- published: 01 Feb 2017
- views: 205
A nursery rhyme is a traditional poem or song for young children in Britain and many other countries, but usage only dates from the late 18th /early 19th century. In North America the term Mother Goose Rhymes, introduced in the mid-18th century, is still often used.
The oldest children's songs of which we have records are lullabies, intended to help a child sleep. Lullabies can be found in every human culture. The English term lullaby is thought to come from "lu, lu" or "la la" sound made by mothers or nurses to calm children, and "by by" or "bye bye", either another lulling sound, or a term for good night. Until the modern era lullabies were usually only recorded incidentally in written sources. The Roman nurses' lullaby, "Lalla, Lalla, Lalla, aut dormi, aut lacta", is recorded in a scholium on Persius and may be the oldest to survive.
Many medieval English verses associated with the birth of Jesus take the form of a lullaby, including "Lullay, my liking, my dere son, my sweting" and may be versions of contemporary lullabies. However, most of those used today date from the 17th century. For example, a well known lullaby such as "Rock-a-bye, baby on a tree top", cannot be found in records until the late-18th century when it was printed by John Newbery (c. 1765).
In the English language, black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within a family. The term stems from the genetic effect in sheep whereby a recessive gene occasionally manifests in the birth of a sheep with black rather than white coloring; these sheep stand out in the flock and their wool was traditionally considered less valuable.
The term has typically been given negative implications, implying waywardness. It derived from the atypical and unwanted presence of other black individuals in flocks of white sheep.
In psychology, the black sheep effect refers to the tendency of group members to judge likeable ingroup members more positively and deviant ingroup member more negatively than comparable outgroup members.
In most sheep, a white fleece is not albinism but a dominant gene that actively switches color production off, thus obscuring any other color that may be present. As a result, a black fleece in most sheep is recessive, so if a white ram and a white ewe are each heterozygous for black, in about 25% of cases they will produce a black lamb. In fact in most white sheep breeds only a few white sheep are heterozygous for black, so black lambs are usually much rarer than this.
Dwight D. York (born June 26, 1945), also known as Malachi Z. York, Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, Dr. York, et alii, is an American musician, writer, and leader of the Georgia-based Nuwaubian movement, currently imprisoned on a 135-year sentence on child molestation charges and violations of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.
York's ministry began in the late 1960s, from 1967 preaching to the "Ansaaru Allah" (viz. African Americans) in Brooklyn, and he founded numerous esoteric or quasi-religious fraternal orders under various names during the 1970s and 1980s, at first centered on pseudo-Islamic themes, Judaism (Nubian Islamic Hebrews), and later moving to a loose "Ancient Egypt" theme, eclectically mixing ideas taken from black nationalism, cryptozoological and UFO religions and popular conspiracy theory. It is now called Nuwabians.
York and the Nuwaubians came under increased government scrutiny in the early 1990s after they built Tama-Re, an Egyptian-themed "city" featuring pyramids, temples, and living quarters for about a hundred of his followers, in Putnam County, Georgia. York was arrested in May 2002, and in 2004 convicted for transporting minors across state lines for the purposes of sexual molestation, racketeering, and financial reporting charges. York's case was reported as the largest prosecution for child molestation ever directed at a single person in the history of the United States, both in terms of number of victims and number of incidents.
"Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" is an English nursery rhyme, the earliest surviving version of which dates from 1731. The words have changed little in two and a half centuries. It is sung to a variant of the 1761 French melody Ah! vous dirai-je, maman. Uncorroborated theories have been advanced to explain the meaning of the rhyme. These include that it is a complaint against Medieval English taxes on wool and that it is about the slave trade. In the twentieth century it was a subject of controversies in debates about political correctness. It has been used in literature and popular culture as a metaphor and allusion. The Roud Folk Song Index classifies the lyrics and their variations as number 4439.
Recent versions tend to take the following form:
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir,
Three bags full;
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
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Scarlet Snow Real Mother? Egg Cell Ba Ni Crytal or Vicky Belo?
Baa Baa Black Sheep and Many More Kids Songs | Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection by ChuChu TV
Yasmine Hamdan - La Ba'den (music video by Elia Suleiman)
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3/3 Komanda - Dominykas Bliznikas, Petras Skukauskas, Vitalijus Puzyriovas, Dominyka Berulytė, Egidijus Urbonas, Vitalijus Bucenka, Emilija Knyzelytė Vaidino - Benas Aleksandravičius, Antanas Luciūnas, Tomas Urbelionis, Alina Žalinkaitė, Albertas Šimkus, Mindaugas Šukys, Miron Savdianec, Juozapas Žygas, Augis Psyx
Baa Baa Black Sheep and Many More Kids Songs 00:08 - Baa Baa Black Sheep Nursery Rhyme 02:24 - Christmas song Nursery Rhyme 06:54 - If You're Happy And You Know It Nursery Rhyme 09:46 - Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed Nursery Rhyme 12:12 - Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes - Exercise Song 14:10 - Rain, Rain, Go Away 16:39 - Johny Johny Yes Papa NEW 18:20 - Phonics Song 22:11 - Five Little Ducks 24:12 - Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round – Part2 26:13 - Incy Wincy Spider 28:00 - Hey Diddle Diddle 29:58 - Chubby Cheeks 32:12 - Ten In The Bed Numbers Song 35:48 - Numbers Song 40:14 - Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall 42:17 - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 44:39 - Abc Alphabet Song 47:10 - Old MacDonald Had A Farm 49:05 - Let's Learn The Colors! 51:44 - BINGO Dog Song 54:27 - Mary Had A Little ...
La Ba'den by Yasmine Hamdan, from the upcoming album "Al Jamilat", out on March 17. CD/LP preorder here : https://crammed.greedbag.com/buy/al-jamilat-0/ Directed by Elia Suleiman Producers: Serge Catoire & Maxime Herve DOP: Alexis Kavyrchine Editing: Véronique Lange Post-production: M141 - Thibault Carterot Stylist: Ylias Nacer Stage decoration: Gordon Cyrus Make up: Maniacha Director's personal assistant: Madeleine Leveque FB : https://www.facebook.com/yasminehamdanofficial/l