out there, I want to be the first to know so I can share this information with my fellow Polar Warriors!
-Below is a quoted section from the video which highlights the points I'm trying to make. Any comments that aren't part of a constructive conversation WILL BE REMOVED. That doesn't mean you have to agree with me lol... Just be respectful of each other. We all deserve that.
“There is a big difference between a “cure” and a “treatment...” I'm NOT a doctor, I'm not a drug-pusher, and I respect that everyone has to find their own path to wellness. I'm not here to tell you that your “favorite YouTube doctor is bad” or that you need to take medications. I don't sell anything and I don't even talk about specific medications on this channel. I'm simply trying to appeal to people's common sense when assessing a very serious, potentially life-threatening illness... We're all looking for answers and trying to live our lives in the best way possible – for us. I get that. I also get how hard it is to hear a doctor say the words “Mental Illness” because I live with it myself! I've really been there. I know how appealing it is to think that we might have an “out” for the diagnosis, but that's simply not realistic in today's world. We are still far from finding a universal cure for Mental Illness. The brain is a very complicated thing and so are we. I just hope that after watching this video, you'll consider taking a good look at the treatments that are showing the most promise for treating Mental Illness, instead of gravitating towards enticing words like “cure” or “alternative.” Are modern treatments like meds and therapy perfect? Of course not! If we go back to the 1-in-5 number of those who don't survive Bipolar Disorder, I don't want you to place all your bets on something where the odds aren't entirely in your favor. Stick with what's been shown to work for the largest number of people – at least at first! Once you get a handle on your Bipolar symptoms, it's up to you and your team of care professionals to decide the next step. Just be careful out there Warriors and I say everything in this video out of love.”
-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors Bipolar Support
-Check out my Partner, The International Bipolar Foundation for some amazing FREE Bipolar resources: http://www.ibpf.org/
*FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/PolarWarriors/
*BECOME A PATRON: https://www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
- published: 01 Apr 2019
- views: 34135