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Balbir Singh
Design is my passion...Kitchens in particular..I love being an Indian, love my country..believe in Global Citizenship...all human beings one race
Balbir Singh 9h
We must ask for special session for the Govt to convene and pass the law on rape cases bill hanging in limbo
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Balbir Singh 9h
Ashamed to be living in my country where woman/children are not safe and lawmakers are silent and police incapable..corrupt
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Balbir Singh 9h
Human Rights Commission lady..some lingam is talking bull
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Balbir Singh 9h
The almighty must have realized his oversight and pushed the carry on button...
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Balbir Singh 9h
Sanjay Nirupam need to be held by the scuff of his neck and shaken..n pushed into mother earth
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Balbir Singh 11h
not as yet, the expiry date is not verified for the world or human beings
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scherezade 12h
Mumbai women if you're looking for a way to get home safely, call 02244222222 or 02244333222 for taxis driven by women.
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Balbir Singh 13h
The way things are in India I would look at migration to enjoy the rest of my 20 yrs in a sane location/country,quality of life is bad here
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Balbir Singh 13h
Rahul baba the national leader has made no statement after loosing/wining elections in 2 states, neither has the mama, nor the PM uncle
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Balbir Singh 13h
Who is in 'sync' in this Govt of Delhi and GOI ?? None..they are all on their own trip
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IndiaFirst 14h
Sanjay Nirupam (MP). Mobile: 9013180666, 9821345666.Offices: 011-23356877 & 022-26311666. Email:
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Balbir Singh 14h
The trail and verdict be given on a time bound period of not more than 4/6 mercy petitions etc
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Swapan Seth 14h
The rapists have to be hanged. This life-imprisonment business is crap!
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Balbir Singh 14h
Men by and large will welcome an opportunity to flirt...without batting an eyelid (exceptions will be there pl)
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Truly Capricorns 14h
's can be very dangerous when provoked.
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Balbir Singh 14h
The gap between the have and have not's in India is too large...which is the cause of lawlessness, judiciary too laid back, reform a must
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Balbir Singh 14h
The countdown for 2014 is sounded with Gujarat election getting over and now sharpening of knives to begin, algebra of politics begin
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Balbir Singh 14h
Everything wrong/criminal/mean/creepy/violators/scams/murder/robbery/loot/sex all are represented in the parliament
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Tavleen Singh 14h
RT : How can you expect justice for victims of rape when those accused of rape are sitting in Parliament?
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Balbir Singh 14h
Mumbai traffic guys letting you off after taking 100 bucks..standing close to Sidhivinayak since over a week
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