- published: 06 Jun 2017
- views: 3647
The EasyCard (Chinese: 悠遊卡; pinyin: yōuyóu kǎ) is a contactless smartcard system operated by the EasyCard Corporation, which earlier name is "Taipei Smart Card Corporation", for payment on the Taipei Metro (also known as "Taipei MRT", or "Taipei Rapid Transit System"), buses, and other public transport services in Taipei since June 2002, expanded to multiple place of business. Its use has also since been expanded to include convenience stores, department stores, supermarkets, taxis, and other retailers since April 1, 2010. Like conventional electronic fare systems, the card employs RFID technology to operate without physical contact. They are available for purchase at all Metro stations and all chain convenience stores.
The Taipei Smart Card Corporation was established in 2000 with a total capitalization of NT$500 million. Shareholders include the Taipei City Government, the Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation, banks, bus companies, and other companies. Promotional trials of the card began in 2001, and the card was officially released in 2002. In 2008, the company changed its name to the EasyCard Corporation to increase branding and visibility.
描述戴資穎世界球后的心路歷程,長年離鄉背井比賽, 只要回到家鄉,就可以看見高雄一點一滴在改變, 就像悠遊卡可以在便利商店買東西、或是搭捷運, 這次回家比賽,也邀請大家一起支持比賽,支持台灣選手, 希望選手把最好的成績留在台灣,讓台灣被世界看見, 戴資穎加油!
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一卡通現在除了高雄捷運,台北捷運和機場捷運都可以通用,而且不只一卡通,還有iCash和Happy Cash等其他相同功能的交通卡,越來越多,也瓜分掉了悠遊卡的市占率,議員不客氣直接點名,悠遊卡董事長該負最大責任。
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