Trump climate snub signals US global leadership retreat

Trump announces withdrawal from climate deal

Donald Trump's decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate change accord is a setback for efforts to tackle global warming. But it is more gesture than harsh impact.

Underlining the shifting geopolitical relationships, Italy, France and Germany swiftly rejected Trump's suggestion the Paris accord could be renegotiated, "since it is a vital instrument for our planet, societies and economies".

In an extraordinary piece of timing, China's Premier Li Keqiang met European Union counterparts including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in Berlin on Thursday and together pledged to accelerate joint efforts to reduce global carbon emissions.

And it's no climate disaster for business, investors or environmentalists supportive of lowering carbon emissions through international cooperation.

President Donald Trump announcing he is pulling the US out of the Paris climate accord.
President Donald Trump announcing he is pulling the US out of the Paris climate accord. AP

In fact, the biggest consequence of the US retreat may not be for climate change per se.

The pullback embodies the idea that under President Trump the US is ceding broader global leadership.

It raises difficult questions about the future of multilateralism, signals a possible tilt in geopolitical power away from the US and casts doubt over the American-rules based liberal order that has underpinned economic prosperity for most of the past 70 years.

Though Trump dangled the option of renegotiating a "fair" agreement to ensure a "level playing field" for the US, European leaders quickly rejected his overture.

His decision to quit was emphatic. "I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris," he said.

Trump dismissed last-minute pleas from numerous chief executives, foreign leaders and globalist administration officials ...
Trump dismissed last-minute pleas from numerous chief executives, foreign leaders and globalist administration officials as well as daughter Ivanka. Getty Images

At the White House rose garden, Trump insisted that American workers and taxpayers would no longer be "punished" by big polluters like China imposing climate regulations to slow the US economy, send US manufacturing and coal jobs offshore and siphon billions of US dollars for a green climate fund.

"Foreign leaders in Europe, Asia and across the world should not have more to say with respect to the US economy than our own citizens and elected representatives, thus our withdrawal from the agreement represents a reassertion of America's sovereignty," Trump said.

China moves forward

As the US pulls back, an opportunistic Beijing is already moving to try to fill the US vacuum at this historic moment.

China consumes more electricity and creates more carbon emissions than any other country. Yet it is also the world's ...
China consumes more electricity and creates more carbon emissions than any other country. Yet it is also the world's leader in renewable energy, known in part for its sprawling solar fields. Kevin Frayer

Ultimately, an equivocating Trump succumbed to pressure from populist nationalists and global-warming sceptic Republicans to fulfil a campaign pledge to quit Paris under his "America First" catchcry.

He dismissed last-minute pleas from numerous chief executives, foreign leaders and globalist administration officials such as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, economic adviser Gary Cohn and daughter Ivanka.

For climate change, the recoil by the world's largest economy and biggest historic carbon emitter risks triggering higher US and global emissions than under the trajectory of former president Barack Obama.

It will tempt other signatories to the 195-nation Paris agreement to backtrack on their voluntary carbon emission cuts. Energy-rich Russia is yet to domestically ratify the agreement, unlike almost 150 countries which have.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang endorsed the Paris climate change agreement.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang endorsed the Paris climate change agreement. Sean Gallup

Under United Nations rules, it will take until 2020 for the US to officially withdraw from the landmark deal, akin to a Brexit-like delay.

Yet even if Trump has joined Syria and Nicaragua in shunning the Paris accord, world leaders from Europe, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, India and Australia are recommitting to their non-legally binding Paris emission targets.

There are powerful political, economic and technological forces vying to gradually reduce emissions – probably not fast enough to avoid global temperatures rising by more than two degrees Celsius as scientists advise, but nevertheless broadly in the direction as before Trump's backtrack.

Decision fuels policy uncertainty

Trump has risked making it harder to find friends and partners on other US pet international objectives in a volatile ...
Trump has risked making it harder to find friends and partners on other US pet international objectives in a volatile world. The US President stands isolated and virtually alone. Andrew Harnik

Abundant, cheap and clean US natural gas and plunging solar prices mean the US private sector is rapidly cutting back on dirty coal.

Gas surpassed coal as the largest source of electricity in the US last year and the amount of coal used in the past decade has fallen by more than 30 per cent. Trump's pledge to bring back coal jobs and unwind Obama's coal regulation will do little to stop this trend.

Businesses, including US multinationals that are bound by climate policies in countries which they operate, are self-imposing carbon constraints in the knowledge that some form of carbon pricing is inevitable for their long-term investments.

Oil majors ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell, miners Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, industrial companies General Electric and Dow Chemical, Wall Street banks and Silicon Valley-tech firms all pressed Trump to remain in the deal, preferring the certainty and stability of a global climate policy.

Nine north-east US states will retain their combined cap-and-trade program to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the power sector. The governors of New York, California and Washington state announced the formation of the "United States Climate Alliance" to help pick up the slack for Trump.

The west coast state of California, one of the world's ten largest economies and home to technology giants Apple, Facebook and Google parent Alphabet, has an aggressive target to cut emissions 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030. California governor Jerry Brown has doubled down on his cap-and-trade scheme and other climate policies, before he heads to China on Friday. He vowed to partner more with Beijing and Europe to offset Trump's pullback.

Li aligns with Merkel

China's Premier Li spoke alongside Germany's Merkel about forging a stronger partnership, just as Trump was poised on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean to announce the US retreat.

Ironically, under Paris, Trump was actually free to weaken Obama's voluntary US emission targets and withdraw $US3 billion in funding for developing countries.

So his call for renegotiation, is either political theatre or implies that he wants other countries like China and India to make deeper cuts.

To be sure, Trump and conservative Republicans are entitled to be sceptical of China trying to take the mantle of global climate leader.

The Paris accord allows China's emissions to peak in 2030, a commitment far into the distance.

It was "staggering", Trump said, that China could continue to increase emissions for 13 more years as the US cut pollution.

"China will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants. So we can't build the plants, but they can according to this agreement," Trump said.

"India can double their coal production, we're supposed to get rid of ours."

Most acknowledge Paris was far from a perfect agreement, but supporters contend it was a stepping stone towards bolder future commitments.

Trump's own goal?

China has little option but to lower pollution to the health of its huge urbanised population. This is partly a domestic political agenda - with rising criticism of Beijing over poor air quality.

China's total carbon emissions are already equal to the US and EU combined, though significantly lower than the US on a per person basis.

Regardless, China sees a larger game at play than pure climate change in seizing the initiative to be seen as a world leader.

When Trump withdrew from the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership trade accord China proposed an alternative regional trade model to draw in traditional US allies, including Australia.

Now it sees the US climate backtrack as another opening to expand its influence around the world.

Trump may have kicked an own goal.

Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tweeted on the eve of Trump's decision, "Affirmation of the #ParisAgreement is not only about the climate: It is also about America remaining the global leader."

Joshua Meltzer, a former Australian diplomat in Washington and now senior fellow in global economy at the Brookings Institution think tank, says the consistency of US foreign policy was now "seriously called into question".

"The US has cost itself reputation and on reliability, and these are sorts things that have been piling on from the minute the administration pulled out of TPP," Meltzer says.

Trump's preference for nationalism over multilateralism will likely make countries more reticent in cooperating and supporting the US on its other trade, security and economic goals.

"Pulling out of Paris would undermine all of the President's foreign policy priorities because the international community would understand the Trump administration is not a reliable partner," says Nigel Purvis, a former senior US State Department climate change negotiator in the Clinton and Bush administrations.

Shale gas bet

Trump, for example, wants China to press North Korea to curtail its nuclear weapons program and to get a better trade deal from Beijing for US companies and workers.

Yet the former real estate mogul has just walked away from the landmark climate deal China's President Xi Jinping struck with Obama to lower global carbon emissions. Beijing viewed the agreement as pivotal.

This week, the Pentagon launched a dummy missile from the Marshall Islands to test a missile defence system, a practice drill for any nuclear weapon launches from North Korea or Iran.

The flood-prone Marshall Islands has been one of the most outspoken countries on rising sea levels from global warming.

Will it be so welcoming of US defence programs in the future? Was the launch this week timed with Trump's decision in mind?

In the short term, the US will probably still meet its 2020 voluntary target to cut emissions by 17 per cent compared to 2005, thanks to a flood of shale gas and falling solar power prices.

Beyond that, the US will fail Obama's 26-28 per cent cut goal by 2025 under Trump's withdrawal and intended roll back of domestic climate regulations, barring an unforeseen acceleration in market-based decarbonisation through innovation.

Isolated and alone

Given the approximate three-year delay until the US officially departs, the international community may hope a Democrat can clinch the 2020 presidential election and recommit the US to the Paris deal assuming it holds together in the interim.

For now, however, doubts will grow about the US ability – indeed willingness – to lead the world under Trump's "America First" nationalism.

Regardless of the consequences for climate change, Trump has risked making it harder to find friends and partners on other US pet international objectives in a volatile world. The US President stands isolated and virtually alone.