UNDP Around the world

Only one ocean

We have just one ocean - and a unique opportunity to protect this vital resource.

Learn more

Digital technology for legal identity
Proof of identity allows citizens to access services and exercise rights, like voting.Read more
Not just more, but better
How can governments effectively mobilize and manage money for real development results?Read more
10 things you can do for the ocean
Act now to protect this vast but vulnerable natural resource.Read more
Responding to drought in Kenya
Creating capacity for food production and building community resilience has the potential to reduce dependence on rain fed agricultureRead more
Turning challenges into opportunities
Refugees from South Sudan and host communities in Uganda team up to propose solutions for shared challenges.Read more
Decision time? Assess first
A pragmatic approach to decision-making could avoid enormous emotional and financial costsRead more
Nature to the rescue
Working together with nature rather than against it can help reduce risks of floods along coastlinesRead more
No such things as
What makes hazards become disasters depends primarily on the way societies develop, build and constructRead more
When faith is at the crossroads
Film ‘IMAN’ presents four intimate stories of the path towards violent extremism.Read more

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Our mission

On the ground in about 170 countries and territories, UNDP works to eradicate poverty while protecting the planet. We help countries develop strong policies, skills, partnerships and institutions so they can sustain their progress.


Our impact


million jobs created in 2015, about 42 percent for women


million new voters registered in 37 countries


disaster risk reduction plans put in place in 51 countries


Take action

UNDP is committed to ending poverty once and for all. That’s why we work to get to the root causes of poverty and create lasting change. The good news is we have a plan. But we need your help to get the job done.


Become a donor

When we began our work five decades ago, one in three people worldwide lived in poverty. Now? Just one in eight. Let’s finish the job.


Fundraise for us

Join our team and fight poverty. When you fundraise for UNDP, you make a difference today and inspire better tomorrows. Let’s do this!



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It's the little things citizens do. That's what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.Wangari Maathai
Environmental activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner