- published: 25 May 2017
- views: 2403
Mosul (/moʊˈsuːl/; Arabic: الموصل – al-Mawṣil (local pronunciation: el-Mōṣul); Syriac: ܢܝܢܘܐ – Nînwe; Kurdish: مووسڵ – Mûsil) is a city of normally about two and a half million people (2014 est.) in northern Iraq, illegally occupied since 10 June 2014 by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Mosul is completely ruled by the Islamic State terror group headquartered in Al-Raqqah, Syria.The legitimate government of Iraq stopped paying salaries soon after the city was overrun by militants. (that ISIL allegedly exploited by stealing a generous percentage) which it had previously paid to city workers including nurses, doctors,
Located some 400 km (250 mi) north of Baghdad, the original city stands on the west bank of the Tigris River, opposite the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh on the east bank, but the metropolitan area has grown to encompass substantial areas on both the "Left Coast" (east side) and the "Right Coast" (west side) as the two banks are described in the local language.
Islamic state is a type of government based on Islamic religious law (sharia).
Islamic state may also refer to:
IS 'using chemical weapons' in Mosul - BBC News
Mosul: Fight against ISIS from the sky in 360 video - BBC News
Mosul, desde el campo de batalla: Siga la operación para derrotar al Estado Islámico
Inside Mosul: Iraqi forces fight ISIS street-to-street in Mosul
What Does the Fall of Mosul and Raqqa Mean For ISIS?
Images from Mosul, Iraq | First half of May 2017
US Soldiers on the street of Mosul 2017, IRAQ.
FRONTLINE REPORT: Iraq's cavalry pressure ISIS around Mosul
Iraq: Fight against IS continues as govt. forces make advances in Mosul
REPORTERS Mosul, chaos on the battlefield
Actors: Ernest Maftei (actor), Mircea Daneliuc (director), Mircea Daneliuc (writer), Olga Tudorache (actress), Mircea Stoian (actor), Svetlana Mihailescu (costume designer), Ani Dinu (miscellaneous crew), Vasile Muraru (actor), Mihai Verbintschi (actor), Maria Neagu (editor), Ionel Mihailescu (actor), Ion Creanga (writer), Ilie Gâlea (actor), Cecilia Bârbora (actress), Marian Curculescu (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: ,The first use of chemical agents in the battle for Mosul was recorded by the International Red Cross in March, when mortars were fired from IS-held areas injuring 12 civilians. According to accounts the BBC has obtained from Mosul residents, there were a number of other incidents over the past few weeks, where IS militants are suspected of using crude chemical gas against residents and Iraqi troops. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
Extraordinary BBC footage allows you to join the pilots of the Iraqi army as they fly over Mosul, fighting the militants of the so-called Islamic State. BBC journalist Joe Inwood and Nafiseh Kohnavard from BBC Persian spent a week on an air base just south of Iraq's second city. They captured the conflict as it has never been seen before. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
La operación tiene como objetivo tomar el control de varios pueblos y aldeas que rodean Mosul y que se encuentran bajo control de los terroristas del Estado Islámico ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! http://www.youtube.com/user/ActualidadRT?sub_confirmation=1 RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT RT en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT RT en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
لنكون أكبر قناة لدعم الشعوب المقاومة ضد التكفيريين و المستكبرين في الأرض ... ادعمونا بالاشتراك في القناة لكي نتواصل بالعطاء، القناة قائمة على دعمك ونشرك للمقاطع فإذا أعجبك المقطع لا تنسى الضغط علي زر "أعجبني" وتعليق ونشر المقطع على صفحتك في الفيس بوك وتويتر. Facebook: http s://www.facebook.com/NoFSe Twitter: https://twitter.com/No_To_Sectaria ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ Support Me Donation Link للتبرع للقناة ادخل على الرابط ادناه https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=U8D8TNRC25N5L
As Islamic State's control over its strongholds in Iraq and Syria crumble, the extremist group acknowledges that soon not much may be left of its self-declared caliphate. So what does the loss of its territory mean for ISIS and will it bring its fight closer to the West? WSJ's Niki Blasina reports. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Follow WSJ on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjvideo Follow WSJ on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wsj/posts Follow WSJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJvideo Follow WSJ on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsj Follow WSJ on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wsj/
“War Diary” project | Mosul, Iraq | May 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support the “War Diary” project : http://PayPal.Me/ruvid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more videos and interesting articles visit : http://eng.kurdistan-insider.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be advised, VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES, not recommended for children under age of 18 Mature viewers only. This is a war documentary. For documentary and educational purposes only. Video is on channel covering wars posted not to offend, shock or encourage violence but for news / historical and educational purposes - to document war, war crimes and cases of terrorism. (Ever...
US army in mosul 2017, deployed in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve and assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, following Iraqi security forces through liberated, secured streets of Mosul, Iraq, throughout May 2017. The 2nd BCT, 82nd Abn. Div. enables their ISF partners through the advise and assist mission, contributing planning, intelligence collection and analysis, force protection, and precision fires to achieve the military operation. Video by Staff Sgt. Jason Hull
ISIS is launching a night time attack on Iraq's Brigade 36 in the Illea area around Mosul. Iraq's soldiers counter the offensive, but they know this will not be the last time. Iraq's cavalry are equipped with tanks to bring the fight to the enemy. A Yezidi interpreter named Shahin who had worked with Americans is shot by ISIS snipers. While near the frontlines he rescued a mother and a daughter. He is evacuated to safety, but died 10 days after sustaining his wounds. Iraqi commanders are describing this fighting as the toughest they've experienced.
Iraqi Federal Police continued their advance into self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) controlled areas of the old city of Mosul, Wednesday. Unit 3 of the Iraqi Federal Police under the command of Major Aesar Abulla Aluqaede can be seen firing towards ISIS positions, using BKC guns, AK 47, mortars, RPGs and rockets. The military operation against IS in Mosul began on October 17 last year. IS captured the city in 2014 and the offensive is now fronted by the US-led anti-IS coalition and the Iraqi military. Video ID: 20170524 042 Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv Contact: cd@ruptly.tv Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN ... Mosul… the Iraqi army and its coalition partners are rooting out the last fanatics of the Islamic State group. Iraqi soldiers have made gains- but the cost has been high. SOT US Colonel (english) It is Iraqi supported by the coalition and they are deciding how can we do this how do we fight what is the best way, what is the best approach. Behind the scenes though there's chaos - fleeing refugees - foreign aide groups operating indiscriminately – and soldiers killed by friendly fire..... For those fighting, it's a slow laborious slog to victory. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Fo...
Links Cantlie Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Cantlie Travel guide to Mosul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN3ktXbLzlY
Two friends and I had travel plans change at the last minute and decided to book a trip to Iraqi Kurdistan. Shortly after our tickets were booked, the flight for Mosul began. Nonetheless, we decided to embark on our journey and discover a region full of history and beautiful people. Here are highlights from our trip. Full video to follow in the coming months. Please consider contributing to my Indigogo campaign here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/visit-to-iraqi-kurdistan-amid-the-fight-for-mosul-travel/
In 2014, Islamic State militants swept into Western Iraq's Anbar Province, overrunning Iraqi security forces, enslaving minorities, and causing thousands to flee for their lives. The jihadist group captured Iraq’s largest city, Mosul, and the cities of Ramadi and Fallujah, where hundreds of US troops died fighting the Islamic State’s predecessor. Now, two years later, the Iraqi security forces, with help from Iranian-supported Shiite militias and US military advisors and warplanes, are fighting to take back towns and cities in Anbar, one battle at a time. But it’s a difficult task: Anbar has been the crucible of Iraq’s insurgency, and is the country’s Sunni heartland — long marginalized by and hostile to the Shiite-led government in Baghdad. VICE News embedded with Iraq’s Golden Di...
My first video which is a message from my heart to the world. A reminder that we can trust our fellow human beings, everywhere we go. So let us not be led by fear, but instead let trust in others be our guide. Let's see how far this message will reach :). For those who are interested, the radio station I mentioned won a prize for its daring work and more information can be found here: http://en.wadi-online.de/index.php?option=com_content&view;=article&id;=1256&Itemid;=180
This is the first of a new series of videos fitting into my Minute Monologues with Mariande series. Joining me on the journey, my producer, friend and travel partner/future monologue contributor, Scott LaStaiti *Instagram/Twitter: @ScottLaStaiti Together and made possible by the Go to Gound News Organization *Twitter: @g2gnewsinc & http://www.gotoground.com We arrived in the capital city Erbil (Irbil) in northern Kurdistan Iraq with very little information of what to expect. Our mission was in support of International humanitarian Sally Becker *Twitter: @SallyBecker121 Representative Prince of the Yazidi religion in Iraq and World, Member of the supreme council of spiritual Yazidi, Breen Tahseen *Twitter: @TahseenBreen Our host and guide Karim Kamal * Twitter: @karimkam...
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What's it like to live under the rule of the extremist group known as the Islamic State, or ISIS? WSJ looks at the situation in Raqqa, Syria, through the eyes of two activists — and through the lens of ISIS propaganda videos. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy Visit the WSJ channel for more video: https://www.youtube.com/wsjdigitalnetwork More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://online.wsj.com/home-page Follow WSJ on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjlive Follow WSJ on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wsj/posts Follow WSJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJLive Follow WSJ on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsj Follow WSJ on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wsj/ Follow WSJ on Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/wall-street-journal
The total number of civilians displaced from Mosul has risen sharply over the past days and exceeded 200,000 on Sunday, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Nicole Johnston's report from western Mosul. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fWeaHhqgM4Ry-RMpM2YYw?sub_confirmation=1 Livestream: http://www.youtube.com/c/trtworld/live Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TRTWorld Twitter: https://twitter.com/TRTWorld Visit our website: http://www.trtworld.com/
WATCH NOW - TERROR: The Islamic State: http://bit.ly/2f0b8xQ The Islamic State, a hardline Sunni jihadist group that formerly had ties to al Qaeda, has conquered large swathes of Iraq and Syria. Previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the group has announced its intention to reestablish the caliphate and has declared its leader, the shadowy Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as the caliph. The lightning advances the Islamic State made across Syria and Iraq in June shocked the world. But it's not just the group's military victories that have garnered attention — it's also the pace with which its members have begun to carve out a viable state. Flush with cash and US weapons seized during its advances in Iraq, the Islamic State's expansion shows no sign of slowing down. In the...
The first use of chemical agents in the battle for Mosul was recorded by the International Red Cross in March, when mortars were fired from IS-held areas injuring 12 civilians. According to accounts the BBC has obtained from Mosul residents, there were a number of other incidents over the past few weeks, where IS militants are suspected of using crude chemical gas against residents and Iraqi troops. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
Extraordinary BBC footage allows you to join the pilots of the Iraqi army as they fly over Mosul, fighting the militants of the so-called Islamic State. BBC journalist Joe Inwood and Nafiseh Kohnavard from BBC Persian spent a week on an air base just south of Iraq's second city. They captured the conflict as it has never been seen before. Please subscribe HERE http://bit.ly/1rbfUog World In Pictures https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBX37n4R0UGJN-TLiQOm7ZTP Big Hitters https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUME-LUrFkDwFmiEc3jwMXP Just Good News https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS3XGZxi7cBUsYo_P26cjihXLN-k3w246
La operación tiene como objetivo tomar el control de varios pueblos y aldeas que rodean Mosul y que se encuentran bajo control de los terroristas del Estado Islámico ¡Suscríbete a RT en español! http://www.youtube.com/user/ActualidadRT?sub_confirmation=1 RT en Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActualidadRT RT en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ActualidadRT RT en Google+: https://plus.google.com/+RTenEspanol/posts RT en Vkontakte: http://vk.com/actualidadrt Vea nuestra señal en vivo: http://actualidad.rt.com/en_vivo RT EN ESPAÑOL: DESDE RUSIA CON INFORMACIÓN
لنكون أكبر قناة لدعم الشعوب المقاومة ضد التكفيريين و المستكبرين في الأرض ... ادعمونا بالاشتراك في القناة لكي نتواصل بالعطاء، القناة قائمة على دعمك ونشرك للمقاطع فإذا أعجبك المقطع لا تنسى الضغط علي زر "أعجبني" وتعليق ونشر المقطع على صفحتك في الفيس بوك وتويتر. Facebook: http s://www.facebook.com/NoFSe Twitter: https://twitter.com/No_To_Sectaria ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ Support Me Donation Link للتبرع للقناة ادخل على الرابط ادناه https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=U8D8TNRC25N5L
As Islamic State's control over its strongholds in Iraq and Syria crumble, the extremist group acknowledges that soon not much may be left of its self-declared caliphate. So what does the loss of its territory mean for ISIS and will it bring its fight closer to the West? WSJ's Niki Blasina reports. Subscribe to the WSJ channel here: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy More from the Wall Street Journal: Visit WSJ.com: http://www.wsj.com Follow WSJ on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjvideo Follow WSJ on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+wsj/posts Follow WSJ on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJvideo Follow WSJ on Instagram: http://instagram.com/wsj Follow WSJ on Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/wsj/
“War Diary” project | Mosul, Iraq | May 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support the “War Diary” project : http://PayPal.Me/ruvid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more videos and interesting articles visit : http://eng.kurdistan-insider.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be advised, VIDEO CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES, not recommended for children under age of 18 Mature viewers only. This is a war documentary. For documentary and educational purposes only. Video is on channel covering wars posted not to offend, shock or encourage violence but for news / historical and educational purposes - to document war, war crimes and cases of terrorism. (Ever...
US army in mosul 2017, deployed in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve and assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, following Iraqi security forces through liberated, secured streets of Mosul, Iraq, throughout May 2017. The 2nd BCT, 82nd Abn. Div. enables their ISF partners through the advise and assist mission, contributing planning, intelligence collection and analysis, force protection, and precision fires to achieve the military operation. Video by Staff Sgt. Jason Hull
ISIS is launching a night time attack on Iraq's Brigade 36 in the Illea area around Mosul. Iraq's soldiers counter the offensive, but they know this will not be the last time. Iraq's cavalry are equipped with tanks to bring the fight to the enemy. A Yezidi interpreter named Shahin who had worked with Americans is shot by ISIS snipers. While near the frontlines he rescued a mother and a daughter. He is evacuated to safety, but died 10 days after sustaining his wounds. Iraqi commanders are describing this fighting as the toughest they've experienced.
Iraqi Federal Police continued their advance into self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIS/ISIL) controlled areas of the old city of Mosul, Wednesday. Unit 3 of the Iraqi Federal Police under the command of Major Aesar Abulla Aluqaede can be seen firing towards ISIS positions, using BKC guns, AK 47, mortars, RPGs and rockets. The military operation against IS in Mosul began on October 17 last year. IS captured the city in 2014 and the offensive is now fronted by the US-led anti-IS coalition and the Iraqi military. Video ID: 20170524 042 Video on Demand: http://www.ruptly.tv Contact: cd@ruptly.tv Twitter: http://twitter.com/Ruptly Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Ruptly
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN ... Mosul… the Iraqi army and its coalition partners are rooting out the last fanatics of the Islamic State group. Iraqi soldiers have made gains- but the cost has been high. SOT US Colonel (english) It is Iraqi supported by the coalition and they are deciding how can we do this how do we fight what is the best way, what is the best approach. Behind the scenes though there's chaos - fleeing refugees - foreign aide groups operating indiscriminately – and soldiers killed by friendly fire..... For those fighting, it's a slow laborious slog to victory. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Fo...
Hello, sunshine, hello, good times,
Goodbye, heartache, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, now you're all mine,
Shining on me and let our world begin.
Before today our life was upside down
And full with disobey.
Now I feel emotions that I can't explain,
I am not the same, you turn out a light in me
And love is here to stay.
Hello, sunshine, hello, good times,
Goodbye, heartache, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, now you're all mine,
Shining on me and let our world begin.
Before today my heart could not be found,
And you were on your way.
Now I'm seeing something that I can't explain,
Nothing feels the same,
You brought back the life in me
And love is here to stay.
Hello, sunshine, hello, good times,
Goodbye, heartache, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, now you're all mine,
Shining on me and let our world begin.
Each time I see your face I fall in love again
Each time I see your face I fall in love again, yeah...
Hello, sunshine, hello, good times,
Goodbye, heartache, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, now you're all mine,
Shining on me and let our world begin.
Hello, sunshine, hello, good times,
Goodbye, heartache, love is here, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, hello, sunshine,
Love is here, love is here again.
Hello, sunshine, hello, sunshine,