Couple nurtures Australian native ingredients for culinary stardom

Mike and Gayle Quarmby's Reedy Creek Nursery has become Australia's largest producer of indigenous plants, fruits and ...
Mike and Gayle Quarmby's Reedy Creek Nursery has become Australia's largest producer of indigenous plants, fruits and vegetables. Supplied
by Steve Meacham

Let's call Gayle Quarmby the Bush Tucker Woman.

She's the 21st-century version of Major Les Hiddins, the former Australian army officer and Bush Tucker Man who, three decades ago, rivalled Crocodile Dundee as our most internationally recognised Outback eccentric.

"Les is a lovely guy," Quarmby concedes. "His heart's in the right place and he did fantastic scientific work. But the Bush Tucker Man documentary series set back native ingredients for a generation. His TV programs were all about survival skills. For years afterwards, if you talked about native ingredients Australians pulled a face and said, 'There's no way I'm going to eat witchety grubs!'."

Quarmby comes at bush tucker from another perspective.

Kutjera bush tomato, one of six edible native tomatoe species, resembles smoky, sun-dried tomatoes.
Kutjera bush tomato, one of six edible native tomatoe species, resembles smoky, sun-dried tomatoes. Supplied

Born in Alice Springs, she spent her childhood at an even more remote settlement in the Northern Territory on the Finke River.

Hermannsburg Mission was founded 140 years ago by two Lutheran evangelists, 150 kilometres south-west of Alice Springs. Its population hasn't changed much: there's still roughly 650 people, 85 per cent Aboriginal. Quarmby, a white child, grew up surrounded by friends of a different skin colour, speaking a different native tongue.

Today she's harvesting that knowledge, and making her mark on the international stage as a missionary – albeit a culinary one.

Quarmby and horticulturalist husband, Mike, live in rural South Australia. In less than 20 years, their Reedy Creek Nursery has become Australia's largest producer of indigenous plants, fruits and vegetables.

Tempting top chefs

Any moist fish can be cooked over fish smoking rushes.
Any moist fish can be cooked over fish smoking rushes. Supplied

Regular customers include some of the world's top chefs. Quarmby rattles off their names: "Kylie [Kwong of Sydney's iconic Billy Kwong], Peter [Gilmore of Sydney's Quay] and Rene [Redzepi, the Danish chef whose restaurant Noma in Copenhagen was named best restaurant in the world four years running from 2010-14].

"Rene was here in 2016 at Reedy Creek," Quarmby says. "He loves to go out and taste flavours for themselves. But you can't run a restaurant that way. Chefs can't deal with erratic harvests. They need a predictable supply of good quality produce. That's what we provide."

Though Quarmby is the voice of Outback Pride Fresh, she acknowledges the masculine trinity that made the vision possible.

Her husband, Mike, has not only been a horticulturalist for 45 years but has rescued various indigenous plant species from extinction.

Flavourwise, marsdenia resembles snowpeas or zucchini.
Flavourwise, marsdenia resembles snowpeas or zucchini. Supplied

"He's a very skilled botanist," Quarmby says. "Some of these plants have never been cultivated before. We had a government scientist here recently who told us the last time plants had been cultivated in this way was 10,000 years ago.

"There's an opportunity here in Australia. Nowhere else in the world are there salad and food plants which have been taken less seriously."

Significant mentor

Quarmby's late father, the artist Rex Battarbee, was another significant mentor. The World War I-damaged veteran taught Albert Namatjira (still Australia's most famous Aboriginal artist) how to paint.

That's why Quarmby grew up in remote indigenous communities, learning ancient ways and eating bush tucker.

And the third man? The Quarmbys' 20-year-old son, Daniel, who died in 1999 when the car he was servicing in their driveway collapsed on him.

Returning from Daniel's funeral, the grieving couple discussed their options. "We're practical people," Quarmby explains. "List makers, planners. We felt we had to do something to self-heal, reinvent ourselves."

They took off in their trusty Holden and found inspiration at the Araluen Cultural Precinct in Alice Springs, which houses one of Namatjira's best collections.

"My parents are buried behind that gallery," Quarmby says. "Mike and I said, 'If we can do something that puts the pride back into the Outback, that would be a fitting memorial for Daniel'."

International ambition

Cashing up their superannuation, they launched Outback Pride in 2001 – initially, a range of jams, pickles, spices and sauces using indigenous ingredients.

But the bigger canvas was always to bring fresh indigenous produce to an international audience.

They toured remote Aboriginal communities, coaxing naturally suspicious locals to plant (and harvest) bush tomatoes, Davidson plums, Warrigal greens, sea parsley, paperbark and quandong. All proceeds of the produce grown in the Outback go back to the remote communities.

Before Daniel died, Reedy Creek Nursery produced 4 million blue gum trees and 500,000 grape vines. Now it produces up to 40 tonnes of 25 different Australian native plants, fruits, berries and vegies a year.

"Our biggest challenge was convincing the world that Australia's natural ingredients can be yummy," Quarmby says.

Now they have to plant a thousand seedlings a week to keep their supply chain going. "If we miss a week – say, at Christmas – we'll be in a mess six weeks later when restaurants still need fresh produce.

"It's all hand-picked. It leaves Reedy Creek within 48 hours and is at the restaurant 24 hours later. That's because it is farmed, not foraged."


For more on where to eat these ingredients and what to buy, see

Five indigenous ingredients to use at your next dinner party


  • Where it grows The sand dunes of southern Australia (it has a distinctive salt bubble configuration on its stem and leaves)
  • What it resembles (flavour wise) Ready salted snowpeas
  • How to use it Steamed, stir-fried, blanched – particularly with seafood


  • Where it grows Dry areas of inland Queensland, NSW and South Australia
  • What it resembles (flavour wise) A sour European lemon
  • How to use it Fish sauces, salad dressings, desserts (such as desert lime sorbet)


  • Where it grows Ficinia nodosa, a fresh water rush, grows along the water courses of Coorong in South Australia
  • What it resembles (flavour wise) Green tea
  • How to use it The Ngarrindjeri people cook Coorong mullet this way, but any moist fish can be cooked in a lidded BBQ or a closed scanpan


  • Where it grows Known as Kampurarpa in the Pitjantjatjara language, this is one of six edible species of bush tomatoes (out of 100). It grows in red, sandy deserts after summer rains.
  • What it resembles (flavour wise) Smoky, sun-dried tomatoes
  • How to use it Sauces, dressings, spice blends


  • Where it grows A vine, it clings to a host tree and is found in arid Australia
  • What it resembles (flavour wise) Snow peas, zucchini
  • How to use it In stir-fries, pasta, bread and other savoury dishes

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