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Jesuit superior general: ‘We have formed symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil’

Fr Sosa also said that if there were women deacons, 'more doors' could open afterwards

Jesuit superior general: ‘We have formed symbolic figures such as the devil to express evil’

Fr Sosa also said that if there were women deacons, ‘more doors’ could open afterwards

Cardinal Husar, ‘spiritual father’ of Ukrainians, dies aged 84

‘Today, in one moment, we became orphans,’ said his successor, Archbishop Shevchuk

Priest who served as Pope’s translator named secretary at new office for the laity

Fr Alexandre Awi Mello, who will serve in the dicastery for laity, family and life, has written a book about Francis’s devotion to Mary

Study: teen pregnancies fall after cuts to birth control budgets

Evidence suggests pregnancy rates fell sharply in those areas where budgets were most aggressively cut

PICTURES: ‘Stunning’ frescos revealed in Roman catacombs

Some of the frescos are more than 1,600 years old

Pope Francis: A good shepherd knows when to step down

‘A shepherd must be ready to step down completely from his church, rather than leave in a partial manner,’ the Pope said

Coptic Orthodox bishop tells terrorists: ‘You are loved’

Bishop Angaelos said even terrorists are created in God’s image, and He placed them on earth for much greater things

Filipino authorities vow to save hostages as battle with Islamists rages

A Catholic priest is among those being held by the extremists in the southern city of Marawi

Historic chapel built by artist Ted DeGrazia damaged in fire

DeGrazia built the chapel in 1952 in honour of Southwest missionary Jesuit Father Eusebio Kino and dedicated it to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Filipino bishops offer cautious support for ‘temporary’ martial law

President Duterte declared martial law across the southern part of the country after Islamist militants stormed the city of Marawi

Pope Francis’s South Sudan trip postponed after security fears

The Pope reportedly made the decision reluctantly ‘after the information coming to his desk left him with few alternatives’

Northern Ireland bishops warn of ‘potentially destabilising’ Brexit

In their election advice, the bishops said Westminster politicians should be sensitive to the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland


The political consensus on sex education flies in the face of the evidence

Reports show the current approach is dangerous and ineffective. Catholic schools must show a better alternative

The Elizabethan martyr who shows us how to love our faith

St Robert Southwell heroically ministered to the faithful in Elizabethan England

What’s inside this week’s magazine?

Take a look inside this week’s Catholic Herald

Diary: Drawing cartoons for George Osborne

As political cartoonist at the Evening Standard, I hope to keep alive a distinguished tradition of mischief making

This wave of technology will transform politics

There are formidable challenges ahead, but we need not panic

Self-denial should be for Catholics, too

The fuss we make about giving up sweets seems ridiculous when a billion Muslims aren’t even drinking water. Catholics once took abstinence seriously

The Catacombs remind us of the courage and steadfastness of the early Christians

A visit to Rome is incomplete without a pilgrimage to these holy places, sacred to the memory of Christians who were prepared to die for their faith

Should Catholics watch The Handmaid’s Tale?

The Guardian seems to think that the Tale is an anti-religious tract. Well, it isn’t

The synod dominated by heretics and eccentrics with bad ideas

The Church is a family; in every family there are eccentric uncles and peculiar cousins like Leopold and Ricci who, we all feel, are best forgotten

To defeat Islamists, our governments must enter the battle of ideas

It’s time they got off the fence

50 years on, a fascinating glimpse of how liturgical reform became a juggernaut

Eucharisticum Mysterium, issued on May 25 1967, shows the conflict between innovation and tradition

Trump seems content with traditional US foreign policy. More’s the pity

From Riyadh to Rome, Trump’s first trip has shown he’s no foreign policy maverick