For social justice. For a Labour government on 8th June

For social justice. For a Labour government on 8th June

1 June 2017: The Jewish Socialists’ Group is urging all its members and supporters to campaign in every way they can for a victory for the Labour Party on 8th June under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership.

The Westminster atrocity

28 March 2017: Two days after the atrocity in Westminster on 22nd March 2017, in which four people were killed and many more injured, David Rosenberg sent a message on behalf of the JSG to be read out at a Unity Vigil at Downing Street, organised by Stand Up To Racism

Statement on “Labour’s problem with antisemitism”

28 April 2016: From the Jewish Socialists’ Group

Britain’s minorities must not be divided

2 February 2015: Statement by the Jewish Socialists' Group on Britain First, the Jewish community and anti-Muslim racism

Stop Trump Protest Speech

22 February 2017: Speech given by Julia Bard of the Jewish Socialists' Group at the Stop Trump rally 20/2/17 at Parliament Square

Jews Against Trump

5 February 2017: The Jewish Socialists' Group marched in a Jewish bloc on the protest against Trump's anti-Muslim travel ban on 4th February 2017. Here is the text of the leaflet we handed out.

Stand with the majority and end the Occupation

4 February 2017: A week after Holocaust Memorial Day (when Donald Trump failed to mention the Jewish victims), and in the expectation of an imminent visit from Netanyahu to Britain, hundreds of Jewish people speak for the majority of Jews in signing an advert opposing the Occupation of Palestine.

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About the JSG
The Jewish Socialists’ Group is a campaigning organisation which fights for freedom and equality. We are active on issues that affect the Jewish community, other minorities and oppressed groups, and the wider labour movement. 
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