- published: 08 Nov 2016
- views: 931
Xiaolongbao is a type of steamed bun (baozi) from the Jiangnan region of China, especially associated with Shanghai and Wuxi. It is traditionally prepared in xiaolong, small bamboo steaming baskets, which give them their name. Xiaolongbao are often referred to as a kind of "dumpling", but should not be confused with British or American-style dumplings nor with Chinese jiaozi. Similarly, they are considered a kind of "soup dumpling" but should not be confused with other larger varieties of tang bao. In Shanghainese, they are also sometimes known as sioh-lon meu-doe or xiaolong-style mantous.
Shanghai-style xiaolongbao originated in Nanxiang, a suburb of Shanghai in the Jiading District. The inventor of xiaolongbao sold them in his first store in Nanxiang next to the town's notable park, Guyi Garden. From there the xiaolongbao expanded into downtown Shanghai and outward.
Two specialist xiaolongbao restaurants have a particularly long history. One is Nanxiang Mantou Dian (Nanxiang Bun Shop), which derives from the original store in Nanxiang but is now located in the Yu Garden area. It is famed for its crab-meat-filled buns. The other is Gulong Restaurant, at the original site next to Guyi Garden in Nanxiang.
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This is a recipe on how to make traditional baozi. This type of baozi is common in Chinese cuisine - it is very delicious, juicy, and greatly enjoyed by everyone. Now you can taste authentic Chinese cooking in your own kitchen. Enjoy! Filling Ingredients 1 LB ground pork 1/2 lb pork skin 1/4 lb shrimps green onion ginger pepper powder sesame oil salt light soy sauce Skin Ingredients 3 cups all purpose flour 1 1/4 cup warm water 2 g salt Music made for me by http://www.5sing.com/shangsichen/yc/1.html Used with permission from the artist.
在中国传统的小笼包,要用猪皮冻来做馅料。这样会有更多的汤汁在包子内,我这里猪皮不容易买到,所以就用鸡汤搅拌到肉里,效果不错,味道也很好,制作起来也比用猪皮冻的馅料容易多了。另外,面皮用的温水的温度最好是70度左右,可以加点油。 in traditional chinese steamd soup buns, the key ingredient that makes it soup-filled is pork skin. But pork skin is rare where I live so I use chicken broth instead which I discovered to be an amazing subsitute. The flavor is great and is much easier to manage than pork skin。Also, the temperature of the water should be 70 degree and you can also add a little bit of oil.
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欢迎订阅走遍中国频道 https://goo.gl/IMynXW 本期节目主要内容: 很少有人知道,在全国各地大街小巷中的杭州小笼包,这些店主大都来自浙江省的嵊州市,“杭州小笼包”是从“嵊州小笼包”发展而来。禹溪村村民是嵊州最早走出去做小笼包的,小笼包产业带动了嵊州的地方经济,开小笼包店也成为嵊州农民的致富路。 《走遍中国》栏目侧重狭义的人文地理,也就是社会文化地理。它是以"地理"为分析、探讨问题的基础与平台,以"我们"的"发现"为视角,以"国家意识"为价值标准,注重挖掘中国的自然与人文地理遗产,注重报道重要的地理考察与考古发现,讲述自然差异的人文过程,揭示社会热点新闻背后的地理文化背景,展示中国自然与人文地理中的民族特色与东方特色。 ~~欢迎订阅iCNTV系列官方频道,满足您全方位的视听需求~~ ☆ 欢迎订阅iCNTV文化频道 ☆ https://goo.gl/4GquPZ 《百家讲坛》《文化大百科》《国宝档案》 ☆ 欢迎订阅iCNTV军事频道 ☆ https://goo.gl/4MTcRi 《防务新观察》《百战经典》《中国武警》 ☆ 欢迎订阅iCNTV高清综艺频道 ☆ https://goo.gl/0v7UXl 《挑战不可能》《星光大道》《黄金路线》