Mature Adult man working in the office

Debts rule out early house hunt

THERE’S no point thinking about getting into the housing market if you are saddled with debt. Fix that first and build your savings, writes Barefoot Investor.

Forget Paris, it’s the rate climate

Forget Paris, it’s the rate climate

DONALD Trump takes the US out of the Paris climate accord — and Wall St rockets to yet another all-time high, writes Terry McCrann.

Record high on Wall St

Record high on Wall St

US stocks closed at record highs for a second consecutive session, as gains in tech and industrial stocks more than offset a lukewarm jobs report.

Trump a cloud on certainty

Trump a cloud on certainty

THE US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement adds a “damaging” layer of uncertainty for businesses worldwide, Australian industry leaders say.

Buyer beware for booming Bitcoin

Buyer beware for booming Bitcoin

THE Barefoot Investor won’t be investing in booming Bitcoin, and he doesn’t recommend anyone else does either. Here are the reasons why you should avoid the virtual currency.

Breaking News


Alliance secures Cape Preston deal

Alliance will provide aerodrome management and ground handling services for CITIC Pacific Mining for the Cape Preston (Sino Iron) Aerodrome facility. Read more


Genex benefits from Qld energy project

Genex Power welcomes the Queensland state government's announcement in relation to the strategic transmission infrastructure in North Queensland. Read more


St George continues Mt Alexander drilling

St George Mining has drilled the first ever drill hole at the Cathedrals East prospect within the Mt Alexander project. Read more