- published: 28 Dec 2015
- views: 128092
Olaya (Colombia) is a municipality in the Colombian department of Antioquia.
Olaya (Iraq) is a city located in northern Iraq
Olaya (Riyadh) is a modern commercial area in northern Riyadh
Sound system may refer to:
In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as a typically audible mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through a medium such as air or water. In physiology and psychology, sound is the reception of such waves and their perception by the brain.
Acoustics is the interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of mechanical waves in gases, liquids, and solids including vibration, sound, ultrasound, and infrasound. A scientist who works in the field of acoustics is an acoustician, while someone working in the field of acoustical engineering may be called an acoustical engineer. An audio engineer, on the other hand is concerned with the recording, manipulation, mixing, and reproduction of sound.
Applications of acoustics are found in almost all aspects of modern society, subdisciplines include aeroacoustics, audio signal processing, architectural acoustics, bioacoustics, electro-acoustics, environmental noise, musical acoustics, noise control, psychoacoustics, speech, ultrasound, underwater acoustics, and vibration.
A system is a set of interacting or interdependent component parts forming a complex/intricate whole. Every system is delineated by its spatial and temporal boundaries, surrounded and influenced by its environment, described by its structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.
The term system may also refer to a set of rules that governs structure and/or behavior. Alternatively, and usually in the context of complex social systems, the term is used to describe the set of rules that govern structure and/or behavior.
The term "system" comes from the Latin word systēma, in turn from Greek σύστημα systēma: "whole compounded of several parts or members, system", literary "composition".
According to Marshall McLuhan,
"System" means "something to look at". You must have a very high visual gradient to have systematization. In philosophy, before Descartes, there was no "system". Plato had no "system". Aristotle had no "system".
In the 19th century the French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot, who studied thermodynamics, pioneered the development of the concept of a "system" in the natural sciences. In 1824 he studied the system which he called the working substance (typically a body of water vapor) in steam engines, in regards to the system's ability to do work when heat is applied to it. The working substance could be put in contact with either a boiler, a cold reservoir (a stream of cold water), or a piston (to which the working body could do work by pushing on it). In 1850, the German physicist Rudolf Clausius generalized this picture to include the concept of the surroundings and began to use the term "working body" when referring to the system.
Olaya Sound System - Desaparecer (Videoclip Oficial)
Olaya Sound System - Agua de Manantial (Sesión Andex´s)
Ruben Blades - Olaya
Olaya Sound System - Jacarandá
Olaya Sound System - El Monte
Olaya Sound System - Los Olaya (Sesiones PUCP)
Olaya Sound System - Esta Alegría (Videoclip Oficial)
Olaya - Siente El Calor (CARIBE MIX 2008) LA CANCION DEL VERANO
Olaya Sound System - Invierno Limeño (Sesión Andex´s)
Actors: Delia Fiallo (writer), Orlando Urdaneta (actor), Lupita Ferrer (actress), Caridad Canelón (actress), Eva Blanco (actress), Franklin Vírgüez (actor), Eduardo Serrano (actor), Betty Ruth (actress), Haydée Balza (actress), Esperanza Magaz (actress), Flor Núñez (actress), Ana Castell (actress), Martín Lantigua (actor), Raúl Xiqués (actor), Chelo Rodríguez (actress),
Genres: Drama,Nuevo tema de Olaya Sound System, grabado en el estudio Andex´s. Cámara: Jorge Morales y Tara Morales Bermudez Dirección, Edición y Post: Matteo Bonora Abril de 2017. Lima, Perú. Gracias a: Zamalloa y Andex`s.
Track del disco ganador del grammy 2009 cantaautor por Rubén Blades, Cantares del Subdesarrollo. Conozco de un sitio perfecto Mas nadie sabe del lugar Sirenas cuidan mi secretos Los guardan entre cielo y mar Refugio contra las tormentas Las penas de la realidad Solo ella puede comprenderme Olaya la reina del mar Preciosa ella se aparece Mas linda que un atardecer Sus ojos dos cielos profundos Su oca colmena de miel. Su cuerpo precioso y ardiente Me abraza y se vuelve mi piel Olaya se acerca a decirme Lo que siempre he querido saber.
Videoclip oficial del tema "El Monte" de Olaya Sound System, de su disco "Nuestra Casa". Realizado por alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación de la PUCP. Dirección: Pamela C. Paredes Velásquez Producción General: Fernando Arróspide Dirección de Fotografía: Jeanette Pérez Asistencia de Dirección: Carmen Montoya Asistencia de Producción: Jesús Gonza / Candy Vargas Dirección de Arte: Karina Torres Asistencia de Arte: Elizabeth Tenorio / Daniel Saavedra Iluminación: Elías Pereda / Sandra Valencia Cámaras: Lorena Fassioli / Sergio Yep Edición: Lorena Fassioli / Ana Lucía Pavletich Colorización: Jeanette Pérez / Lorena Fassioli Gracias al auspicio de: IBUKI SUSHI BAR http://www.ibuki.com.pe/ https://www.facebook.com/ibukisushibar LA BICICLETERÍA http://www.labicic...
Olaya Sound System, grupo peruano que combina la cumbia, el reggae y el ska, se empezó a formar en la PUCP. Esta vez volvieron al patio de Estudios Generales Ciencias de nuestra Universidad para tocar uno de sus temas. Olaya Sound System son: Lorenzo Zolezzi (guitarra, voz), Matteo Bonora (guitarra, voz), Alonso Rodriguez (bajo), Rodrigo Castillo (batería y percusiones) y Carlos Morales (animación). Mezcla y masterización de audio: Raúl Max Suscríbete al Youtube de la PUCP: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=pucp Visítanos en: http://www.pucp.edu.pe Síguenos en: http://www.facebook.com/pucp http://twitter.com/pucp/
OLAYA SOUND SYSTEM performs the song "DESAPARECER" for BalconyTV. Subscribe to us right now at http://bit.ly/15yj4oc 'Like' us on Facebook - http://Facebook.com/balconytv Follow us on Twitter - http://Twitter.com/balconytv PRESENTED BY FRANCESCA BRIVIO Olaya Sound System was founded in Lima in 2008, searching for a sound that could integrate different genres of peruvian, latin and tropical music. Peru is a special place where different traditions have converged: those from the complex Andean world, the many different cultures of the Amazon forest, the native coastal tradition, the spanish-european heritage, and of course the strong tradition brought by the africans. This particular cultural background has undoubtedly been the main inspiration to find the original sound of Olaya Soun...
Nuevo tema de Olaya Sound System, grabado en el estudio Andex´s. Cámara: Jorge Morales y Tara Morales Bermudez Dirección, Edición y Post: Matteo Bonora Abril de 2017. Lima, Perú. Gracias a: Zamalloa y Andex`s.
Wakker om half vijf, weer nen halven dag voorbij
(fucking houten kop)
De kater zit vooral opzij
Lange nachten, waarschijnlijk was ik behoorlijk scheef
Misschien was het plezant, maar mijn geheugen is een zeef
Ik heb mijn oude gewoonte weeral volledig terug
En mensen merken het, ze praten achter mijne rug
'K ben als ne gokker die den helft al verloren heeft
(blijven gaan)
Precies alsof ik morgen nie meer leef
Alsof ik nie meer aan u denk ik mis u pokkehard
Da single-zijn heeft mij genekt vanaf de fucking start
Ik weet nie waarom ik feest, waarom ik niks stuur
Waarom ik uitgezogen naar een volle ?
En ik hoor de stemmen terug van gisterennacht
"Hij is zo irritant, hij is weer iets te zat"
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
En vanavond ben ik fris, dan doen ik het weer
Party all night, drie uur en ik lig al neer
Ik fuck het op...
Zonder een noodkreet, zonder een teken
Ik heb u plots in een bevlieging weggesmeten
En 'k heb u laten liggen da was weeral heel stoer
Maar toen de deur dicht sloeg kneep het mijn keel toe
Nu heb ik tegenslag, stroppen zien ik heel den dag
Nu zen ik het die zit te sturen of ik toesteken mag
Ik krijg ne "fuck you, nu komd'op de proppen"
En die shit is zo waar maar toch kan ik het nie verkroppen
Ik lig te stinken in mijn bed, ik kom voor niks deruit
Ik zien gebouwen en bruggen als ik mijn ogen sluit
En 't is nie meer dan redelijk da 'k in de hel ben
Maar ik wil iemand slagen precies alsof ik het zelf ben
En ik kan nummers vol zagen maar het is te laat
Ge moet van u af bijten, 't was mijn eigen raad
Ik fuck het op, ik fuck het op
Waarschijnlijk slaan ik morgen door en dan bel ik u weer
Vier keer voicemail en dan leg ik neer