- published: 04 Nov 2016
- views: 94281
The Song of the Sea (Hebrew: שירת הים, Shirat HaYam, also known as Az Yashir Moshe) is a poem that appears in the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Bible, at Exodus 15:1–18. It is followed in verses 20 and 21 by a much shorter song sung by Miriam and the other women. The Song of the Sea was reputedly sung by the Israelites after their crossing the Red Sea in safety, and celebrates the destruction of the Egyptian army during the crossing, and looks forward to the future conquest of Canaan.
The poem is included in Jewish prayer books, and recited daily in the morning shacharit services. The poem also comprises the first ode or hymn of the Eastern Orthodox canon, where it is known as the Song or Ode of Moses. It is also used in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and other Christian liturgies at the Easter Vigil when the history of salvation is recounted. These traditions follow Revelation 15:3 by calling it the "Song of Moses" (not to be confused with the Song of Moses in Deuteronomy).
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そろそろ最終回ですね 急ピッチでやっていますが、遅れても許してください(T-T)
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宮崎駿退休封筆,動畫迷急切去找接班人,非日本人可以角逐嗎?來看一下湯姆摩亞(《奇斯的秘密》導演)吧。摩亞用了九年時間水彩手繪,二維動畫逐幅畫,將愛爾蘭遠古傳說帶到現世來。雪莎出世後母親神秘失蹤,一路長大從未跟哥哥小班說過一句話,父親是傷感守塔人不懂照顧兒女,讓他們跟都柏林的嫲嫲住。雪莎有一天找到母親的毛衣有所感應穿上,自此更悶悶不樂,小班知道妹妹不能住在城市,遂與她踏上回歸大海之旅,印證她「selkie」(半人半海豹)的身世。是否讓你想起《千與千尋》和《涯上的波兒》呢?海水有情,能洗擦積壓在陸地的痛楚和憤怨。本片入圍奧斯卡最佳動畫長片(2015)。 From the creator of The Secret of Kells comes another stunning piece of animated cinema. Inspired by Celtic maritime folklore, Tomm Moore’s Song of the Sea tells the story of the last seal-child, Saoirse, and her brother, Ben, as they discover secrets from their enchanted past and race to save the magic in their world. Dazzlingly hand-drawn, immersive and profound, Song of the Sea is a poetic tribute to the power of storytelling and the mythic ties that bind us all. Nominee for the 87th Oscar Animated Feature F...
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Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We go to Cape Canaveral
And piss of if we can.
We're on the hate-trip,
Kidnapping a space-ship,
Cause we are the kind of people
Who ain't got no other choice.
Me and my girl,
We got a plan:
We'll wipe out every.stupid.little.body
If we can.
I told her on the phone:
We're ment to be left alone,
We're the ones who god should better
Leave alone to play together.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
Me and my girl,
We got a gun,
And I swear we're gonna use it
When the showdown has begun.
Oh sweetheart, don't you see?
You had the time to believe me.
Now you'd better hurry up
To save us from ourselves.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...
If we'd kill ourselves.
This goes on until I die,
Things will never change.
This won't stop until I die,
Life always goes on like this.
Everything would turn out fine
If we'd reach the borderline.
Everything would be just fine if we'd...