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Oh Eight Oh Nine
Need some interior decor ideas? Check out Tarina Lyell’s beautiful children’s rooms and shelter-mag worthy designs, complete with inspiration boards and detailed shopping guides.
Losing a Pet in an Autistic Household
On how an Autistic son copes with loss: “At last, he asked how I felt. A grief inquisition ensued. As if he knew emotion collapses me inward, Tyoma tugged and pulled each word out of me, like an invasive, but beneficial medical procedure.”
Between Mom and Stepmom
Sarah Menkedick reflects on the very different—and complementary—ways in which her mother and her stepmother have nurtured her.
Share Your Passion: A Writer (and New Blogger) on Finding a Community for Her Work
“There is no writer’s block other than the will of the writer.”
Poets on Borders: Perspectives at Poetry International
Poets from around the world share their perspectives on borders.
How Three Authors Promote Their Books with Widgets
Promote your books with text and image widgets.